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#1 2024-09-24 15:54:52

Registered: 2024-07-17
Posts: 20

[SOLVED] (Bluetooth) No audio after using flashplayer-standalone

I wanted to run some old swf files and came to find out about flashplayer-standalone. I just wanted to obtain the binary from the aur package and run it directly. I ran makepkg -so and ./src/flashplayer <url-to-swf> to test it out.

It ran fine except it played audio in the speakers. I reconnected my headphones while the program was running. Doing so somehow broke the audio from the headphones (or any other bluetooth playback devices).

pacmd stat

Memory blocks currently allocated: 6, size: 115.4 KiB.
Memory blocks allocated during the whole lifetime: 222076, size: 291.1 MiB.
Memory blocks imported from other processes: 4, size: 40.0 KiB.
Memory blocks exported to other processes: 0, size: 0 B.
Total sample cache size: 11.5 KiB.
Default sample spec: s16le 2ch 44100Hz
Default channel map: front-left,front-right
Default sink name: bluez_sink.FC_E9_D8_58_F0_D3.a2dp_sink
Default source name: alsa_input.pci-0000_00_1f.3.analog-stereo
Memory blocks of type POOL: 2 allocated/157799 accumulated.
Memory blocks of type POOL_EXTERNAL: 0 allocated/26639 accumulated.
Memory blocks of type APPENDED: 0 allocated/0 accumulated.
Memory blocks of type USER: 0 allocated/0 accumulated.
Memory blocks of type FIXED: 0 allocated/53780 accumulated.
Memory blocks of type IMPORTED: 4 allocated/10497 accumulated.

pactl list | grep bluetooth

	Name: module-bluetooth-policy
		module.description = "Policy module to make using bluetooth devices out-of-the-box easier"
	Name: module-bluetooth-discover
		bluetooth.protocol = "a2dp_sink"
		bluetooth.codec = "sbc_xq_453"
		device.bus = "bluetooth"
		device.icon_name = "audio-headset-bluetooth"
		bluetooth.protocol = "a2dp_sink"
		bluetooth.codec = "sbc"
		device.bus = "bluetooth"
		device.icon_name = "audio-speakers-bluetooth"
		device.bus = "bluetooth"
		device.icon_name = "audio-headset-bluetooth"
		device.bus = "bluetooth"
		device.icon_name = "audio-speakers-bluetooth"
		device.bus = "bluetooth"
		device.icon_name = "audio-headset-bluetooth"
		bluetooth.codec = "sbc_xq_453"
		bluetooth.battery = "30%"
		device.bus = "bluetooth"
		device.icon_name = "audio-speakers-bluetooth"
		bluetooth.codec = "sbc"

grep bluetooth  /etc/pulse/

load-module module-bluetooth-policy
load-module module-bluetooth-discover

and pacmd list-modules | grep bluetooth

	name: <module-bluetooth-policy>
		module.description = "Policy module to make using bluetooth devices out-of-the-box easier"
	name: <module-bluetooth-discover>

Let me know if any other information is needed to figure what happened.

Last edited by arbitarycounterfactual (2024-09-24 16:19:29)


#2 2024-09-24 16:02:12

Forum Moderator
Registered: 2012-10-16
Posts: 24,088

Re: [SOLVED] (Bluetooth) No audio after using flashplayer-standalone

Flashplayer doesn't support pulseaudio but it also shouldn't generally lead to "no audio" and you'd rather have used it via the pulseaudio-alsa bridge.

What do you get from

sudo fuser -v /dev/snd/*
aplay -lL
systemctl --user status pulseaudio pipewire wireplumber
pactl list cards
pactl list sinks
pactl list sink-inputs


#3 2024-09-24 16:19:11

Registered: 2024-07-17
Posts: 20

Re: [SOLVED] (Bluetooth) No audio after using flashplayer-standalone

Got audio with pulseaudio -k && pulseaudio --start. But not sure why pulseaudio stopped stopped playback on bluetooth devices all of a sudden!


#4 2024-09-24 16:25:54

Forum Moderator
Registered: 2012-10-16
Posts: 24,088

Re: [SOLVED] (Bluetooth) No audio after using flashplayer-standalone

Can you post these outputs? You might be running multiple implementations of the pulseaudio/BT API and a trigger (e.g. pipewire getting invoked via pipewire-alsa, which might bring up wireplumber, which might steal BT devices from pulseaudio) could give you a logical conflict.

You should btw always restart pulseaudio with

systemctl --user restart pulseaudio

to guarantee internal session consistency.


