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#1 2024-10-05 01:56:58

Registered: 2024-05-17
Posts: 7

Using pulse audio over network with a VNC

I have a desktop (server) and laptop (client). When away from home, I'd like to use a virtual network computer (VNC) viewer to access my desktop from my laptop. I'm using TurboVNC for the server and client. I've gotten it working with the exception of audio which is not included in TurboVnc. Inspired by this GitHub comment ( … 1482196881), I want to try and tunnel audio over TCP/IP alongside video the VNC.
While not using the VNC, I'm able to stream audio between the my server and desktop just fine. I found better success setting up the tunnel with pactl instead of paprefs and Avanti using something to the effect of

# Server
pactl load-module module-tunnel-sink-new server=laptop

# Client
pactl load-module module-tunnel-source-new server=desktop

The problem is, when I login to the VNC viewer, pavucontrol just shows "establishing connection to PulseAudio" indefinitely and and pactl commands return "Connection failure: Connection terminated", so I can't load the tunnel module. 
systemctl --user status pulseaudio shows the pulseaudio daemon and socket starting and running normally. Best I can tell is that since on the VNC, there are no audio sinks, so the pulseaudio daemon never starts libpulse? I'm aware PulseAudio starts on demand.  I don't know how to circumvent this. Also, my /etc/pulse/ loads the always-sink module, so that explanation seems incomplete.

How can I start libpulse manually on a VNC server with no local audio sinks?

Last edited by czarcastic_comment (2024-10-05 02:04:01)


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