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Does anyone other than me have similar issue with latest kernel (6.10.7.arch1-1) ?
Boot failed and systemctl.status boot.mount told that vfat not recognized.
The issue happened on Lenovo T440S laptop, I did downgrade kernel (linux) to 6.10.6. and is now functioning ok.
I have also a desktop computer not having this issue, it functions normally under 6.10.7.
I guess I'll wait next kernel with the laptop, then look deeper if issue still exists.
This problem might also be related to boot manager, as I have rEFInd on laptop, and GRUB on desktop.
Last edited by euromatlox (2024-09-02 17:16:01)
most probable cause is that the vmlinuz-linux kernel in /boot was not upgraded because some reason (boot not mounted, failure in pacman hook, no space). maybe pacman log will have some clue.
upgrade again, and check that
file /boot/vmlinuz-linux
ls /usr/lib/modules/
have the same version.
I did retry but problem still exists. Downgrade helped again. For some reason vfat file system is not recognized any more (and /boot not mounted).
did you check the file after upgrade, before reboot?
As I see it now, since boot partition cannot be found, the update is going into boot directory of system partition, that's the issue.
An additional icon also appeared to rEFIND menu because of this. Best solution for now is just downgrade.
since boot partition cannot be found, the update is going into boot directory of system partition, that's the issue
I thought you said the system booted fine with kernel 6.10.6?
Is the /boot/ partition correctly mounted when you boot with that kernel? Does upgrading the kernel with the /boot/ partition mounted correctly fix things?
Check /etc/fstab and see if the /boot/ entry is correct. Did you check the pacman log, as suggested by astraic?
Best solution for now is just downgrade
Downgrading is never a solution.
Jin, Jiyan, Azadî
I'll return with this if still have this problem when next kernel update is available.
Happened before that a (different) problem has resolved in the later update.
Yes downgrading is only a short term solution for now, but with 6.10.6 all is fine for now.
I did not found any clue from pacman's log file.
The systemctl.status boot.mount telling that vfat is unknown is best clue.
Last edited by euromatlox (2024-09-02 17:17:31)
post your fstab and the output of lsblk -f and/or blkid
since boot partition cannot be found
this won't change with the next update - you have to fix that anyway
I came to conclusion that there was some major error with the Laptop's linux setup.
I removed rEFInd and replaced it with GRUB. I did use efibootmgr to remove the rEFInd entry from boot options.
GRUB installed correctly when I figured to use --efi-directory=/boot instead of --efi-directory=/boot/EFI.
So this problem is fully solved.