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#1 2024-10-13 15:42:00

From: Pasadena, CA
Registered: 2009-07-13
Posts: 20,334

Hyprland Slow to Load and Update Configuration

I've been gravitating towards Hyprland and have found it to have become rather solid of late.

But, on my primary machine with 0.44 it seems to take a lot longer to load -- rather than times on the order of 2 seconds, I am seeing times approaching 10 seconds, and when it does start Waybar indicates a great deal of recent processor activity.   This is also true when one edits ~/.config/hypr/hyperland.conf.  After the save (which triggers a configuration reload) the environment examines it navel for several (4ish) seconds.

That machine is a Asus Vivobook with an Intel processor and graphics.

OTOH, my much less capable Macbook Air does not seem to suffer from the lag.  It too is Intel/Intel.

Once started, it runs just fine.   10 seconds is not a show-stopper, but to me it harkens that something is not quite right.   Anyone else seeing this?  Any suggestions?
Nothing of any serious note in the Journal.

Nothing is too wonderful to be true, if it be consistent with the laws of nature -- Michael Faraday
Sometimes it is the people no one can imagine anything of who do the things no one can imagine. -- Alan Turing
How to Ask Questions the Smart Way


#2 2024-10-13 15:52:27

From: The Wirral
Registered: 2014-02-20
Posts: 8,743

Re: Hyprland Slow to Load and Update Configuration

Can you get a log out of it:

Hyprland > hyprland.log 2>&1

Para todos todo, para nosotros nada


#3 2024-10-13 16:45:42

From: Pasadena, CA
Registered: 2009-07-13
Posts: 20,334

Re: Hyprland Slow to Load and Update Configuration

waller@odin/~% cat hyperland.log
Environment variable $QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME not set, ignoring.
Environment variable $XDG_DATA_DIRS not set, ignoring.
Environment variable $QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME not set, ignoring.
Environment variable $XDG_DATA_DIRS not set, ignoring.
The XKEYBOARD keymap compiler (xkbcomp) reports:
> Warning:          Unsupported maximum keycode 708, clipping.
>                   X11 cannot support keycodes above 255.
> Warning:          Could not resolve keysym XF86KbdInputAssistPrevgrou
> Warning:          Could not resolve keysym XF86KbdInputAssistNextgrou
Errors from xkbcomp are not fatal to the X server

(process:46644): GLib-CRITICAL **: 09:41:03.136: g_string_insert_len: assertion 'len == 0 || val != NULL' failed
[0.101] [glfw error 65544]: process_desktop_settings: failed with error: [org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown] The name is not activatable

Not much threre.  Dbus is running, I can see all kinds of activity with dbus-monitor when I open, say,  a file manager.

Debug is enabled in my hyperland.config.  I also turned off all my exec-once clauses just to isolate things.

ewaller@odin/~[130]% cat .config/hypr/hyprland.conf

# This is an example Hyprland config file.
# Refer to the wiki for more information.

# Please note not all available settings / options are set here.
# For a full list, see the wiki

# You can split this configuration into multiple files
# Create your files separately and then link them to this file like this:
# source = ~/.config/hypr/myColors.conf

### MONITORS ###

# See

# See
$terminal = kitty
$fileManager = dolphin

$menu = pkill rofi || rofi -show drun -show-icons
$bar = waybar -c ~/.config/waybar/config_hyprland

# Autostart necessary processes (like notifications daemons, status bars, etc.)

#exec-once = [workspace 10]thunderbird
#exec-once = $bar
#exec-once = nwg-wrapper -s  -c vivobook.css -r 1000 -a start -mt 5 -mr 5 -p right
#exec-once = swaybg -i  /home/ewaller/Downloads/PXL_20220614_124911537.MP.jpg
#exec-once = blueman-applet
#exec-once = dunst
#exec-once = gammastep-indicator -l34.16695104196095:-118.10683782883542
#exec-once = swayidle timeout 600 'swaymsg "output * dpms off"' resume 'swaymsg "output * dpms on"'
#exec-once = playerctl deamon
#exec-once = kdeconnect-indicator
#exec-once = nm-applet
#exec-once = systemctl --user start plasma-polkit-agent
#exec-once = [workspace 1]chromium

# See


# Refer to

general {
    gaps_in = 5
    gaps_out = 5

    border_size = 2

    # for info about colors
    col.active_border = rgba(33ccffee) rgba(00ff99ee) 45deg
    col.inactive_border = rgba(595959aa)

    # Set to true enable resizing windows by clicking and dragging on borders and gaps
    resize_on_border = true

    # Please see before you turn this on
    allow_tearing = false

    layout = dwindle

decoration {
    rounding = 10

    # Change transparency of focused and unfocused windows
    active_opacity = 1.0
    inactive_opacity = 1.0

    drop_shadow = true
    shadow_range = 4
    shadow_render_power = 3
    col.shadow = rgba(1a1a1aee)

    blur {
        enabled = true
        size = 3
        passes = 1

        vibrancy = 0.1696

animations {
    enabled = true

    # Default animations, see for more

    bezier = myBezier, 0.05, 0.9, 0.1, 1.05

    animation = windows, 1, 4, myBezier
    animation = windowsOut, 1, 4, default, popin 80%
    animation = border, 1, 3, default
    animation = borderangle, 1, 3, default
    animation = fade, 1, 4, default
    animation = workspaces, 1, 4, default

# See for more
dwindle {
    pseudotile = true # Master switch for pseudotiling. Enabling is bound to mainMod + P in the keybinds section below
    preserve_split = true # You probably want this

# See for more
#master {
#    new_is_master = true

misc {
    force_default_wallpaper = -1 # Set to 0 or 1 to disable the anime mascot wallpapers
    disable_hyprland_logo = false # If true disables the random hyprland logo / anime girl background. :(

### INPUT ###
input {
    kb_layout = us
    kb_variant =
    kb_model =
    kb_options = compose:caps
    kb_rules =

    follow_mouse = 1

    sensitivity = 0 # -1.0 - 1.0, 0 means no modification.

    touchpad {
        natural_scroll = true

gestures {
    workspace_swipe = true

# Example per-device config
# See for more
device {
    name = epic-mouse-v1
    sensitivity = -0.5

disable_logs = false

# See

$mainMod = SUPER # Sets "Windows" key as main modifier

# for more

bind = $mainMod, RETURN, exec, $terminal
bind = $mainMod_SHIFT, Q, killactive,
bind = $mainMod_SHIFT,E , exec, hyprpower logout
#bind = $mainMod_SHIFT,E , exit,
bind = $mainMod, E, exec, $fileManager
bind = $mainMod, SPACE, togglefloating,
bindr = SUPER, SUPER_L, exec, $menu
bind = $mainMod, P, pseudo, # dwindle
bind = $mainMod, J, togglesplit, # dwindle
bind = SUPER,F,fullscreen
bind =  , XF86WebCam, exec, rofi-rbw

# Move focus with mainMod + Key pad arrow keys
bind = $mainMod, KP_Left, movefocus, l
bind = $mainMod, KP_Right, movefocus, r
bind = $mainMod, KP_Up, movefocus, u
bind = $mainMod, KP_Down, movefocus, d

# Switch workspaces with mainMod + [0-9]
bind = $mainMod, 1, workspace, 1
bind = $mainMod, 2, workspace, 2
bind = $mainMod, 3, workspace, 3
bind = $mainMod, 4, workspace, 4
bind = $mainMod, 5, workspace, 5
bind = $mainMod, 6, workspace, 6
bind = $mainMod, 7, workspace, 7
bind = $mainMod, 8, workspace, 8
bind = $mainMod, 9, workspace, 9
bind = $mainMod, 0, workspace, 10

# Move active window to a workspace with mainMod + SHIFT + [0-9]
bind = $mainMod SHIFT, 1, movetoworkspacesilent, 1
bind = $mainMod SHIFT, 2, movetoworkspacesilent, 2
bind = $mainMod SHIFT, 3, movetoworkspacesilent, 3
bind = $mainMod SHIFT, 4, movetoworkspacesilent, 4
bind = $mainMod SHIFT, 5, movetoworkspacesilent, 5
bind = $mainMod SHIFT, 6, movetoworkspacesilent, 6
bind = $mainMod SHIFT, 7, movetoworkspacesilent, 7
bind = $mainMod SHIFT, 8, movetoworkspacesilent, 8
bind = $mainMod SHIFT, 9, movetoworkspacesilent, 9
bind = $mainMod SHIFT, 0, movetoworkspacesilent, 10

# Special workspace (scratchpad)
bind = $mainMod, Up, togglespecialworkspace, scratch
bind = $mainMod, Down, movetoworkspacesilent, special:scratch

# Scroll through existing workspaces with mainMod + scroll
bind = $mainMod, mouse_down, workspace, e+1
bind = $mainMod, mouse_up, workspace, e-1
bind = $mainMod, RIGHT, workspace, e+1
bind = $mainMod, LEFT, workspace, e-1

# Move/resize windows with mainMod + LMB/RMB and dragging
bindm = $mainMod, mouse:272, movewindow
bindm = $mainMod, mouse:273, resizewindow

# Kill the waybar
bind = $mainMod, MINUS, exec, pkill waybar

# start a waybar.  Will any instances first
bind = $mainMod, EQUAL, exec, pkill waybar
bind = $mainMod, EQUAL, exec, sleep .1 && $bar

# Clipboard stuff
bind = $mainMod, c, exec, clipman pick -t rofi
bind=  $mainMod_SHIFT, c, exec, clipman clear -t rofi

# Bluetooth menu
bind=  $mainMod, b, exec, rofi-bluetooth

# Network TUI
bind=  $mainMod, n, exec, kitty --class floating_kitty nmtui

# Print Screen
bind=  , Print, exec, grim -g "$(slurp)" - | wl-copy
bind=  SHIFT, PRINT, exec, grim $HOME//`date +%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S`.png

# Media controls
bind=  $mainMod_mod1,Down, exec, playerctl -p spotify,cantata play-pause
bind=  $mainMod_mod1,Left, exec,  playerctl -p spotify,cantata previous
bind=  $mainMod_mod1,Right, exec, playerctl -p spotify,cantata next
bind=  , XF86AudioRaiseVolume, exec, pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ +5%
bind=  , XF86AudioLowerVolume, exec, pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ -5%
bind=  , XF86AudioMute, exec, pactl set-sink-mute @DEFAULT_SINK@ toggle
bind=  , XF86MonBrightnessDown, exec, backlight -d 250
bind=  , XF86MonBrightnessUp, exec, backlight -i 250

# Screen Locker
bind = $mainMod, L, exec, hyprpower lock

# See for more
# See for workspace rules

# Example windowrule v1
# windowrule = float, ^(kitty)$

# Example windowrule v2
# windowrulev2 = float,class:^(kitty)$,title:^(kitty)$

windowrulev2 = float,class:^(Rofi)$
windowrulev2 = float,class:^(floating_kitty)$
windowrulev2 = suppressevent maximize, class:.* # You'll probably like this.

### Resize Submap          ###

# Switch to a submap called resize
bind = $mainMod, R, submap, resize

# Start a submap called "resize"
submap = resize

# sets repeatable binds for resizing the active window
binde = , right, resizeactive, 10 0
binde = , left, resizeactive, -10 0
binde = , up, resizeactive, 0 -10
binde = , down, resizeactive, 0 10

# use reset to go back to the global submap
bind = , escape, submap, reset

# Reset the submap, which will return to the global submap
submap = reset

Nothing is too wonderful to be true, if it be consistent with the laws of nature -- Michael Faraday
Sometimes it is the people no one can imagine anything of who do the things no one can imagine. -- Alan Turing
How to Ask Questions the Smart Way


#4 2024-10-13 17:01:10

From: The Wirral
Registered: 2014-02-20
Posts: 8,743

Re: Hyprland Slow to Load and Update Configuration

Apparently Hyprland creates it's own log which might have more detail: … -dumps-etc

I don't use it myself though and I don't have an Arch system atm so I probably won't be much use here (sorry).

