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#1 2024-08-13 20:19:46

Registered: 2024-07-21
Posts: 7

Steam games crashing on launch

I'm using Arch plus Hyprland on my gaming PC and have been since I built it in late April. Several games that use to run flawlessly now refuse to start at all. I press play, the button turns blue, it says that the game has launched, and then the button turns green again with nothing popping up. I'm using an AMD CPU and GPU with updated drivers. I've verified the integrity of the files, uninstalled and reinstalled several times. I'm using only EXT4 partitions as I saw online that NTFS partitions can cause issues for Linux game compatibility.  I also changed the vm.max_map_count value based on online advice which did not solve the problem.  Any help is appreciated!

Last edited by peroxidesunflower (2024-08-14 00:57:53)


#2 2024-08-14 16:46:33

Registered: 2023-04-11
Posts: 207

Re: Steam games crashing on launch

No idea but I do have one suggestion that probably isn't it.  Have you tried deleting all your downloaded files in settings?  Sometimes after updates you have to do that.


#3 2024-08-14 21:06:52

Registered: 2024-07-21
Posts: 7

Re: Steam games crashing on launch

In the steam settings? Where in the file system?


#4 2024-08-15 05:09:28

From: The Wirral
Registered: 2014-02-20
Posts: 8,820

Re: Steam games crashing on launch

peroxidesunflower wrote:

I'm using an AMD CPU and GPU with updated drivers

AMDGPU-PRO is shit for games. Use the open source drivers instead.

Jin, Jîyan, Azadî


#5 2024-08-15 21:18:01

Registered: 2023-04-11
Posts: 207

Re: Steam games crashing on launch

I'm at work so I can't see exactly what tabs to push but go into settings, then downloaded content?, something with 'download' in it, and in there should be a button to clear your download cache or something similar.

Last edited by tdtooke (2024-08-15 21:18:26)


#6 2024-08-16 05:35:03

Registered: 2016-09-02
Posts: 20

Re: Steam games crashing on launch

Launch Steam from a terminal with

steam --verbose

and see if it says anything when the game crashes.

Last edited by jack476 (2024-08-16 05:35:24)


#7 2024-08-16 19:27:41

Registered: 2024-07-21
Posts: 7

Re: Steam games crashing on launch

launched via

 steam --verbose 

and ran Balatro (one of the problem games)
this is the readout.