#5 2024-09-24 16:47:52

Registered: 2024-07-17
Posts: 20

Re: [SOLVED] (Bluetooth) No audio after using flashplayer-standalone

fuser output on /dev/

                     USER        PID ACCESS COMMAND
/dev/snd/controlC0:  aissy     53440 F.... pulseaudio

aplay -Ll

    Discard all samples (playback) or generate zero samples (capture)
    Rate Converter Plugin Using Libav/FFmpeg Library
    Rate Converter Plugin Using Samplerate Library
    Rate Converter Plugin Using Speex Resampler
    JACK Audio Connection Kit
    Open Sound System
    PulseAudio Sound Server
    Plugin using Speex DSP (resample, agc, denoise, echo, dereverb)
    Plugin for channel upmix (4,6,8)
    Plugin for channel downmix (stereo) with a simple spacialization
    HDA Intel PCH, ALC294 Analog
    Default Audio Device
    HDA Intel PCH, ALC294 Analog
    Front output / input
    HDA Intel PCH, ALC294 Analog
    2.1 Surround output to Front and Subwoofer speakers
    HDA Intel PCH, ALC294 Analog
    4.0 Surround output to Front and Rear speakers
    HDA Intel PCH, ALC294 Analog
    4.1 Surround output to Front, Rear and Subwoofer speakers
    HDA Intel PCH, ALC294 Analog
    5.0 Surround output to Front, Center and Rear speakers
    HDA Intel PCH, ALC294 Analog
    5.1 Surround output to Front, Center, Rear and Subwoofer speakers
    HDA Intel PCH, ALC294 Analog
    7.1 Surround output to Front, Center, Side, Rear and Woofer speakers
    HDA Intel PCH, HDMI 0
    HDMI Audio Output
    HDA Intel PCH, HDMI 1
    HDMI Audio Output
    HDA Intel PCH, HDMI 2
    HDMI Audio Output
    HDA Intel PCH, HDMI 3
    HDMI Audio Output
    HDA Intel PCH
    USB Stream Output
**** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****
card 0: PCH [HDA Intel PCH], device 0: ALC294 Analog [ALC294 Analog]
  Subdevices: 1/1
  Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 0: PCH [HDA Intel PCH], device 3: HDMI 0 [HDMI 0]
  Subdevices: 1/1
  Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 0: PCH [HDA Intel PCH], device 7: HDMI 1 [HDMI 1]
  Subdevices: 1/1
  Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 0: PCH [HDA Intel PCH], device 8: HDMI 2 [HDMI 2]
  Subdevices: 1/1
  Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 0: PCH [HDA Intel PCH], device 9: HDMI 3 [HDMI 3]
  Subdevices: 1/1
  Subdevice #0: subdevice #0

pactl list sinks, pactl list cards, pactl list sink-inputs

I don't have any other user space sound services installed apart from pulseaudio/bluetooth. I don't see a scope of such conflict.

V1del wrote:

you'd rather have used it via the pulseaudio-alsa bridge

any pointer to a read up on how to set this up? Is it just basically an install through pacman? Will it help flashplayer play audio over bluetooth?


#6 2024-09-24 17:02:27

Forum Moderator
Registered: 2012-10-16
Posts: 24,088

Re: [SOLVED] (Bluetooth) No audio after using flashplayer-standalone

Install pulseaudio-alsa and not doing anything else should be the deal. The fact that aplay -L does not point to a proper default device suggest some manual asound.conf/.asoundrc being created, which you should remove in case.

I see a combined sink, the fact that flashplayer will likely have "stolen" the actual physical card from pulseaudio could've lead to some weird interaction issue between said combine sink and the BT sink created by pulseaudio, as pulse would've been unable to maintain the combined sink as the on board card was already occupied.


#7 2024-09-24 18:30:54

Registered: 2024-07-17
Posts: 20

Re: [SOLVED] (Bluetooth) No audio after using flashplayer-standalone

Now, I do remember that a manual configuration was done with .asoundrc, for a certain issue that has to do with no audio being played 3.5mm headphone jack. Here it is:

pcm.!default {
    type plug
    slave {
	pcm "hw:0,0"	

ctl.!default {
    type hw
    card 0
defaults.bluealsa.service "org.bluealsa"
defaults.bluealsa.device "38:8B:59:93:B8:76"
defaults.bluealsa.profile "a2dp"
defaults.bluealsa.delay 10000
V1del wrote:

The fact that aplay -L does not point to a proper default device

Could you elaborate a bit? Which line of the output seems to be the deal? Removing the contents or the .asoundrc itself might reinstantiate that older issue.

Coming onto the real concern, does removing the combined sink solve this?


#8 2024-09-24 20:14:48

Forum Moderator
Registered: 2012-10-16
Posts: 24,088

Re: [SOLVED] (Bluetooth) No audio after using flashplayer-standalone

The  "default" device is not present (compare aplay -L after removing this file), which happens when you forcibly (pcm.!default ) override the standard default device (to make it show up in aplay -L you'd add a

 hint {
        show on
        description "custom default ALSA Output"

or so...

This has absolutely no relevance to any headphone jack concerns regardless (you'd configure those in amixer/alsamixer, and the config you created here is literally the logical default if you don't do anything at all) but especially not if  you are talking about pulseaudio audio clients (anything natively using pulseaudio is going to ignore this file resp. pulseaudio itself is going to ignore this file, you configure pulseaudio default sinks in pavucontrol and pactl and friends). The fact that you have a bluealsa config in here is now much more likely to be the real issue. Flashplayer is likely the first application you've  used that actually looks at the .asoundrc (due to it only supporting the ALSA API), when taken up on that offer, likely bluealsa took control of the headset (away from pulseaudio) which is why you weren't able to reinstate that without reloading pulseaudio.

So in summary, get rid of this configuration and uninstall bluez-alsa and install pulseaudio-alsa instead. That way pulseaudio will be the one daemon that controls all other audio APIs

Last edited by V1del (2024-09-24 20:18:45)


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