Para todos todo, para nosotros nada


#5 2024-10-13 17:55:18

From: Pasadena, CA
Registered: 2009-07-13
Posts: 20,334

Re: Hyprland Slow to Load and Update Configuration

ewaller@odin//run/user/1000/hypr/4520b30d498daca8079365bdb909a8dea38e8d55_1728841215_1074557723% cat hyprland.log
[LOG] Instance Signature: 4520b30d498daca8079365bdb909a8dea38e8d55_1728841215_1074557723
[LOG] Runtime directory: /run/user/1000/hypr/4520b30d498daca8079365bdb909a8dea38e8d55_1728841215_1074557723
[LOG] Hyprland PID: 9115
[LOG] ===== SYSTEM INFO: =====
[LOG] System name: Linux
[LOG] Node name: odin
[LOG] Release: 6.11.3-arch1-1
[LOG] Version: #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Thu, 10 Oct 2024 20:11:06 +0000

[LOG] GPU information:
00:02.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: Intel Corporation TigerLake-LP GT2 [Iris Xe Graphics] [8086:9a49] (rev 01) (prog-if 00 [VGA controller])
	DeviceName: VGA

[LOG] os-release:
NAME="Arch Linux"
PRETTY_NAME="Arch Linux"

[LOG] ========================

[INFO] If you are crashing, or encounter any bugs, please consult

Current splash: Is this the real life, is this just fantasy

[LOG] Old rlimit: soft -> 1024, hard -> 524288
[LOG] New rlimit: soft -> 524288, hard -> 524288
[LOG] Creating the EventLoopManager!
[LOG] Creating the HookSystem!
[LOG] Creating the KeybindManager!
[LOG] Creating the AnimationManager!
[LOG] Created a bezier curve, baked 255 points, mem usage: 4.08kB, time to bake: 14.65µs. Estimated average calc time: 0.04µs.
[LOG] Creating the ConfigManager!
[LOG] Created a bezier curve, baked 255 points, mem usage: 4.08kB, time to bake: 8.27µs. Estimated average calc time: 0.02µs.
[LOG] Using config: /home/ewaller/.config/hypr/hyprland.conf
[INFO] !!!!HEY YOU, YES YOU!!!!: further logs to stdout / logfile are disabled by default. BEFORE SENDING THIS LOG, ENABLE THEM. Use debug:disable_logs = false to do so:
[LOG] Disabling stdout logs! Check the log for further logs.
[LOG] Creating the PointerManager!
[LOG] Creating the EventManager!
[LOG] [AQ] Creating an Aquamarine backend!
[ERR] [AQ] [libseat] [libseat/backend/seatd.c:66] Could not connect to socket /run/seatd.sock: Permission denied
[LOG] [AQ] [libseat] [libseat/libseat.c:76] Backend 'seatd' failed to open seat, skipping
[LOG] [AQ] [libseat] [libseat/libseat.c:73] Seat opened with backend 'logind'
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Enumerated device /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:02.0/drm/card1
[LOG] [AQ] libseat: Device /dev/dri/card1 supports kms
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Enumerated device /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:02.0/drm/card1/card1-HDMI-A-1
[ERR] [AQ] drm: Skipping device /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:02.0/drm/card1/card1-HDMI-A-1, no devnode
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Enumerated device /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:02.0/drm/card1/card1-eDP-1
[ERR] [AQ] drm: Skipping device /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:02.0/drm/card1/card1-eDP-1, no devnode
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Found 1 GPUs
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Starting backend for /dev/dri/card1, with driver i915
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Registered gpu /dev/dri/card1
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Atomic supported, using atomic for modesetting
[LOG] [AQ] drm: drmProps.supportsAsyncCommit: true
[LOG] [AQ] drm: drmProps.supportsAddFb2Modifiers: true
[LOG] [AQ] drm: drmProps.supportsTimelines: true
[LOG] [AQ] drm: found 4 CRTCs
[LOG] [AQ] drm: found 32 planes
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane 32 has type 1
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane 32 has 29 formats
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane: checking for modifiers
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane 41 has type 0
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane 41 has 29 formats
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane: checking for modifiers
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane 50 has type 0
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane 50 has 29 formats
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane: checking for modifiers
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane 59 has type 0
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane 59 has 25 formats
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane: checking for modifiers
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane 68 has type 0
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane 68 has 25 formats
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane: checking for modifiers
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane 77 has type 0
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane 77 has 21 formats
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane: checking for modifiers
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane 86 has type 0
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane 86 has 21 formats
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane: checking for modifiers
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane 95 has type 2
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane 95 has 1 formats
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane: checking for modifiers
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane 102 has type 1
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane 102 has 29 formats
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane: checking for modifiers
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane 111 has type 0
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane 111 has 29 formats
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane: checking for modifiers
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane 120 has type 0
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane 120 has 29 formats
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane: checking for modifiers
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane 129 has type 0
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane 129 has 25 formats
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane: checking for modifiers
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane 138 has type 0
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane 138 has 25 formats
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane: checking for modifiers
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane 147 has type 0
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane 147 has 21 formats
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane: checking for modifiers
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane 156 has type 0
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane 156 has 21 formats
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane: checking for modifiers
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane 165 has type 2
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane 165 has 1 formats
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane: checking for modifiers
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane 172 has type 1
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane 172 has 29 formats
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane: checking for modifiers
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane 181 has type 0
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane 181 has 29 formats
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane: checking for modifiers
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane 190 has type 0
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane 190 has 29 formats
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane: checking for modifiers
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane 199 has type 0
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane 199 has 25 formats
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane: checking for modifiers
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane 208 has type 0
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane 208 has 25 formats
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane: checking for modifiers
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane 217 has type 0
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane 217 has 21 formats
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane: checking for modifiers
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane 226 has type 0
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane 226 has 21 formats
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane: checking for modifiers
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane 235 has type 2
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane 235 has 1 formats
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane: checking for modifiers
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane 242 has type 1
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane 242 has 29 formats
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane: checking for modifiers
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane 251 has type 0
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane 251 has 29 formats
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane: checking for modifiers
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane 260 has type 0
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane 260 has 29 formats
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane: checking for modifiers
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane 269 has type 0
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane 269 has 25 formats
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane: checking for modifiers
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane 278 has type 0
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane 278 has 25 formats
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane: checking for modifiers
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane 287 has type 0
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane 287 has 21 formats
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane: checking for modifiers
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane 296 has type 0
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane 296 has 21 formats
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane: checking for modifiers
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane 305 has type 2
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane 305 has 1 formats
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Plane: checking for modifiers
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Basic init pass for gpu /dev/dri/card1
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Scanning connectors for /dev/dri/card1
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Scanning connector id 313
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Initializing connector id 313
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector gets name eDP-1
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector 313 connection state: 1
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Scanning connector id 322
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Initializing connector id 322
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector gets name HDMI-A-1
[ERR] [AQ] drm: getCurrentCRTC: No CRTC 0
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector 322 connection state: 2
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Rechecking CRTCs
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Skipping connector eDP-1, has crtc 100 and is connected
[LOG] [AQ] drm: connector HDMI-A-1, has crtc -1, will be rechecked
[LOG] [AQ] drm: slot 0 crtc 100 taken by eDP-1, skipping
[LOG] [AQ] drm: slot 1 crtc 170 unassigned
[LOG] [AQ] drm: slot 2 crtc 240 unassigned
[LOG] [AQ] drm: slot 3 crtc 310 unassigned
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector HDMI-A-1 is not connected
[LOG] [AQ] drm: rescanning after realloc
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Scanning connectors for /dev/dri/card1
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Scanning connector id 313
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector id 313 already initialized
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector 313 connection state: 1
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector eDP-1 connected
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Connecting connector eDP-1, CRTC ID 100
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Dumping detected modes:
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 0: 1920x1080@60.00Hz  (preferred)
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Mode 1: 1920x1080@40.00Hz 
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Physical size [Vector2D: x: 380, y: 210] (mm)
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Description BOE 0x084E  (eDP-1)
[LOG] [AQ] drm: connector eDP-1 crtc is capable of vrr: props.vrr_capable -> 320, crtc->props.vrr_enabled -> 24
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Explicit sync supported
[LOG] [AQ] drm: connector eDP-1 crtc supports CTM
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Scanning connector id 322
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector id 322 already initialized
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Connector 322 connection state: 2
[LOG] [AQ] drm: gpu /dev/dri/card1 becomes primary drm
[LOG] [AQ] Starting the Aquamarine backend!
[LOG] [AQ] Starting the Wayland backend!
[ERR] [AQ] Wayland backend cannot start: wl_display_connect failed (is a wayland compositor running?)
[ERR] [AQ] Requested backend (wayland) could not start, enabling fallbacks
[ERR] [AQ] Implementation wayland failed, erasing.
[LOG] [AQ] Created a GBM allocator with drm fd 29
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Connectors size2 2
[LOG] [AQ] Created a GBM allocator with drm fd 133
[LOG] [AQ] CDRMRenderer: got a high priority context
[LOG] [AQ] CDRMRenderer: success
[LOG] [AQ] drm: onReady: connector 313
[LOG] [AQ] drm: onReady: connector 313 has output name eDP-1
[LOG] [AQ] Swapchain: Clearing
[LOG] New aquamarine output with name eDP-1
[LOG] [AQ] drm: onReady: connector 322
[LOG] [AQ] CDRMRenderer: got a high priority context
[LOG] [AQ] CDRMRenderer: success
[LOG] Running on DRMFD: 28
[LOG] wl_display_add_socket for wayland-1 succeeded with 0
[LOG] Creating the CHyprOpenGLImpl!
[LOG] Supported EGL extensions: (16) EGL_EXT_platform_base EGL_EXT_device_base EGL_EXT_device_enumeration EGL_EXT_device_query EGL_KHR_client_get_all_proc_addresses EGL_EXT_client_extensions EGL_KHR_debug EGL_KHR_platform_x11 EGL_EXT_platform_x11 EGL_EXT_platform_device EGL_MESA_platform_surfaceless EGL_EXT_explicit_device EGL_KHR_platform_wayland EGL_EXT_platform_wayland EGL_KHR_platform_gbm EGL_MESA_platform_gbm EGL_EXT_platform_xcb
[ERR] [EGL] Command eglQueryDevicesEXT errored out with EGL_BAD_ALLOC (0x12291): EGL_BAD_ALLOC error: In eglQueryDevicesEXT: Failed to allocate device list.

[ERR] [EGL] Command eglQueryDevicesEXT errored out with EGL_BAD_ALLOC (0x12291): EGL_BAD_ALLOC error: In eglQueryDevicesEXT: Failed to allocate device list.