chdir "/home/calypso/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Balatro"
ERROR: object '/home/calypso/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32): ignored.
ERROR: object '/home/calypso/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_64/' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64): ignored.
ERROR: object '/home/calypso/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32): ignored.
ERROR: object '/home/calypso/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32): ignored.
ERROR: object '/home/calypso/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32): ignored.
Adding process 3983 for gameID 2379780
Adding process 3984 for gameID 2379780
Adding process 3985 for gameID 2379780
Adding process 4069 for gameID 2379780
wine: using kernel write watches, use_kernel_writewatch 1.
fsync: up and running.
Adding process 4070 for gameID 2379780
Adding process 4071 for gameID 2379780
wine: using kernel write watches, use_kernel_writewatch 1.
Adding process 4072 for gameID 2379780
Adding process 4075 for gameID 2379780
wine: using kernel write watches, use_kernel_writewatch 1.
Adding process 4077 for gameID 2379780
wine: using kernel write watches, use_kernel_writewatch 1.
Adding process 4080 for gameID 2379780
wine: using kernel write watches, use_kernel_writewatch 1.
Adding process 4090 for gameID 2379780
wine: using kernel write watches, use_kernel_writewatch 1.
Adding process 4103 for gameID 2379780
wine: using kernel write watches, use_kernel_writewatch 1.
Adding process 4109 for gameID 2379780
wine: using kernel write watches, use_kernel_writewatch 1.
wine: using kernel write watches, use_kernel_writewatch 1.
Adding process 4124 for gameID 2379780
wine: using kernel write watches, use_kernel_writewatch 1.
Setting breakpad minidump AppID = 2379780
Steam_SetMinidumpSteamID:  Caching Steam ID:  76561199161190974 [API loaded no]
wine: using kernel write watches, use_kernel_writewatch 1.
Adding process 4141 for gameID 2379780
pid 4073 != 4072, skipping destruction (fork without exec?)
Game 2379780 created interface STEAMAPPLIST_INTERFACE_VERSION001 / AppList
Game 2379780 created interface STEAMAPPS_INTERFACE_VERSION008 / Apps
Game 2379780 created interface STEAMHTMLSURFACE_INTERFACE_VERSION_004 / HTMLSurface
Game 2379780 created interface STEAMHTTP_INTERFACE_VERSION002 / HTTP
Game 2379780 created interface STEAMINVENTORY_INTERFACE_V002 / Inventory
Game 2379780 created interface STEAMMUSICREMOTE_INTERFACE_VERSION001 / MusicRemote
Game 2379780 created interface STEAMMUSIC_INTERFACE_VERSION001 / Music
Game 2379780 created interface STEAMPARENTALSETTINGS_INTERFACE_VERSION001 / ParentalSettings
Game 2379780 created interface STEAMREMOTESTORAGE_INTERFACE_VERSION014 / RemoteStorage
Game 2379780 created interface STEAMSCREENSHOTS_INTERFACE_VERSION003 / Screenshots
Game 2379780 created interface STEAMUGC_INTERFACE_VERSION010 / UGC
Game 2379780 created interface STEAMUSERSTATS_INTERFACE_VERSION011 / UserStats
Game 2379780 created interface STEAMVIDEO_INTERFACE_V002 / Video
Game 2379780 created interface SteamController006 / Controller
Game 2379780 created interface SteamFriends015 / Friends
Game 2379780 created interface SteamMatchMaking009 / Matchmaking
Game 2379780 created interface SteamMatchMakingServers002 / MatchmakingServers
Game 2379780 created interface SteamNetworking005 / Networking
Game 2379780 created interface SteamUser019 / User
Game 2379780 created interface SteamUtils009 / Utils
Game 2379780 method call count for IClientAppManager::GetCurrentLanguage : 1
Game 2379780 method call count for IClientAppManager::GetAvailableLanguages : 1
Game 2379780 method call count for IClientAppManager::GetAppInstallDir : 1
Game 2379780 method call count for IClientAppManager::GetAppInstallState : 2
Game 2379780 method call count for IClientUtils::RecordSteamInterfaceCreation : 22
Game 2379780 method call count for IClientUtils::GetSteamUILanguage : 1
Game 2379780 method call count for IClientUtils::GetAppID : 24
Game 2379780 method call count for IClientUser::GetSteamID : 1
Uploaded AppInterfaceStats to Steam
Removing process 4141 for gameID 2379780
Removing process 4124 for gameID 2379780
Removing process 4109 for gameID 2379780
Removing process 4103 for gameID 2379780
Removing process 4090 for gameID 2379780
Removing process 4080 for gameID 2379780
Removing process 4077 for gameID 2379780
Removing process 4075 for gameID 2379780
Removing process 4072 for gameID 2379780
Removing process 4071 for gameID 2379780
Removing process 4070 for gameID 2379780
Removing process 4069 for gameID 2379780
Removing process 3985 for gameID 2379780
Removing process 3984 for gameID 2379780
Removing process 3983 for gameID 2379780

Here's the readout for Noita another problem game.

