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Hi you all
First of all... great distribution. I just changed from Ubuntu to arch and I have to say its considerably faster, has newer packages and a greater range of packages. And although I had real problems until I got where I am now (X-server, gnome, bootproblems, kernelproblems ... its definitly no distri for beginners ... ;-) I like pacman and I think I will stick with arch.
Now to my project. Some time ago I made a backup script, which is now already in Version 0.5.2 and has many functionalities. I made the script, because I found absolutely no backup tool which fitted my needs (see the website, there theyre listed) So I created this and am using it since month... It saved my life (i e the life of my files ) many times already...
If you're interested you're very welcome to try it out and give me feedback and improvement suggestions!
Here's the link:
Have a nice day!
Glad you like Arch.
You're next step, in an Arch context, is to create an Arch package for smarbs, and submit it to the AUR. If you're not sure how to do this, have a look in the wiki for details on the ABS (Arch Build System) and AUR (Archlinux User-community Repository).