[LOG] eglDeviceFromDRMFD: Using device /dev/dri/card1
[LOG] EGL: IMG_context_priority supported, requesting high
[LOG] EGL: EXT_create_context_robustness supported, requesting lose on reset
[LOG] EGL: Got a high priority context
[LOG] Creating the Hypr OpenGL Renderer!
[LOG] Using: OpenGL ES 3.2 Mesa 24.2.4-arch1.1
[LOG] Vendor: Intel
[LOG] Renderer: Mesa Intel(R) Xe Graphics (TGL GT2)
[LOG] Supported extensions: (162) GL_EXT_blend_minmax GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc GL_EXT_texture_compression_dxt1 GL_EXT_texture_compression_rgtc GL_EXT_texture_format_BGRA8888 GL_OES_compressed_ETC1_RGB8_texture GL_OES_depth24 GL_OES_element_index_uint GL_OES_fbo_render_mipmap GL_OES_mapbuffer GL_OES_rgb8_rgba8 GL_OES_standard_derivatives GL_OES_stencil8 GL_OES_texture_3D GL_OES_texture_float GL_OES_texture_float_linear GL_OES_texture_half_float GL_OES_texture_half_float_linear GL_OES_texture_npot GL_OES_vertex_half_float GL_EXT_draw_instanced GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_decode GL_OES_EGL_image GL_OES_depth_texture GL_AMD_performance_monitor GL_OES_packed_depth_stencil GL_EXT_texture_type_2_10_10_10_REV GL_NV_conditional_render GL_OES_get_program_binary GL_APPLE_texture_max_level GL_EXT_discard_framebuffer GL_EXT_read_format_bgra GL_EXT_texture_storage GL_NV_pack_subimage GL_NV_texture_barrier GL_EXT_frag_depth GL_NV_fbo_color_attachments GL_OES_EGL_image_external GL_OES_EGL_sync GL_OES_vertex_array_object GL_OES_viewport_array GL_ANGLE_pack_reverse_row_order GL_ANGLE_texture_compression_dxt3 GL_ANGLE_texture_compression_dxt5 GL_EXT_occlusion_query_boolean GL_EXT_robustness GL_EXT_texture_rg GL_EXT_unpack_subimage GL_NV_draw_buffers GL_NV_read_buffer GL_NV_read_depth GL_NV_read_depth_stencil GL_NV_read_stencil GL_APPLE_sync GL_EXT_draw_buffers GL_EXT_instanced_arrays GL_EXT_map_buffer_range GL_EXT_shadow_samplers GL_KHR_debug GL_KHR_robustness GL_KHR_texture_compression_astc_ldr GL_NV_generate_mipmap_sRGB GL_NV_pixel_buffer_object GL_OES_depth_texture_cube_map GL_OES_required_internalformat GL_OES_surfaceless_context GL_EXT_color_buffer_float GL_EXT_debug_label GL_EXT_sRGB_write_control GL_EXT_separate_shader_objects GL_EXT_shader_framebuffer_fetch GL_EXT_shader_group_vote GL_EXT_shader_implicit_conversions GL_EXT_shader_integer_mix GL_EXT_tessellation_point_size GL_EXT_tessellation_shader GL_INTEL_conservative_rasterization GL_INTEL_performance_query GL_ANDROID_extension_pack_es31a GL_EXT_base_instance GL_EXT_compressed_ETC1_RGB8_sub_texture GL_EXT_copy_image GL_EXT_draw_buffers_indexed GL_EXT_draw_elements_base_vertex GL_EXT_gpu_shader5 GL_EXT_polygon_offset_clamp GL_EXT_primitive_bounding_box GL_EXT_render_snorm GL_EXT_shader_io_blocks GL_EXT_texture_border_clamp GL_EXT_texture_buffer GL_EXT_texture_cube_map_array GL_EXT_texture_norm16 GL_EXT_texture_view GL_KHR_blend_equation_advanced GL_KHR_blend_equation_advanced_coherent GL_KHR_context_flush_control GL_KHR_robust_buffer_access_behavior GL_NV_image_formats GL_NV_shader_noperspective_interpolation GL_OES_copy_image GL_OES_draw_buffers_indexed GL_OES_draw_elements_base_vertex GL_OES_gpu_shader5 GL_OES_primitive_bounding_box GL_OES_sample_shading GL_OES_sample_variables GL_OES_shader_io_blocks GL_OES_shader_multisample_interpolation GL_OES_tessellation_point_size GL_OES_tessellation_shader GL_OES_texture_border_clamp GL_OES_texture_buffer GL_OES_texture_cube_map_array GL_OES_texture_stencil8 GL_OES_texture_storage_multisample_2d_array GL_OES_texture_view GL_EXT_blend_func_extended GL_EXT_buffer_storage GL_EXT_float_blend GL_EXT_geometry_point_size GL_EXT_geometry_shader GL_EXT_shader_samples_identical GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_R8 GL_KHR_no_error GL_KHR_texture_compression_astc_sliced_3d GL_NV_fragment_shader_interlock GL_OES_EGL_image_external_essl3 GL_OES_geometry_point_size GL_OES_geometry_shader GL_OES_shader_image_atomic GL_EXT_clear_texture GL_EXT_clip_cull_distance GL_EXT_disjoint_timer_query GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc_srgb GL_MESA_shader_integer_functions GL_EXT_clip_control GL_EXT_color_buffer_half_float GL_EXT_memory_object GL_EXT_memory_object_fd GL_EXT_semaphore GL_EXT_semaphore_fd GL_EXT_texture_compression_bptc GL_EXT_texture_mirror_clamp_to_edge GL_KHR_parallel_shader_compile GL_NV_alpha_to_coverage_dither_control GL_EXT_EGL_image_storage GL_EXT_shader_framebuffer_fetch_non_coherent GL_EXT_texture_shadow_lod GL_INTEL_blackhole_render GL_MESA_framebuffer_flip_y GL_NV_compute_shader_derivatives GL_EXT_demote_to_helper_invocation GL_EXT_depth_clamp GL_EXT_texture_query_lod GL_MESA_sampler_objects GL_EXT_EGL_image_storage_compression GL_EXT_texture_storage_compression GL_MESA_bgra GL_MESA_texture_const_bandwidth 
[LOG] Supported DMA-BUF formats:
[LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format AB4H (0x48344241)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier Y_TILED_GEN12_RC_CCS_CC (0x100000000000008)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier Y_TILED_GEN12_RC_CCS (0x100000000000006)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier Y_TILED (0x100000000000002)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier X_TILED (0x100000000000001)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier LINEAR (0x0)
[LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format XB4H (0x48344258)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier Y_TILED_GEN12_RC_CCS_CC (0x100000000000008)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier Y_TILED_GEN12_RC_CCS (0x100000000000006)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier Y_TILED (0x100000000000002)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier X_TILED (0x100000000000001)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier LINEAR (0x0)
[LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format AB48 (0x38344241)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier Y_TILED_GEN12_RC_CCS_CC (0x100000000000008)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier Y_TILED_GEN12_RC_CCS (0x100000000000006)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier Y_TILED (0x100000000000002)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier X_TILED (0x100000000000001)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier LINEAR (0x0)
[LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format XB48 (0x38344258)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier Y_TILED_GEN12_RC_CCS_CC (0x100000000000008)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier Y_TILED_GEN12_RC_CCS (0x100000000000006)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier Y_TILED (0x100000000000002)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier X_TILED (0x100000000000001)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier LINEAR (0x0)
[LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format AR30 (0x30335241)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier Y_TILED_GEN12_RC_CCS_CC (0x100000000000008)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier Y_TILED_GEN12_RC_CCS (0x100000000000006)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier Y_TILED (0x100000000000002)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier X_TILED (0x100000000000001)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier LINEAR (0x0)
[LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format XR30 (0x30335258)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier Y_TILED_GEN12_RC_CCS_CC (0x100000000000008)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier Y_TILED_GEN12_RC_CCS (0x100000000000006)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier Y_TILED (0x100000000000002)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier X_TILED (0x100000000000001)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier LINEAR (0x0)
[LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format AB30 (0x30334241)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier Y_TILED_GEN12_RC_CCS_CC (0x100000000000008)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier Y_TILED_GEN12_RC_CCS (0x100000000000006)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier Y_TILED (0x100000000000002)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier X_TILED (0x100000000000001)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier LINEAR (0x0)
[LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format AR24 (0x34325241)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier Y_TILED_GEN12_RC_CCS_CC (0x100000000000008)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier Y_TILED_GEN12_RC_CCS (0x100000000000006)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier Y_TILED (0x100000000000002)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier X_TILED (0x100000000000001)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier LINEAR (0x0)
[LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format AB24 (0x34324241)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier Y_TILED_GEN12_RC_CCS_CC (0x100000000000008)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier Y_TILED_GEN12_RC_CCS (0x100000000000006)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier Y_TILED (0x100000000000002)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier X_TILED (0x100000000000001)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier LINEAR (0x0)
[LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format XR24 (0x34325258)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier Y_TILED_GEN12_RC_CCS_CC (0x100000000000008)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier Y_TILED_GEN12_RC_CCS (0x100000000000006)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier Y_TILED (0x100000000000002)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier X_TILED (0x100000000000001)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier LINEAR (0x0)
[LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format XB24 (0x34324258)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier Y_TILED_GEN12_RC_CCS_CC (0x100000000000008)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier Y_TILED_GEN12_RC_CCS (0x100000000000006)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier Y_TILED (0x100000000000002)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier X_TILED (0x100000000000001)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier LINEAR (0x0)
[LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format AR15 (0x35315241)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier Y_TILED_GEN12_RC_CCS_CC (0x100000000000008)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier Y_TILED_GEN12_RC_CCS (0x100000000000006)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier Y_TILED (0x100000000000002)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier X_TILED (0x100000000000001)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier LINEAR (0x0)
[LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format AR12 (0x32315241)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier Y_TILED_GEN12_RC_CCS_CC (0x100000000000008)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier Y_TILED_GEN12_RC_CCS (0x100000000000006)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier Y_TILED (0x100000000000002)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier X_TILED (0x100000000000001)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier LINEAR (0x0)
[LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format RG16 (0x36314752)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier Y_TILED_GEN12_RC_CCS_CC (0x100000000000008)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier Y_TILED_GEN12_RC_CCS (0x100000000000006)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier Y_TILED (0x100000000000002)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier X_TILED (0x100000000000001)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier LINEAR (0x0)
[LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format R8 (0x20203852)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier Y_TILED_GEN12_RC_CCS_CC (0x100000000000008)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier Y_TILED_GEN12_RC_CCS (0x100000000000006)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier Y_TILED (0x100000000000002)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier X_TILED (0x100000000000001)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier LINEAR (0x0)
[LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format R16 (0x20363152)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier Y_TILED_GEN12_RC_CCS_CC (0x100000000000008)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier Y_TILED_GEN12_RC_CCS (0x100000000000006)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier Y_TILED (0x100000000000002)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier X_TILED (0x100000000000001)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier LINEAR (0x0)
[LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format GR88 (0x38385247)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier Y_TILED_GEN12_RC_CCS_CC (0x100000000000008)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier Y_TILED_GEN12_RC_CCS (0x100000000000006)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier Y_TILED (0x100000000000002)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier X_TILED (0x100000000000001)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier LINEAR (0x0)
[LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format GR32 (0x32335247)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier Y_TILED_GEN12_RC_CCS_CC (0x100000000000008)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier Y_TILED_GEN12_RC_CCS (0x100000000000006)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier Y_TILED (0x100000000000002)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier X_TILED (0x100000000000001)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier LINEAR (0x0)
[LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format YUV9 (0x39565559)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff)
[LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format YU11 (0x31315559)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff)
[LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format YU12 (0x32315559)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff)
[LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format YU16 (0x36315559)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff)
[LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format YU24 (0x34325559)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff)
[LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format YVU9 (0x39555659)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff)
[LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format YV11 (0x31315659)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff)
[LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format YV12 (0x32315659)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff)
[LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format YV16 (0x36315659)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff)
[LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format YV24 (0x34325659)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff)
[LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format NV12 (0x3231564e)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff)
[LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format NV21 (0x3132564e)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff)
[LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format P010 (0x30313050)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff)
[LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format P012 (0x32313050)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff)
[LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format P016 (0x36313050)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff)
[LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format P030 (0x30333050)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff)
[LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format NV16 (0x3631564e)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff)
[LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format AYUV (0x56555941)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff)
[LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format XYUV (0x56555958)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff)
[LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format Y410 (0x30313459)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff)
[LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format Y412 (0x32313459)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff)
[LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format Y416 (0x36313459)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff)
[LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format YUYV (0x56595559)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff)
[LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format YVYU (0x55595659)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff)
[LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format UYVY (0x59565955)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff)
[LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format VYUY (0x59555956)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff)
[LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format Y210 (0x30313259)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff)
[LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format Y212 (0x32313259)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff)
[LOG] EGL: GPU Supports Format Y216 (0x36313259)
[LOG] EGL: | with modifier INVALID (0xffffffffffffff)
[LOG] EGL: 47 formats found in total. Some modifiers may be omitted as they are external-only.
[LOG] Creating the ProtocolManager!
[LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [WLSeat]
[LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [WLDataDevice]
[LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [WLCompositor]
[LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [WLSubcompositor]
[LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [WLSHM]
[LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [Viewporter]
[LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [TearingControl]
[LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [FractionalScale]
[LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [XDGOutput]
[LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [CursorShape]
[LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [IdleInhibit]
[LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [RelativePointer]
[LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [XDGDecoration]
[LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [AlphaModifier]
[LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [GammaControl]
[LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [ForeignToplevel]
[LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [PointerGestures]
[LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [ForeignToplevelWlr]
[LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [ShortcutsInhibit]
[LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [TextInputV1]
[LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [TextInputV3]
[LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [PointerConstraints]
[LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [OutputPower]
[LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [XDGActivation]
[LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [IdleNotify]
[LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [SessionLock]
[LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [IMEv2]
[LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [VirtualKeyboard]
[LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [VirtualPointer]
[LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [OutputManagement]
[LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [ServerDecorationKDE]
[LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [FocusGrab]
[LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [TabletV2]
[LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [LayerShell]
[LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [Presentation]
[LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [XDGShell]
[LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [DataDeviceWlr]
[LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [PrimarySelection]
[LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [XWaylandShell]
[LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [Screencopy]
[LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [ToplevelExport]
[LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [GlobalShortcuts]
[LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [XDGDialog]
[LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [SinglePixel]
[LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [DRMLease]
[LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [DRMSyncobj]
[LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [MesaDRM]
[LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [LinuxDMABUF]
[LOG] Creating the SeatManager!
[LOG] Creating the ThreadManager!
[LOG] Creating CHyprCtl
[LOG] Hypr socket started at /run/user/1000/hypr/4520b30d498daca8079365bdb909a8dea38e8d55_1728841215_1074557723/.socket.sock
[LOG] Creating the InputManager!
[LOG] Creating the HyprRenderer!
[LOG] DRM driver information: i915 v1.6.0 from 0 description Intel Graphics
[LOG] Creating the XWaylandManager!
[LOG] Creating the SessionLockManager!
[LOG] Creating the HyprDebugOverlay!
[LOG] Creating the HyprNotificationOverlay!
[LOG] Creating the PluginSystem!
[LOG] Creating the DecorationPositioner!
[LOG] Creating the CursorManager!
[hc] CHyprcursorManager: attempting to find theme from env
[hc] themeNameFromEnv: env unset
[hc] CHyprcursorManager: attempting to find any theme
[hc] getFirstTheme: found /home/ewaller/.local/share/icons/Sweet-cursors-hyprcursor
[hc] getFullPathForThemeName: found /home/ewaller/.local/share/icons/Sweet-cursors-hyprcursor
[hc] Found theme Sweet-cursors-hyprcursor at /home/ewaller/.local/share/icons/Sweet-cursors-hyprcursor

