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Hello guys,
Meanwhile I was updating my Arch linux, by mistake when pacman finished to download the packages I pressed Ctrl -C (Interrupt signal received) and the update don't finished.
Now, when I try to update again pacman said there is no packages to update.
I pressed just before to start with hook process
Is there any way to relaunch again the previous update?
Here is when I pressed Ctrl - C
(473/476) actualizando tokodon [####################################################################] 100%
(474/476) actualizando umbrello [####################################################################] 100%
(475/476) actualizando yakuake [####################################################################] 100%
(476/476) actualizando zanshin [####################################################################] 100%
Interrupt signal received
error: orden terminada por la señal 2: Interrupción
this is the last part of pacman.log:
[2024-09-17T10:17:29+0200] [ALPM] upgraded telegram-desktop (5.5.1-1 -> 5.5.5-1)
[2024-09-17T10:17:29+0200] [ALPM] upgraded telly-skout (24.08.0-1 -> 24.08.1-1)
[2024-09-17T10:17:29+0200] [ALPM] upgraded tokodon (24.08.0-2 -> 24.08.1-1)
[2024-09-17T10:17:29+0200] [ALPM] upgraded umbrello (24.08.0-1 -> 24.08.1-1)
[2024-09-17T10:17:30+0200] [ALPM] upgraded yakuake (24.08.0-1 -> 24.08.1-1)
[2024-09-17T10:17:30+0200] [ALPM] upgraded zanshin (24.08.0-1 -> 24.08.1-1)
[2024-09-17T10:18:31+0200] [ALPM] transaction interrupted
Thanks in advance
Last edited by xhenon (2024-09-17 09:46:16)
There is no simple way to re-run the last transaction.
You can extract all upgraded packages from the last transaction from the pacman log, though.
Then just do a
pacman -Syu <package1> <package2> ...
to force a re-installation of all packages and to trigger appropriate ALPM hooks.
Inofficial first vice president of the Rust Evangelism Strike Force
There is no simple way to re-run the last transaction.
You can extract all upgraded packages from the last transaction from the pacman log, though.
Then just do apacman -Syu <package1> <package2> ...
to force a re-installation of all packages and to trigger appropriate ALPM hooks.
Hello Schard,
You are rigth and also, after my question, I realise in the oficial pacman wiki there is a poin that said "3.5 Fixing an unbootable system caused by an interrupted upgrade" and it said exactly the same than you.
The issus is solved now.
Thank you very much.