chdir "/home/calypso/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Noita"
ERROR: object '/home/calypso/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32): ignored.
ERROR: object '/home/calypso/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_64/' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64): ignored.
ERROR: object '/home/calypso/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32): ignored.
ERROR: object '/home/calypso/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32): ignored.
ERROR: object '/home/calypso/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32): ignored.
Adding process 6727 for gameID 881100
Adding process 6728 for gameID 881100
Adding process 6729 for gameID 881100
Adding process 6813 for gameID 881100
wine: using kernel write watches, use_kernel_writewatch 1.
fsync: up and running.
Adding process 6814 for gameID 881100
Adding process 6815 for gameID 881100
wine: using kernel write watches, use_kernel_writewatch 1.
Adding process 6816 for gameID 881100
Adding process 6819 for gameID 881100
wine: using kernel write watches, use_kernel_writewatch 1.
wine: using kernel write watches, use_kernel_writewatch 1.
Adding process 6821 for gameID 881100
wine: using kernel write watches, use_kernel_writewatch 1.
Adding process 6824 for gameID 881100
Adding process 6834 for gameID 881100
wine: using kernel write watches, use_kernel_writewatch 1.
Adding process 6848 for gameID 881100
wine: using kernel write watches, use_kernel_writewatch 1.
Adding process 6854 for gameID 881100
wine: using kernel write watches, use_kernel_writewatch 1.
wine: using kernel write watches, use_kernel_writewatch 1.
Adding process 6869 for gameID 881100
wine: using kernel write watches, use_kernel_writewatch 1.
Setting breakpad minidump AppID = 881100
Steam_SetMinidumpSteamID:  Caching Steam ID:  76561199161190974 [API loaded no]
wine: using kernel write watches, use_kernel_writewatch 1.
Adding process 6886 for gameID 881100
pid 6817 != 6816, skipping destruction (fork without exec?)
Game 881100 created interface STEAMREMOTESTORAGE_INTERFACE_VERSION014 /
Game 881100 created interface STEAMUGC_INTERFACE_VERSION013 /
Game 881100 created interface STEAMUSERSTATS_INTERFACE_VERSION011 /
Game 881100 created interface SteamUser020 /
Game 881100 created interface SteamUser020 / User
Game 881100 created interface SteamUtils009 /
Game 881100 created interface SteamUtils009 / Utils
Game 881100 method call count for IClientUGC::GetSubscribedItems : 1
Game 881100 method call count for IClientUGC::GetNumSubscribedItems : 1
Game 881100 method call count for IClientRemoteStorage::IsCloudEnabledForApp : 1
Game 881100 method call count for IClientUserStats::RequestCurrentStats : 1
Game 881100 method call count for IClientUtils::RecordSteamInterfaceCreation : 7
Game 881100 method call count for IClientUtils::GetAppID : 9
Game 881100 method call count for IClientUser::GetSteamID : 1
Game 881100 method call count for IClientUser::BLoggedOn : 1
Uploaded AppInterfaceStats to Steam
Removing process 6886 for gameID 881100
Removing process 6869 for gameID 881100
Removing process 6854 for gameID 881100
Removing process 6848 for gameID 881100
Removing process 6834 for gameID 881100
Removing process 6824 for gameID 881100
Removing process 6821 for gameID 881100
Removing process 6819 for gameID 881100
Removing process 6816 for gameID 881100
Removing process 6815 for gameID 881100
Removing process 6814 for gameID 881100
Removing process 6813 for gameID 881100
Removing process 6729 for gameID 881100
Removing process 6728 for gameID 881100
Removing process 6727 for gameID 881100

something to do with ?

Last edited by peroxidesunflower (2024-08-16 19:31:55)


#8 2024-08-16 20:23:20

Registered: 2023-04-11
Posts: 207

Re: Steam games crashing on launch

Two thoughts.  Oddball shot, try steam --reset.  Who knows, it might work.  Barring that I'm guessing it's related to the architectures of the games in question.  Maybe missing 32bit libraries for whatever reason.  If it's an architecture thing somebody more knowledgeable than me would need to help you.


#9 2024-08-16 21:09:27

Registered: 2024-07-21
Posts: 7

Re: Steam games crashing on launch

steam --reset didn't work unfortunately. I'll see if i can figure out what's going on with the missing libraries (if it is that) but I'm at a loss.

Last edited by peroxidesunflower (2024-08-16 21:10:10)


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