[LOG] XCursor scanning theme Adwaita
[LOG] XCursor using theme path /usr/share/icons/Adwaita/cursors
[LOG] XCursor parsing index.theme /usr/share/icons/Adwaita/index.theme
[LOG] XCursor theme Adwaita inherits AdwaitaLegacy
[LOG] XCursor theme Adwaita inherits hicolor
[LOG] XCursor scanning theme hicolor
[LOG] XCursor parsing index.theme /usr/share/icons/hicolor/index.theme
[LOG] XCursor scanning theme AdwaitaLegacy
[LOG] XCursor parsing index.theme /usr/share/icons/AdwaitaLegacy/index.theme
[LOG] XCursor theme AdwaitaLegacy inherits hicolor
[LOG] XCursor already has a shape default loaded, skipping
[LOG] XCursor already has a shape context-menu loaded, skipping
[LOG] XCursor already has a shape help loaded, skipping
[LOG] XCursor already has a shape pointer loaded, skipping
[LOG] XCursor already has a shape progress loaded, skipping
[LOG] XCursor already has a shape wait loaded, skipping
[LOG] XCursor failed to find a legacy shape with name plus, skipping
[LOG] XCursor already has a shape crosshair loaded, skipping
[LOG] XCursor already has a shape text loaded, skipping
[LOG] XCursor already has a shape vertical-text loaded, skipping
[LOG] XCursor failed to find a legacy shape with name dnd-link, skipping
[LOG] XCursor failed to find a legacy shape with name dnd-copy, skipping
[LOG] XCursor already has a shape move loaded, skipping
[LOG] XCursor failed to find a legacy shape with name dnd-none, skipping
[LOG] XCursor failed to find a legacy shape with name crossed_circle, skipping
[LOG] XCursor already has a shape grab loaded, skipping
[LOG] XCursor already has a shape grabbing loaded, skipping
[LOG] XCursor already has a shape e-resize loaded, skipping
[LOG] XCursor already has a shape n-resize loaded, skipping
[LOG] XCursor already has a shape ne-resize loaded, skipping
[LOG] XCursor already has a shape nw-resize loaded, skipping
[LOG] XCursor already has a shape s-resize loaded, skipping
[LOG] XCursor already has a shape se-resize loaded, skipping
[LOG] XCursor already has a shape sw-resize loaded, skipping
[LOG] XCursor already has a shape w-resize loaded, skipping
[LOG] XCursor already has a shape ew-resize loaded, skipping
[LOG] XCursor already has a shape ns-resize loaded, skipping
[LOG] XCursor already has a shape nesw-resize loaded, skipping
[LOG] XCursor already has a shape nwse-resize loaded, skipping
[LOG] XCursor already has a shape col-resize loaded, skipping
[LOG] XCursor already has a shape row-resize loaded, skipping
[LOG] XCursor already has a shape all-scroll loaded, skipping
[LOG] XCursor already has a shape zoom-in loaded, skipping
[LOG] XCursor already has a shape zoom-out loaded, skipping
[hc] loadThemeStyle: loading for size 24
[hc] getShapesC: found 1 images for left_ptr
[LOG] Starting XWayland
[LOG] Starting up the XWayland server
[LOG] XWayland found a suitable display socket at DISPLAY: :0
[LOG] New output with name eDP-1
[LOG] [hookSystem] New hook event registered: newMonitor
[WARN] No rule found for eDP-1, trying to use the first.
[LOG] Applying monitor rule for eDP-1
[LOG] Setting preferred mode for eDP-1
[LOG] [AQ] GBM: Allocated a new buffer with size [Vector2D: x: 1920, y: 1080] and format XR24 with modifier 72057594037927944 aka Y_TILED_GEN12_RC_CCS_CC
[LOG] [AQ] GBM: Allocated a new buffer with size [Vector2D: x: 1920, y: 1080] and format XR24 with modifier 72057594037927944 aka Y_TILED_GEN12_RC_CCS_CC
[LOG] [AQ] Swapchain: Reconfigured a swapchain to [Vector2D: x: 1920, y: 1080] XR24 of length 2
[LOG] CMonitorState::ensureBufferPresent: no buffer or mismatched format, attaching one from the swapchain for modeset being possible
[LOG] output eDP-1 succeeded basic test on format DRM_FORMAT_XRGB8888
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Modesetting eDP-1 with 1920x1080@60.00Hz
[LOG] Monitor eDP-1 -> destroyed all render data
[LOG] arrangeMonitors: 1 to arrange
[LOG] arrangeMonitors: eDP-1 auto [-1, -1]
[LOG] arrangeMonitors: eDP-1 xwayland [0, 0]
[LOG] [CXDGOutputProtocol] updating all xdg_output heads
[LOG] Monitor eDP-1 data dump: res 1920x1080@60.00Hz, scale 1.00, transform 0, pos 0x0, 10b 0
[LOG] [CXDGOutputProtocol] updating all xdg_output heads
[hc] loadThemeStyle: loading for size 24
[hc] getShapesC: found 1 images for left_ptr
[LOG] [AQ] GBM: Automatically selected format AR24 for new GBM buffer
[LOG] [AQ] GBM: Buffer is marked as multigpu, forcing linear
[LOG] [AQ] GBM: Allocated a new buffer with size [Vector2D: x: 256, y: 256] and format AR24 with modifier 0 aka LINEAR
[LOG] [AQ] GBM: Automatically selected format AR24 for new GBM buffer
[LOG] [AQ] GBM: Buffer is marked as multigpu, forcing linear
[LOG] [AQ] GBM: Allocated a new buffer with size [Vector2D: x: 256, y: 256] and format AR24 with modifier 0 aka LINEAR
[LOG] [AQ] Swapchain: Reconfigured a swapchain to [Vector2D: x: 256, y: 256] AR24 of length 2
[LOG] Shaders initialized successfully.
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Cursor buffer imported into KMS with id 332
[LOG] Added new monitor with name eDP-1 at [0, 0] with size [1920, 1080], pointer 556b2bec2f70
[LOG] New monitor: WORKSPACEID 1, exists: 0
[LOG] [hookSystem] New hook event registered: createWorkspace
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Cursor buffer imported into KMS with id 334
[LOG] [IWaylandProtocol] Registered global [WLOutput (eDP-1)]
[LOG] arrangeMonitors: 1 to arrange
[LOG] arrangeMonitors: eDP-1 auto [0, 0]
[LOG] arrangeMonitors: eDP-1 xwayland [0, 0]
[LOG] [CXDGOutputProtocol] updating all xdg_output heads
[hc] getShapesC: found 1 images for left_ptr
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Cursor buffer imported into KMS with id 334
[LOG] Process Created with pid 9147
[LOG] Executing thunderbird
[LOG] Process Created with pid 9150
[LOG] Applied 1 rule arguments for exec.
[LOG] Executing waybar -c ~/.config/waybar/config_hyprland
[LOG] Process Created with pid 9153
[LOG] Executing nwg-wrapper -s  -c vivobook.css -r 1000 -a start -mt 5 -mr 5 -p right
[LOG] Process Created with pid 9163
[LOG] Executing swaybg -i  /home/ewaller/Downloads/PXL_20220614_124911537.MP.jpg
[LOG] Process Created with pid 9171
[LOG] Executing blueman-applet
[LOG] Process Created with pid 9173
[LOG] Executing dunst
[LOG] Process Created with pid 9175
[LOG] Executing gammastep-indicator -l34.16695104196095:-118.10683782883542
[LOG] Process Created with pid 9186
[LOG] Executing swayidle timeout 600 'swaymsg "output * dpms off"' resume 'swaymsg "output * dpms on"'
[LOG] Process Created with pid 9188
[LOG] Executing playerctl deamon
[LOG] Process Created with pid 9195
[LOG] Executing kdeconnect-indicator
[LOG] Process Created with pid 9197
[LOG] Executing nm-applet
[LOG] Process Created with pid 9204
[LOG] Executing systemctl --user start plasma-polkit-agent
[LOG] Process Created with pid 9207
[LOG] Executing chromium
[LOG] Process Created with pid 9214
[LOG] Applied 1 rule arguments for exec.
[WARN] No rule found for eDP-1, trying to use the first.
[LOG] Applying monitor rule for eDP-1
[LOG] Setting preferred mode for eDP-1
[LOG] output eDP-1 succeeded basic test on format DRM_FORMAT_XRGB8888
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Modesetting eDP-1 with 1920x1080@60.00Hz
[ERR] [AQ] drm: Cannot commit when a page-flip is awaiting
[ERR] Couldn't commit output named eDP-1
[LOG] arrangeMonitors: 1 to arrange
[LOG] arrangeMonitors: eDP-1 auto [0, 0]
[LOG] arrangeMonitors: eDP-1 xwayland [0, 0]
[LOG] [CXDGOutputProtocol] updating all xdg_output heads
[LOG] Monitor eDP-1 data dump: res 1920x1080@60.00Hz, scale 1.00, transform 0, pos 0x0, 10b 0
[LOG] [CXDGOutputProtocol] updating all xdg_output heads
[hc] loadThemeStyle: loading for size 24
[hc] getShapesC: found 1 images for left_ptr
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Cursor buffer imported into KMS with id 332
[LOG] [CXDGOutputProtocol] updating all xdg_output heads
[hc] loadThemeStyle: loading for size 24
[hc] getShapesC: found 1 images for left_ptr
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Cursor buffer imported into KMS with id 332
[LOG] [hookSystem] New hook event registered: render
[LOG] Monitor eDP-1 -> destroyed all render data
[LOG] Shaders initialized successfully.
[LOG] Framebuffer created, status 36053
[LOG] Framebuffer created, status 36053
[LOG] Framebuffer created, status 36053
[LOG] Framebuffer created, status 36053
[LOG] Creating a texture for BGTex
[LOG] Framebuffer created, status 36053
[ERR] createBGTextureForMonitor: failed, file "/usr/local/share/hypr/wall2.png" doesn't exist or access denied, ec: Success
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Modesetting eDP-1 with 1920x1080@60.00Hz
[ERR] [AQ] drm: Cannot commit when a page-flip is awaiting
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Modesetting eDP-1 with 1920x1080@60.00Hz
[ERR] [AQ] drm: Cannot commit when a page-flip is awaiting
[WARN] Failed to change process scheduling strategy
[LOG] Hyprland init finished.
[LOG] Process Created with pid 9240
[LOG] Running on WAYLAND_DISPLAY: wayland-1
[LOG] New aquamarine output with name HEADLESS-1
[LOG] New output with name FALLBACK
[LOG] Hyprland is ready, running the event loop!
[LOG] [AQ] backend: poll fd 11 for implementation headless
[LOG] [AQ] backend: poll fd 28 for implementation drm
[LOG] [AQ] backend: poll fd 12 for session
[LOG] [AQ] backend: poll fd 14 for session
[LOG] [AQ] backend: poll fd 15 for session
[LOG] [AQ] backend: poll fd 18 for idle
[LOG] [AQ] libinput: New device Power Button: 0-1
[LOG] New aquamarine keyboard with name Power Button
[LOG] ApplyConfigToKeyboard for "power-button", hasconfig: 0
