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#1 2024-09-11 15:34:57

Registered: 2012-05-14
Posts: 377

Backintime root backup to ssh server in the LAN

Hi to all,
I have my personal pc with archlinux and wayland (lets call it pcA) where my userA which is in sudoers and root is disabled.
On this PC I'm using backintime(roor) to execute snapshots backups using as storing device a local usb mounted hdd.
Now I have a second Pc ( pcB) which I would like to use as ssh server in the LAN to store the backups (after having moved the usb disk to it).
On pcB I have installed an headless archlinux and I've created an userB which is in sudoers and root is disabled.
I've tried to understand how to configure the ssh server on pcB and backintime on pcA to use SSH, but still it is not clear to me if the users on the two pc must have the same name and if I have to create the public key on pcA or pcB, and if I had tto do that while I'm root or not (the backintime root is executed by root).
Can you help me, please?
Is there any step by step guide to follow?
I've read the backintime manual, but sincerly I have still a lot of doubts.


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