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I'm interested in adopting apcupsd package from community but I can't do this through AUR web interface. Are there any restrictions for adpoting packages from community? If so, maybe someone downgrade apcupsd to unsupported, so I can adpot it? Or someone else take care about this package?
Read the AUR Guidelines - the community repo is maintained by the TUs (Trusted Users). Downgrading from community to unsupported is considered a last resort. Any TU can upgrade any community package, so please be patient.
Yes, I know.
But apcupsd package has got status "orphaned" and "out-of-date". Seems, like no one of TUs is taking care of this package at the moment.
So what about putting it back to unsupported, so I can adopt it?
Sorry raku - just edited my post.
OK - I can wait. Fast upgrade is not so important to me, as apcupsd daemon from community works fine for me.
I was just websurfing through AUR and spotted apcupsd being orphaned. I use it on my workstation, so I thought I can help.
Any TU can upgrade any community package, so please be patient.
... and that explains why it could be orphaned. I thought, TUs don't want to support it anymore. Well, I was wrong, so the problem seems to be solved.
Thank you for your explanations.
raku: If you want to help out, send me an updated PKGBUILD for acupsd 3.12.4. Make sure that it works as I don't have that hardware so I can't test it. I'll double check the PKGBUILD and will update the community package.
raku: If you want to help out, send me an updated PKGBUILD for acupsd 3.12.4.
I've sent it via PM.