[LOG] Attempting to create a keymap for layout us with variant  (rules: , model: , options: compose:caps)
[LOG] Updating keyboard 556b2fee4110's translation state from a provided keymap
[LOG] xkb: LED index 0 (name Num Lock) got index 1
[LOG] xkb: LED index 1 (name Caps Lock) got index 0
[LOG] xkb: LED index 2 (name Scroll Lock) got index 2
[LOG] xkb: Mod index 0 (name Shift) got index 0
[LOG] xkb: Mod index 1 (name Lock) got index 1
[LOG] xkb: Mod index 2 (name Control) got index 2
[LOG] xkb: Mod index 3 (name Mod1) got index 3
[LOG] xkb: Mod index 4 (name Mod2) got index 4
[LOG] xkb: Mod index 5 (name Mod3) got index 5
[LOG] xkb: Mod index 6 (name Mod4) got index 6
[LOG] xkb: Mod index 7 (name Mod5) got index 7
[LOG] Updating keymap fd for keyboard Power Button
[LOG] Updated keymap fd to 372
[LOG] [hookSystem] New hook event registered: activeLayout
[LOG] Set the keyboard layout to us and variant to  for keyboard "power-button"
[LOG] New keyboard created, pointers Hypr: 556b2fee4110 and AQ: 556b5845a980
[LOG] [AQ] libinput: New device Video Bus: 0-6
[LOG] New aquamarine keyboard with name Video Bus
[LOG] ApplyConfigToKeyboard for "video-bus", hasconfig: 0
[LOG] Attempting to create a keymap for layout us with variant  (rules: , model: , options: compose:caps)
[LOG] Updating keyboard 556b5851a540's translation state from a provided keymap
[LOG] xkb: LED index 0 (name Num Lock) got index 1
[LOG] xkb: LED index 1 (name Caps Lock) got index 0
[LOG] xkb: LED index 2 (name Scroll Lock) got index 2
[LOG] xkb: Mod index 0 (name Shift) got index 0
[LOG] xkb: Mod index 1 (name Lock) got index 1
[LOG] xkb: Mod index 2 (name Control) got index 2
[LOG] xkb: Mod index 3 (name Mod1) got index 3
[LOG] xkb: Mod index 4 (name Mod2) got index 4
[LOG] xkb: Mod index 5 (name Mod3) got index 5
[LOG] xkb: Mod index 6 (name Mod4) got index 6
[LOG] xkb: Mod index 7 (name Mod5) got index 7
[LOG] Updating keymap fd for keyboard Video Bus
[LOG] Updated keymap fd to 373
[LOG] Set the keyboard layout to us and variant to  for keyboard "video-bus"
[LOG] New keyboard created, pointers Hypr: 556b5851a540 and AQ: 556b585ca890
[LOG] [AQ] libinput: New device Lid Switch: 0-5
[LOG] New aquamarine switch with name Lid Switch
[LOG] New switch with name "Lid Switch" added
[LOG] [AQ] libinput: New device Power Button: 0-1
[LOG] New aquamarine keyboard with name Power Button
[LOG] ApplyConfigToKeyboard for "power-button-1", hasconfig: 0
[LOG] Attempting to create a keymap for layout us with variant  (rules: , model: , options: compose:caps)
[LOG] Updating keyboard 556b58542c30's translation state from a provided keymap
[LOG] xkb: LED index 0 (name Num Lock) got index 1
[LOG] xkb: LED index 1 (name Caps Lock) got index 0
[LOG] xkb: LED index 2 (name Scroll Lock) got index 2
[LOG] xkb: Mod index 0 (name Shift) got index 0
[LOG] xkb: Mod index 1 (name Lock) got index 1
[LOG] xkb: Mod index 2 (name Control) got index 2
[LOG] xkb: Mod index 3 (name Mod1) got index 3
[LOG] xkb: Mod index 4 (name Mod2) got index 4
[LOG] xkb: Mod index 5 (name Mod3) got index 5
[LOG] xkb: Mod index 6 (name Mod4) got index 6
[LOG] xkb: Mod index 7 (name Mod5) got index 7
[LOG] Updating keymap fd for keyboard Power Button
[LOG] Updated keymap fd to 374
[LOG] Set the keyboard layout to us and variant to  for keyboard "power-button-1"
[LOG] New keyboard created, pointers Hypr: 556b58542c30 and AQ: 556b5884de40
[LOG] [AQ] libinput: New device ELAN1300:00 04F3:3087 Touchpad: 1267-12423
[LOG] New aquamarine pointer with name ELAN1300:00 04F3:3087 Touchpad
[LOG] New mouse has libinput sens 0.00 (0.00) with accel profile 2 (2)
[LOG] Attached pointer elan1300:00-04f3:3087-touchpad to global
[LOG] Applied config to mouse elan1300:00-04f3:3087-touchpad, sens 0.00
[LOG] New mouse created, pointer AQ: 556b585594f0
[LOG] [AQ] libinput: New device ELAN1300:00 04F3:3087 Mouse: 1267-12423
[LOG] New aquamarine pointer with name ELAN1300:00 04F3:3087 Mouse
[LOG] New mouse has libinput sens 0.00 (0.00) with accel profile 2 (2)
[LOG] Attached pointer elan1300:00-04f3:3087-mouse to global
[LOG] Applied config to mouse elan1300:00-04f3:3087-touchpad, sens 0.00
[LOG] Applied config to mouse elan1300:00-04f3:3087-mouse, sens 0.00
[LOG] New mouse created, pointer AQ: 556b586d31d0
[LOG] [AQ] libinput: New device Asus WMI hotkeys: 0-0
[LOG] New aquamarine keyboard with name Asus WMI hotkeys
[LOG] ApplyConfigToKeyboard for "asus-wmi-hotkeys", hasconfig: 0
[LOG] Attempting to create a keymap for layout us with variant  (rules: , model: , options: compose:caps)
[LOG] Updating keyboard 556b586d3830's translation state from a provided keymap
[LOG] xkb: LED index 0 (name Num Lock) got index 1
[LOG] xkb: LED index 1 (name Caps Lock) got index 0
[LOG] xkb: LED index 2 (name Scroll Lock) got index 2
[LOG] xkb: Mod index 0 (name Shift) got index 0
[LOG] xkb: Mod index 1 (name Lock) got index 1
[LOG] xkb: Mod index 2 (name Control) got index 2
[LOG] xkb: Mod index 3 (name Mod1) got index 3
[LOG] xkb: Mod index 4 (name Mod2) got index 4
[LOG] xkb: Mod index 5 (name Mod3) got index 5
[LOG] xkb: Mod index 6 (name Mod4) got index 6
[LOG] xkb: Mod index 7 (name Mod5) got index 7
[LOG] Updating keymap fd for keyboard Asus WMI hotkeys
[LOG] Updated keymap fd to 375
[LOG] Set the keyboard layout to us and variant to  for keyboard "asus-wmi-hotkeys"
[LOG] New keyboard created, pointers Hypr: 556b586d3830 and AQ: 556b58516c20
[LOG] [AQ] libinput: New device AT Translated Set 2 keyboard: 1-1
[LOG] New aquamarine keyboard with name AT Translated Set 2 keyboard
[LOG] ApplyConfigToKeyboard for "at-translated-set-2-keyboard", hasconfig: 0
[LOG] Attempting to create a keymap for layout us with variant  (rules: , model: , options: compose:caps)
[LOG] Updating keyboard 556b586eec80's translation state from a provided keymap
[LOG] xkb: LED index 0 (name Num Lock) got index 1
[LOG] xkb: LED index 1 (name Caps Lock) got index 0
[LOG] xkb: LED index 2 (name Scroll Lock) got index 2
[LOG] xkb: Mod index 0 (name Shift) got index 0
[LOG] xkb: Mod index 1 (name Lock) got index 1
[LOG] xkb: Mod index 2 (name Control) got index 2
[LOG] xkb: Mod index 3 (name Mod1) got index 3
[LOG] xkb: Mod index 4 (name Mod2) got index 4
[LOG] xkb: Mod index 5 (name Mod3) got index 5
[LOG] xkb: Mod index 6 (name Mod4) got index 6
[LOG] xkb: Mod index 7 (name Mod5) got index 7
[LOG] Updating keymap fd for keyboard AT Translated Set 2 keyboard
[LOG] Updated keymap fd to 376
[LOG] Set the keyboard layout to us and variant to  for keyboard "at-translated-set-2-keyboard"
[LOG] New keyboard created, pointers Hypr: 556b586eec80 and AQ: 556b58557e80
[LOG] [AQ] libinput: New device SONY:SRS-X3 (AVRCP): 0-0
[LOG] New aquamarine keyboard with name SONY:SRS-X3 (AVRCP)
[LOG] ApplyConfigToKeyboard for "sony:srs-x3-(avrcp)", hasconfig: 0
[LOG] Attempting to create a keymap for layout us with variant  (rules: , model: , options: compose:caps)
[LOG] Updating keyboard 556b58628ef0's translation state from a provided keymap
[LOG] xkb: LED index 0 (name Num Lock) got index 1
[LOG] xkb: LED index 1 (name Caps Lock) got index 0
[LOG] xkb: LED index 2 (name Scroll Lock) got index 2
[LOG] xkb: Mod index 0 (name Shift) got index 0
[LOG] xkb: Mod index 1 (name Lock) got index 1
[LOG] xkb: Mod index 2 (name Control) got index 2
[LOG] xkb: Mod index 3 (name Mod1) got index 3
[LOG] xkb: Mod index 4 (name Mod2) got index 4
[LOG] xkb: Mod index 5 (name Mod3) got index 5
[LOG] xkb: Mod index 6 (name Mod4) got index 6
[LOG] xkb: Mod index 7 (name Mod5) got index 7
[LOG] Updating keymap fd for keyboard SONY:SRS-X3 (AVRCP)
[LOG] Updated keymap fd to 377
[LOG] Set the keyboard layout to us and variant to  for keyboard "sony:srs-x3-(avrcp)"
[LOG] New keyboard created, pointers Hypr: 556b58628ef0 and AQ: 556b586dc030
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Cursor buffer imported into KMS with id 334
[LOG] [hookSystem] New hook event registered: tick
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Modesetting eDP-1 with 1920x1080@60.00Hz
[LOG] [CWLSeatProtocol] New seat resource bound at 556b58474d50
[LOG] [CWLSeatProtocol] New seat resource bound at 556b58743730
[LOG] [CWLCompositorResource] New wl_surface with id 3 at 556b589205e0
[LOG] [CWLCompositorResource] New wl_region with id 10 at 556b585bb8e0
[LOG] CWLSurface 556b5859f840 called init()
[LOG] LayerSurface 556b81431ce0 (namespace wallpaper layer 0) created on monitor eDP-1
[LOG] [CLayerShellProtocol] New wlr_layer_surface 556b81431ce0
[LOG] [CWLSeatProtocol] New seat resource bound at 556b5859fb70
[LOG] [CWLDataDeviceProtocol] New datamgr resource bound at 556b5868a200
[LOG] [CWLDataDeviceManagerResource] New data device bound at 556b2bf1fec0
[LOG] [CTextInputV1Protocol] New TI V1 at 556b5867c9f0
[LOG] [CTextInputV3] New tiv3 at 0000556b309a15a0
[LOG] [CPrimarySelectionProtocol] New primary_seletion_manager at 556b5868a860
[LOG] [CPrimarySelectionManager] New primary selection data device bound at 556b58553000
[LOG] [CXDGOutputProtocol] New xdg_output for eDP-1: client 556b58742db0 (not xwayland)
[LOG] Starting XWayland with "Xwayland :0 -rootless -core -listenfd 353 -listenfd 354 -displayfd 383 -wm 380", bon voyage!
[LOG] [CXDGShellProtocol] New xdg_wm_base at 556b586e8e00
[LOG] [CWLSeatProtocol] New seat resource bound at 556b5855d2b0
[LOG] [CWLDataDeviceProtocol] New datamgr resource bound at 556b584c6e10
[LOG] [CWLDataDeviceManagerResource] New data device bound at 556b584513e0
[LOG] [CXDGShellProtocol] New xdg_wm_base at 556b5878fc00
[LOG] [CPrimarySelectionProtocol] New primary_seletion_manager at 556b584d90b0
[LOG] [CXDGOutputProtocol] New xdg_output for eDP-1: client 556b5859b610 (not xwayland)
[LOG] [CWLCompositorResource] New wl_surface with id 34 at 556b5855f6a0
