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Hi there. I'm trying to make an install script and wanted to include yay(!), but I can't run 'makepkg -si' as root, and pretending to be a user is problematic.
Searching and testing it seems that I could use 'makepkg' without arguments as user, and then use 'pacman -U' to install the package. However I can't figure out if this is adequate or if it could bring other problems.
Last edited by Wanting1378 (2024-10-09 01:15:52)
`makepkg -i` is just invoking `sudo pacman -U build-result.tar.zst`.
Last edited by mpan (2024-10-09 00:06:00)
Sometimes I seem a bit harsh — don’t get offended too easily!
If I read this correctly, you are trying to do this logged in a root. Why?
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Sometimes it is the people no one can imagine anything of who do the things no one can imagine. -- Alan Turing
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Thanks So I understand that the additional '-s' in makepkg is not being replicated and I will have problems with dependencies, or is there some other way for it to do it?
I am making an arch installation script, preferably having it all together and automated. Perhaps it would have been simpler to ask for the cleanest way to install yay/AUR from arch-chroot.
@mpanThanks So I understand that the additional '-s' in makepkg is not being replicated and I will have problems with dependencies, or is there some other way for it to do it?
`makepkg -s` installs packages needed for building. So while `pacman -U` doesn’t replicate that, there is no sense for it to provide that feature. `pacman -U` will install all (available) dependencies required for package installation, just like `pacman -S` would.
Sometimes I seem a bit harsh — don’t get offended too easily!
Cool! Then it will be noob proof and no additional worries. Thank you again.