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Trying to get Xspice going as X server that opens a port to remotely connect. No info on this on the web, so trying to piece together. I've created the file ~/.xserverrc with the following:
exec /usr/bin/Xspice --password 123456789 --ipv4-only --port 5900 "$@"
This seems to start and run okay with 'startx', then i3 starts normally. And I see a Xspice process. But no ports are open for xspice client to connect too.
Any ideas? Or helpful links?
How and did you resolve ?
In any event, please always remember to mark resolved threads by editing your initial posts subject - so others will know that there's no task left, but maybe a solution to find.
On topic:
no ports are open for xspice client to connect too
How do you determine this? nmap? netstat/ss? Do you connect from the local host or across a network?
nmap <ip.of.the.spiceserver>
No info on this on the web
Thanks your help got my other thread solved and I updated. This post was for the Xspice server which is different then x11spice.
I used 'lsof -i -n -P' for looking at ports. But since I solved x11spice, I dont need to troubleshoot the Xspice issue.
Ok, just fyi, you can look up open local ports w/ netstat/ss (try "ss -tulpen") and for remote access scan the host w/ nmap.
Pages: 1