[LOG] [CExtIdleNotification] Registered idle-notification for 600000ms
[LOG] [CWLDataDeviceProtocol] New datamgr resource bound at 556b58615cb0
[LOG] [CPrimarySelectionProtocol] New primary_seletion_manager at 556b5868a420
[LOG] [CXDGOutputProtocol] New xdg_output for eDP-1: client 556b5878e180 (not xwayland)
[LOG] [CSHMPool] Resizing a SHM pool from 2304 to 6912
[LOG] [CSHMPool] Resizing a SHM pool from 6912 to 16128
[LOG] [CSHMPool] Resizing a SHM pool from 16128 to 34560
[LOG] [CSHMPool] Resizing a SHM pool from 34560 to 71424
[LOG] [CSHMPool] Resizing a SHM pool from 71424 to 145152
[LOG] [CSHMPool] Resizing a SHM pool from 145152 to 292608
[LOG] [CSHMPool] Resizing a SHM pool from 292608 to 587520
[LOG] [CWLSeatProtocol] New seat resource bound at 556b5855fe90
[LOG] [CWLCompositorResource] New wl_surface with id 20 at 556b58560300
[LOG] [CPrimarySelectionManager] New primary selection data device bound at 556b584bf080
[LOG] [CWLDataDeviceManagerResource] New data device bound at 556b5855e630
[LOG] [CWLCompositorResource] New wl_surface with id 23 at 556b58560830
[LOG] [CWLDataDeviceProtocol] New datamgr resource bound at 556b5844c320
[LOG] [CPrimarySelectionProtocol] New primary_seletion_manager at 556b58561590
[LOG] [CXDGOutputProtocol] New xdg_output for eDP-1: client 556b5878ddc0 (not xwayland)
[LOG] [CSHMPool] Resizing a SHM pool from 2304 to 6912
[LOG] [CSHMPool] Resizing a SHM pool from 6912 to 16128
[LOG] [CSHMPool] Resizing a SHM pool from 16128 to 34560
[LOG] [CSHMPool] Resizing a SHM pool from 34560 to 71424
[LOG] [CSHMPool] Resizing a SHM pool from 71424 to 145152
[LOG] [CSHMPool] Resizing a SHM pool from 145152 to 292608
[LOG] [CSHMPool] Resizing a SHM pool from 292608 to 587520
[LOG] [CWLSeatProtocol] New seat resource bound at 556b58561620
[LOG] [CWLCompositorResource] New wl_surface with id 20 at 556b585618b0
[LOG] [CPrimarySelectionManager] New primary selection data device bound at 556b5855d480
[LOG] [CWLDataDeviceManagerResource] New data device bound at 556b586e91b0
[LOG] [CWLCompositorResource] New wl_surface with id 23 at 556b58562000
[LOG] [CWLDataDeviceProtocol] New datamgr resource bound at 556b586deff0
[LOG] [CPrimarySelectionProtocol] New primary_seletion_manager at 556b584bf290
[LOG] [CXDGOutputProtocol] New xdg_output for eDP-1: client 556b5878e090 (not xwayland)
[LOG] [CSHMPool] Resizing a SHM pool from 2304 to 6912
[LOG] [CSHMPool] Resizing a SHM pool from 6912 to 16128
[LOG] [CSHMPool] Resizing a SHM pool from 16128 to 34560
[LOG] [CSHMPool] Resizing a SHM pool from 34560 to 71424
[LOG] [CSHMPool] Resizing a SHM pool from 71424 to 145152
[LOG] [CSHMPool] Resizing a SHM pool from 145152 to 292608
[LOG] [CSHMPool] Resizing a SHM pool from 292608 to 587520
[LOG] [CWLSeatProtocol] New seat resource bound at 556b58562df0
[LOG] [CWLCompositorResource] New wl_surface with id 20 at 556b58563270
[LOG] [CPrimarySelectionManager] New primary selection data device bound at 556b5855dbf0
[LOG] [CWLDataDeviceManagerResource] New data device bound at 556b5855f480
[LOG] [CWLCompositorResource] New wl_surface with id 23 at 556b58563b50
[LOG] [CWLDataDeviceProtocol] New datamgr resource bound at 556b58564090
[LOG] [CPrimarySelectionProtocol] New primary_seletion_manager at 556b58561350
[LOG] [CXDGOutputProtocol] New xdg_output for eDP-1: client 556b5879e790 (not xwayland)
[LOG] [CSHMPool] Resizing a SHM pool from 2304 to 6912
[LOG] [CSHMPool] Resizing a SHM pool from 6912 to 16128
[LOG] [CSHMPool] Resizing a SHM pool from 16128 to 34560
[LOG] [CSHMPool] Resizing a SHM pool from 34560 to 71424
[LOG] [CSHMPool] Resizing a SHM pool from 71424 to 145152
[LOG] [CSHMPool] Resizing a SHM pool from 145152 to 292608
[LOG] [CSHMPool] Resizing a SHM pool from 292608 to 587520
[LOG] [CWLSeatProtocol] New seat resource bound at 556b58564a90
[LOG] [CWLCompositorResource] New wl_surface with id 20 at 556b58565010
[LOG] [CPrimarySelectionManager] New primary selection data device bound at 556b587adb60
[LOG] [CWLDataDeviceManagerResource] New data device bound at 556b587adb40
[LOG] [CWLCompositorResource] New wl_surface with id 23 at 556b58565820
[LOG] [CWLDataDeviceProtocol] New datamgr resource bound at 556b58565d30
[LOG] [CPrimarySelectionProtocol] New primary_seletion_manager at 556b585667b0
[LOG] [CXDGOutputProtocol] New xdg_output for eDP-1: client 556b58742ea0 (not xwayland)
[LOG] [CSHMPool] Resizing a SHM pool from 2304 to 6912
[LOG] [CSHMPool] Resizing a SHM pool from 6912 to 16128
[LOG] [CSHMPool] Resizing a SHM pool from 16128 to 34560
[LOG] [CSHMPool] Resizing a SHM pool from 34560 to 71424
[LOG] [CSHMPool] Resizing a SHM pool from 71424 to 145152
[LOG] [CSHMPool] Resizing a SHM pool from 145152 to 292608
[LOG] [CSHMPool] Resizing a SHM pool from 292608 to 587520
[LOG] [CWLSeatProtocol] New seat resource bound at 556b58566840
[LOG] [CWLCompositorResource] New wl_surface with id 20 at 556b58566e80
[LOG] [CPrimarySelectionManager] New primary selection data device bound at 556b589198b0
[LOG] [CWLDataDeviceManagerResource] New data device bound at 556b589198d0
[LOG] [CWLCompositorResource] New wl_surface with id 23 at 556b585676c0
[LOG] [CSHMPool] Resizing a SHM pool from 2304 to 6912
[LOG] [CSHMPool] Resizing a SHM pool from 6912 to 16128
[LOG] [CSHMPool] Resizing a SHM pool from 16128 to 34560
[LOG] [CSHMPool] Resizing a SHM pool from 34560 to 71424
[LOG] [CSHMPool] Resizing a SHM pool from 71424 to 145152
[LOG] [CSHMPool] Resizing a SHM pool from 145152 to 292608
[LOG] [CSHMPool] Resizing a SHM pool from 292608 to 587520
[LOG] [CWLCompositorResource] New wl_surface with id 14 at 556b585686c0
[LOG] [CWLDataDeviceProtocol] New datamgr resource bound at 556b58569110
[LOG] [CPrimarySelectionProtocol] New primary_seletion_manager at 556b585695c0
[LOG] [CXDGOutputProtocol] New xdg_output for eDP-1: client 556b58742bb0 (not xwayland)
[LOG] [CSHMPool] Resizing a SHM pool from 2304 to 6912
[LOG] [CSHMPool] Resizing a SHM pool from 6912 to 16128
[LOG] [CSHMPool] Resizing a SHM pool from 16128 to 34560
[LOG] [CSHMPool] Resizing a SHM pool from 34560 to 71424
[LOG] [CSHMPool] Resizing a SHM pool from 71424 to 145152
[LOG] [CSHMPool] Resizing a SHM pool from 145152 to 292608
[LOG] [CSHMPool] Resizing a SHM pool from 292608 to 587520
[LOG] [CWLSeatProtocol] New seat resource bound at 556b58569650
[LOG] [CWLCompositorResource] New wl_surface with id 20 at 556b58569de0
[LOG] [CPrimarySelectionManager] New primary selection data device bound at 556b58569280
[LOG] [CWLDataDeviceManagerResource] New data device bound at 556b584c7520
[LOG] [CWLCompositorResource] New wl_surface with id 23 at 556b5856a4d0
[LOG] [CXDGShellProtocol] New xdg_wm_base at 556b586165b0
[LOG] [CXDGShellProtocol] New xdg_wm_base at 556b58616280
[LOG] [CXDGOutputProtocol] New xdg_output for eDP-1: client 556b58797cf0 (xwayland)
[LOG] [CXDGShellProtocol] New xdg_wm_base at 556b5878f160
[LOG] [CXDGOutputProtocol] New xdg_output for eDP-1: client 556b5878ddc0 (not xwayland)
[LOG] Socket2 accepted a new client at FD 413
[LOG] [CXDGShellProtocol] New xdg_wm_base at 556b58615f50
[LOG] [CWLDataDeviceProtocol] New datamgr resource bound at 556b5856fe20
[LOG] [CPrimarySelectionProtocol] New primary_seletion_manager at 556b4401acd0
[LOG] [CXDGOutputProtocol] New xdg_output for eDP-1: client 556b585692a0 (not xwayland)
[LOG] [CSHMPool] Resizing a SHM pool from 2304 to 6912
[LOG] [CSHMPool] Resizing a SHM pool from 6912 to 16128
[LOG] [CSHMPool] Resizing a SHM pool from 16128 to 34560
[LOG] [CSHMPool] Resizing a SHM pool from 34560 to 71424
[LOG] [CSHMPool] Resizing a SHM pool from 71424 to 145152
[LOG] [CSHMPool] Resizing a SHM pool from 145152 to 292608
[LOG] [CSHMPool] Resizing a SHM pool from 292608 to 587520
[LOG] [CWLSeatProtocol] New seat resource bound at 556b58570740
[LOG] [CWLCompositorResource] New wl_surface with id 20 at 556b58570e00
[LOG] [CPrimarySelectionManager] New primary selection data device bound at 556b58689f60
[LOG] [CWLDataDeviceManagerResource] New data device bound at 556b584c60d0
[LOG] [CWLCompositorResource] New wl_surface with id 23 at 556b58571640
[LOG] [CWLSeatProtocol] New seat resource bound at 556b585713e0
[LOG] [CXDGShellProtocol] New xdg_wm_base at 556b58616060
[LOG] [CWLCompositorResource] New wl_surface with id 35 at 556b5857b310
[LOG] CWLSurface 556b5857bbf0 called init()
[LOG] LayerSurface 556b5857b7e0 (namespace waybar layer 2) created on monitor eDP-1
[LOG] [CLayerShellProtocol] New wlr_layer_surface 556b5857b7e0
[LOG] [CGammaControl] setGamma for eDP-1
[LOG] [CGammaControl] setting to monitor eDP-1
[LOG] [CXDGShellProtocol] New xdg_wm_base at 556b586e8860
[LOG] [CWLSeatProtocol] New seat resource bound at 556b5857bf70
[LOG] [CWLDataDeviceProtocol] New datamgr resource bound at 556b5857d740
[LOG] [CWLDataDeviceManagerResource] New data device bound at 556b5868a2b0
[LOG] [CTextInputV1Protocol] New TI V1 at 556b58862520
[LOG] [CTextInputV3] New tiv3 at 0000556b30d32720
[LOG] [CPrimarySelectionProtocol] New primary_seletion_manager at 556b58571d50
[LOG] [CPrimarySelectionManager] New primary selection data device bound at 556b5855d460
[LOG] [CXDGOutputProtocol] New xdg_output for eDP-1: client 556b5857c050 (not xwayland)
[LOG] [CXDGShellProtocol] New xdg_wm_base at 556b585c33d0
[LOG] [CDRMLeaseDeviceResource] Sending DRMFD 417 to new lease device
[LOG] [CWLSeatProtocol] New seat resource bound at 556b58572ba0
[LOG] [CWLCompositorResource] New wl_surface with id 22 at 556b58573040
[LOG] XWayland is ready
[LOG] xfixes version: 6.0
[LOG] xres version: 1.2
[hc] getShapesC: found 1 images for left_ptr
[LOG] [seatmgr] Rejecting a setCursor because the client ain't in focus
[LOG] [CXDGShellProtocol] New xdg_wm_base at 556b584c9fa0
[LOG] [CXDGShellProtocol] New xdg_wm_base at 556b584c92f0
[LOG] [CWLCompositorResource] New wl_surface with id 29 at 556b58527350
[LOG] CWLSurface 556b58527fa0 called init()
[LOG] LayerSurface 556b58527a70 (namespace gtk-layer-shell layer 1) created on monitor eDP-1
[LOG] [CLayerShellProtocol] New wlr_layer_surface 556b58527a70
[LOG] LayerSurface 556b58527a70 mapped
[LOG] [hookSystem] New hook event registered: openLayer
[LOG] [CWLCompositorResource] New wl_surface with id 33 at 556b58528ff0
[LOG] [CXDGShellProtocol] New xdg_wm_base at 556b584cfcf0
[LOG] [CWLCompositorResource] New wl_surface with id 33 at 556b58528ff0
[LOG] LayerSurface 556b5857b7e0 mapped
[LOG] LayerSurface 556b81431ce0 mapped
[LOG] [CWLCompositorResource] New wl_surface with id 30 at 556b58528ff0
[LOG] [CWLCompositorResource] New wl_region with id 38 at 556b585c4150
[LOG] [CPrimarySelectionManager] New primary selection data device bound at 556b5878f900
[LOG] [CXDGWMBase] New xdg_surface at 556b5894c700
[LOG] [CXDGSurfaceResource] xdg_surface 556b5878fc00 gets a toplevel 556b58533910
[LOG] CWLSurface 556b58526d50 called init()
[LOG] Window 556b58533c10 set class to chromium
[LOG] Searching for matching rules for chromium (title: )
[LOG] Window rule suppressevent maximize ->  class:.* matched [Window 556b58533c10: title: ""]
[LOG] [hookSystem] New hook event registered: windowUpdateRules
[LOG] Window 556b58533c10 set title to New Tab - Chromium
[LOG] Searching for matching rules for chromium (title: New Tab - Chromium)
[LOG] Window rule suppressevent maximize ->  class:.* matched [Window 556b58533c10: title: "New Tab - Chromium"]
[LOG] [CXDGDecoration] setMode: MODE_CLIENT_SIDE. Ignoring and sending MODE_SERVER_SIDE as reply.
[LOG] Searching for matching rules for chromium (title: New Tab - Chromium)
[LOG] Window rule suppressevent maximize ->  class:.* matched [Window 556b58533c10: title: "New Tab - Chromium"]
[LOG] Layout predicts size [Vector2D: x: 1920, y: 1080] for [Window 556b58533c10: title: "New Tab - Chromium"]
[LOG] [CXDGSurfaceResource] xdg_surface 556b5894c700 requests geometry 0x0 1952x1122
[LOG] [CXDGSurfaceResource] xdg_surface 556b5894c700 requests geometry 0x0 1952x1122
[LOG] [CXDGActivationToken] assigned new xdg-activation token 2284ab6d-4193-421e-a29c-a048da882d94
[LOG] [CXDGShellProtocol] New xdg_wm_base at 556b58571c10
[LOG] [CWLCompositorResource] New wl_surface with id 28 at 556b585357d0
[LOG] [hookSystem] New hook event registered: urgent
[LOG] [CWLCompositorResource] New wl_surface with id 29 at 556b5853a2c0
[LOG] [CWLCompositorResource] New wl_surface with id 43 at 556b5853a2c0
[LOG] [CWLDataDeviceProtocol] New datamgr resource bound at 556b586169a0
[LOG] [CPrimarySelectionProtocol] New primary_seletion_manager at 556b5853ae70
[LOG] [CXDGOutputProtocol] New xdg_output for eDP-1: client 556b58534e80 (not xwayland)
[LOG] [CSHMPool] Resizing a SHM pool from 2304 to 6912
[LOG] [CSHMPool] Resizing a SHM pool from 6912 to 16128
[LOG] [CSHMPool] Resizing a SHM pool from 16128 to 34560
[LOG] [CSHMPool] Resizing a SHM pool from 34560 to 71424
[LOG] [CSHMPool] Resizing a SHM pool from 71424 to 145152
[LOG] [CSHMPool] Resizing a SHM pool from 145152 to 292608
[LOG] [CSHMPool] Resizing a SHM pool from 292608 to 587520
[LOG] [CWLSeatProtocol] New seat resource bound at 556b5853af00
[LOG] [CWLCompositorResource] New wl_surface with id 20 at 556b5853a2c0
[LOG] [CPrimarySelectionManager] New primary selection data device bound at 556b5878e460
[LOG] [CWLDataDeviceManagerResource] New data device bound at 556b58575b60
[LOG] [CWLCompositorResource] New wl_surface with id 23 at 556b5853b620
[LOG] [CTextInputV3] New tiv3 at 0000556b30610570
[LOG] [CXDGShellProtocol] New xdg_wm_base at 556b584c7890
[LOG] [CWLCompositorResource] New wl_surface with id 47 at 556b5853c760
[LOG] [CWLSeatProtocol] New seat resource bound at 556b5853cd20
[LOG] [CLinuxDMABBUFParamsResource] Creating a dmabuf, with id 44: size [Vector2D: x: 2304, y: 1536], fmt AB24, planes 3
[LOG] [CLinuxDMABBUFParamsResource]  | plane 0: mod 72057594037927944 fd 426 stride 9216 offset 0
[LOG] [CLinuxDMABBUFParamsResource]  | plane 1: mod 72057594037927944 fd 427 stride 1152 offset 14155776
[LOG] [CLinuxDMABBUFParamsResource]  | plane 2: mod 72057594037927944 fd 428 stride 64 offset 14213120
[LOG] [CXDGSurfaceResource] xdg_surface 556b5894c700 requests geometry 16x10 1920x1080
[LOG] [CWLCompositorResource] New wl_region with id 47 at 556b58616ef0
[LOG] [CWLCompositorResource] New wl_region with id 48 at 556b58616ef0
[LOG] Searching for matching rules for chromium (title: New Tab - Chromium)
[LOG] Window rule suppressevent maximize ->  class:.* matched [Window 556b58533c10: title: "New Tab - Chromium"]
[LOG] Rule workspace matched by [Window 556b58533c10: title: "New Tab - Chromium"], execRule applied.
[LOG] OPENINGON: [Node nullptr], Monitor: 0
[LOG] Set keyboard focus to surface 556b58528ff0, with [Window 556b58533c10: title: "New Tab - Chromium"]
[LOG] Searching for matching rules for chromium (title: New Tab - Chromium)
[LOG] Window rule suppressevent maximize ->  class:.* matched [Window 556b58533c10: title: "New Tab - Chromium"]
[LOG] Map request dispatched, monitor eDP-1, window pos: [5.00000, 29.00000], window size: [1910.00000, 1046.00000]
[LOG] [CForeignToplevelWlrManager] Newly mapped window 0000556b58533c10
[LOG] Searching for matching rules for chromium (title: New Tab - Chromium)
[LOG] Window rule suppressevent maximize ->  class:.* matched [Window 556b58533c10: title: "New Tab - Chromium"]
[LOG] [CSHMPool] Resizing a SHM pool from 2304 to 6912
[LOG] [CSHMPool] Resizing a SHM pool from 6912 to 16128
[LOG] [CSHMPool] Resizing a SHM pool from 16128 to 34560
[LOG] [CSHMPool] Resizing a SHM pool from 34560 to 71424
[LOG] [CSHMPool] Resizing a SHM pool from 71424 to 145152
[LOG] [CSHMPool] Resizing a SHM pool from 145152 to 292608
[LOG] [CSHMPool] Resizing a SHM pool from 292608 to 587520
[LOG] Framebuffer created, status 36053
[LOG] cursorImage request: shape 1 -> default
[hc] getShapesC: found 1 images for default
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Cursor buffer imported into KMS with id 332
[LOG] [CDataDeviceWLRProtocol] New wlr_data_control_manager at 556b5855de90
[LOG] [CWLRDataControlManagerResource] New wlr data device bound at 556b586172a0
[LOG] [CLinuxDMABBUFParamsResource] Creating a dmabuf, with id 38: size [Vector2D: x: 2304, y: 1536], fmt AB24, planes 3
[LOG] [CLinuxDMABBUFParamsResource]  | plane 0: mod 72057594037927944 fd 430 stride 9216 offset 0
[LOG] [CLinuxDMABBUFParamsResource]  | plane 1: mod 72057594037927944 fd 431 stride 1152 offset 14155776
[LOG] [CLinuxDMABBUFParamsResource]  | plane 2: mod 72057594037927944 fd 432 stride 64 offset 14213120
[LOG] [CWLCompositorResource] New wl_region with id 50 at 556b58913520
[LOG] [CLinuxDMABBUFParamsResource] Creating a dmabuf, with id 52: size [Vector2D: x: 2304, y: 1536], fmt AB24, planes 3
[LOG] [CLinuxDMABBUFParamsResource]  | plane 0: mod 72057594037927944 fd 433 stride 9216 offset 0
[LOG] [CLinuxDMABBUFParamsResource]  | plane 1: mod 72057594037927944 fd 434 stride 1152 offset 14155776
[LOG] [CLinuxDMABBUFParamsResource]  | plane 2: mod 72057594037927944 fd 435 stride 64 offset 14213120
[LOG] [CXDGSurfaceResource] xdg_surface 556b5894c700 requests geometry 0x0 1906x1042
[LOG] [CWLCompositorResource] New wl_region with id 51 at 556b584cd0f0
[LOG] cursorImage request: shape 1 -> default
[LOG] [CWLRDataControlManagerResource] New wlr data source bound at 556b5845abe0
[LOG] [CWLRDataDevice] wlr manager requests selection to 556b5845abe0
[LOG] [CWLDataDeviceProtocol] New selection for data source 556b5845abe0
[LOG] [CWLDataDeviceProtocol] New offer 556b5879aad0 for data source 556b5845abe0
[LOG] [CWLDataOfferResource]  | offer 556b5879aad0 supports mime text/plain
[LOG] [CWLDataOfferResource]  | offer 556b5879aad0 supports mime text/plain;charset=utf-8
[LOG] [CDataDeviceWLRProtocol] New selection for data source 556b5845abe0
[LOG] [CDataDeviceWLRProtocol] New  offer 556b585c0440 for data source 556b5845abe0
[LOG] [CWLCompositorResource] New wl_surface with id 52 at 556b58779f70
[LOG] [CWLCompositorResource] New wl_surface with id 53 at 556b5853c760
[LOG] [CWLCompositorResource] New wl_surface with id 54 at 556b58779f70
[LOG] [CWLCompositorResource] New wl_surface with id 55 at 556b5877a590
[LOG] [CWLCompositorResource] New wl_surface with id 56 at 556b5877ac40
[LOG] [CWLCompositorResource] New wl_surface with id 57 at 556b5877b2f0
[LOG] [CXDGWMBase] New xdg_surface at 556b5894c510
[LOG] [CXDGSurfaceResource] xdg_surface 556b58615f50 gets a toplevel 556b5877b9b0
[LOG] CWLSurface 556b5853cb30 called init()
[LOG] [CXDGToplevelResource] Toplevel 556b5877b9b0 sets parent to 0
[LOG] Window 556b5877bb70 set title to Mozilla Thunderbird
[LOG] Searching for matching rules for  (title: Mozilla Thunderbird)
[LOG] Window rule suppressevent maximize ->  class:.* matched [Window 556b5877bb70: title: "Mozilla Thunderbird"]
[LOG] Window 556b5877bb70 set class to thunderbird
[LOG] Searching for matching rules for thunderbird (title: Mozilla Thunderbird)
[LOG] Window rule suppressevent maximize ->  class:.* matched [Window 556b5877bb70: title: "Mozilla Thunderbird"]
[LOG] Searching for matching rules for thunderbird (title: Mozilla Thunderbird)
[LOG] Window rule suppressevent maximize ->  class:.* matched [Window 556b5877bb70: title: "Mozilla Thunderbird"]
[LOG] Layout predicts size [Vector2D: x: 960, y: 1056] for [Window 556b5877bb70: title: "Mozilla Thunderbird"]
[LOG] [CWLCompositorResource] New wl_surface with id 60 at 556b5877d8c0
[LOG] [CWLSubcompositorResource] New wl_subsurface with id 61 at 556b58798f50
[LOG] [CWLCompositorResource] New wl_surface with id 62 at 556b5877e040
[LOG] [CWLCompositorResource] New wl_region with id 64 at 556b5877e470
[LOG] [CWLCompositorResource] New wl_region with id 62 at 556b5877e8f0
[LOG] [CXDGSurfaceResource] xdg_surface 556b5894c510 requests geometry 26x23 960x1056
[LOG] [CWLCompositorResource] New wl_region with id 65 at 556b5877faf0
[WARN] Orphaned CWLSurfaceResource 556b5877d8c0 in setPreferredScaleForSurface
[WARN] Orphaned CWLSurfaceResource 556b5877d8c0 in setPreferredTransformForSurface
[LOG] CWLSurface 556b5877dd50 called init()
[LOG] Searching for matching rules for thunderbird (title: Mozilla Thunderbird)
[LOG] Window rule suppressevent maximize ->  class:.* matched [Window 556b5877bb70: title: "Mozilla Thunderbird"]
[LOG] Rule workspace matched by [Window 556b5877bb70: title: "Mozilla Thunderbird"], execRule applied.
[LOG] Searching for matching rules for chromium (title: New Tab - Chromium)
[LOG] Window rule suppressevent maximize ->  class:.* matched [Window 556b58533c10: title: "New Tab - Chromium"]
[LOG] [CWLDataDeviceProtocol] New offer 556b587872c0 for data source 556b5845abe0
[LOG] [CWLDataOfferResource]  | offer 556b587872c0 supports mime text/plain
[LOG] [CWLDataOfferResource]  | offer 556b587872c0 supports mime text/plain;charset=utf-8
[LOG] Set keyboard focus to surface 556b5853c760, with [Window 556b5877bb70: title: "Mozilla Thunderbird"]
[LOG] Searching for matching rules for thunderbird (title: Mozilla Thunderbird)
[LOG] Window rule suppressevent maximize ->  class:.* matched [Window 556b5877bb70: title: "Mozilla Thunderbird"]
[LOG] [hookSystem] New hook event registered: workspace
[LOG] OPENINGON: [Node nullptr], Monitor: 0
[LOG] Searching for matching rules for thunderbird (title: Mozilla Thunderbird)
[LOG] Window rule suppressevent maximize ->  class:.* matched [Window 556b5877bb70: title: "Mozilla Thunderbird"]
[LOG] Searching for matching rules for thunderbird (title: Mozilla Thunderbird)
[LOG] Window rule suppressevent maximize ->  class:.* matched [Window 556b5877bb70: title: "Mozilla Thunderbird"]
[LOG] Map request dispatched, monitor eDP-1, window pos: [5.00000, 29.00000], window size: [1910.00000, 1046.00000]
[LOG] [CForeignToplevelWlrManager] Newly mapped window 0000556b5877bb70
[LOG] Searching for matching rules for thunderbird (title: Mozilla Thunderbird)
[LOG] Window rule suppressevent maximize ->  class:.* matched [Window 556b5877bb70: title: "Mozilla Thunderbird"]
[LOG] Window 556b5877bb70 set title to Home - Mozilla Thunderbird
[LOG] Searching for matching rules for thunderbird (title: Home - Mozilla Thunderbird)
[LOG] Window rule suppressevent maximize ->  class:.* matched [Window 556b5877bb70: title: "Home - Mozilla Thunderbird"]
[LOG] cursorImage request: surface 556b58565820
[LOG] CWLSurface 556b2be44690 called init()
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Cursor buffer imported into KMS with id 334
[LOG] [CWLCompositorResource] New wl_region with id 63 at 556b58780300
[LOG] [CWLCompositorResource] New wl_region with id 65 at 556b58528be0
[LOG] [CWLCompositorResource] New wl_region with id 62 at 556b58528be0
[LOG] [CWLCompositorResource] New wl_region with id 64 at 556b58528be0
[LOG] [CWLCompositorResource] New wl_region with id 63 at 556b587848d0
[LOG] [CLinuxDMABBUFParamsResource] Creating a dmabuf, with id 72: size [Vector2D: x: 1906, y: 1042], fmt AR24, planes 3
[LOG] [CLinuxDMABBUFParamsResource]  | plane 0: mod 72057594037927944 fd 437 stride 7680 offset 0
[LOG] [CLinuxDMABBUFParamsResource]  | plane 1: mod 72057594037927944 fd 438 stride 960 offset 8110080
[LOG] [CLinuxDMABBUFParamsResource]  | plane 2: mod 72057594037927944 fd 439 stride 64 offset 8142848
[LOG] [CXDGSurfaceResource] xdg_surface 556b5894c510 requests geometry 0x0 1906x1042
[LOG] [CWLCompositorResource] New wl_region with id 47 at 556b5877fb50
[LOG] [CWLCompositorResource] New wl_region with id 73 at 556b5877fb50
[LOG] [CWLCompositorResource] New wl_region with id 67 at 556b5877ebd0
[LOG] [CWLCompositorResource] New wl_region with id 52 at 556b587848d0
[LOG] [CLinuxDMABBUFParamsResource] Creating a dmabuf, with id 67: size [Vector2D: x: 1906, y: 1042], fmt AR24, planes 3
[LOG] [CLinuxDMABBUFParamsResource]  | plane 0: mod 72057594037927944 fd 440 stride 7680 offset 0
[LOG] [CLinuxDMABBUFParamsResource]  | plane 1: mod 72057594037927944 fd 441 stride 960 offset 8110080
[LOG] [CLinuxDMABBUFParamsResource]  | plane 2: mod 72057594037927944 fd 442 stride 64 offset 8142848
[LOG] [CLinuxDMABBUFParamsResource] Creating a dmabuf, with id 74: size [Vector2D: x: 1906, y: 1042], fmt AR24, planes 3
[LOG] [CLinuxDMABBUFParamsResource]  | plane 0: mod 72057594037927944 fd 437 stride 7680 offset 0
[LOG] [CLinuxDMABBUFParamsResource]  | plane 1: mod 72057594037927944 fd 438 stride 960 offset 8110080
[LOG] [CLinuxDMABBUFParamsResource]  | plane 2: mod 72057594037927944 fd 439 stride 64 offset 8142848
[LOG] [CWLCompositorResource] New wl_region with id 73 at 556b58785dc0
[LOG] [CWLDataDeviceProtocol] New datamgr resource bound at 556b58766a40
[LOG] [CPrimarySelectionProtocol] New primary_seletion_manager at 556b58773580
[LOG] [CXDGOutputProtocol] New xdg_output for eDP-1: client 556b58786700 (not xwayland)
[LOG] [CSHMPool] Resizing a SHM pool from 2304 to 6912
[LOG] [CSHMPool] Resizing a SHM pool from 6912 to 16128
[LOG] [CSHMPool] Resizing a SHM pool from 16128 to 34560
[LOG] [CSHMPool] Resizing a SHM pool from 34560 to 71424
[LOG] [CSHMPool] Resizing a SHM pool from 71424 to 145152
[LOG] [CSHMPool] Resizing a SHM pool from 145152 to 292608
[LOG] [CSHMPool] Resizing a SHM pool from 292608 to 587520
[LOG] [CWLSeatProtocol] New seat resource bound at 556b58773610
[LOG] [CWLCompositorResource] New wl_surface with id 20 at 556b5877e040
[LOG] [CPrimarySelectionManager] New primary selection data device bound at 556b2ce49a80
[LOG] [CWLDataDeviceManagerResource] New data device bound at 556b587872f0
[LOG] [CWLCompositorResource] New wl_surface with id 23 at 556b58774190
[LOG] [CXDGShellProtocol] New xdg_wm_base at 556b58787000
[LOG] [CWLCompositorResource] New wl_region with id 73 at 556b58774850
[LOG] [CWLCompositorResource] New wl_region with id 73 at 556b58779ba0
[LOG] [CWLCompositorResource] New wl_surface with id 72 at 556b58775640
[LOG] [CWLCompositorResource] New wl_region with id 73 at 556b58774a70
[LOG] [CWLCompositorResource] New wl_region with id 73 at 556b58774850
[LOG] [CWLCompositorResource] New wl_region with id 73 at 556b587751e0
[LOG] [CWLDataDeviceProtocol] New datamgr resource bound at 556b58774df0
[LOG] [CPrimarySelectionProtocol] New primary_seletion_manager at 556b58779ba0
[LOG] [CXDGOutputProtocol] New xdg_output for eDP-1: client 556b58775130 (not xwayland)
[LOG] [CSHMPool] Resizing a SHM pool from 2304 to 6912
[LOG] [CSHMPool] Resizing a SHM pool from 6912 to 16128
[LOG] [CSHMPool] Resizing a SHM pool from 16128 to 34560
[LOG] [CSHMPool] Resizing a SHM pool from 34560 to 71424
[LOG] [CSHMPool] Resizing a SHM pool from 71424 to 145152
[LOG] [CSHMPool] Resizing a SHM pool from 145152 to 292608
[LOG] [CSHMPool] Resizing a SHM pool from 292608 to 587520
[LOG] [CWLSeatProtocol] New seat resource bound at 556b58777eb0
[LOG] [CWLCompositorResource] New wl_surface with id 20 at 556b584e2a20
[LOG] [CPrimarySelectionManager] New primary selection data device bound at 556b58774ea0
[LOG] [CWLDataDeviceManagerResource] New data device bound at 556b58793380
[LOG] [CWLCompositorResource] New wl_surface with id 23 at 556b584e3440
[LOG] [CXDGShellProtocol] New xdg_wm_base at 556b58785d70
[LOG] [CLinuxDMABBUFParamsResource] Creating a dmabuf, with id 73: size [Vector2D: x: 1906, y: 1042], fmt AR24, planes 3
[LOG] [CLinuxDMABBUFParamsResource]  | plane 0: mod 72057594037927944 fd 449 stride 7680 offset 0
[LOG] [CLinuxDMABBUFParamsResource]  | plane 1: mod 72057594037927944 fd 450 stride 960 offset 8110080
[LOG] [CLinuxDMABBUFParamsResource]  | plane 2: mod 72057594037927944 fd 451 stride 64 offset 8142848
[LOG] Window 556b5877bb70 set title to Inbox - - Mozilla Thunderbird
[LOG] Searching for matching rules for thunderbird (title: Inbox - - Mozilla Thunderbird)
[LOG] Window rule suppressevent maximize ->  class:.* matched [Window 556b5877bb70: title: "Inbox - - Mozilla Thunderbird"]
[LOG] [CWLCompositorResource] New wl_region with id 52 at 556b584e43b0
[LOG] [CWLCompositorResource] New wl_region with id 47 at 556b584e4340
[LOG] cursorImage request: surface 556b58565820
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Cursor buffer imported into KMS with id 332
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Cursor buffer imported into KMS with id 332
[LOG] [CWLCompositorResource] New wl_region with id 62 at 556b584e44d0
[LOG] [CWLCompositorResource] New wl_region with id 62 at 556b5877d1a0
[LOG] Keybind triggered, calling dispatcher (64, , 65293)
[LOG] Executing kitty
[LOG] Process Created with pid 9868
[LOG] [CWLSeatProtocol] New seat resource bound at 556b584e4680
[LOG] [CWLDataDeviceProtocol] New datamgr resource bound at 556b5846df70
[LOG] [CWLDataDeviceManagerResource] New data device bound at 556b58785220
[LOG] [CXDGShellProtocol] New xdg_wm_base at 556b584e4460
[LOG] [CPrimarySelectionProtocol] New primary_seletion_manager at 556b58786580
[LOG] [CPrimarySelectionManager] New primary selection data device bound at 556b58785200
[LOG] [CTextInputV3] New tiv3 at 0000556b2fed52d0
[LOG] [CWLCompositorResource] New wl_surface with id 25 at 556b584ecce0
[LOG] [CWLCompositorResource] New wl_surface with id 29 at 556b584ed390
[LOG] [CWLCompositorResource] New wl_region with id 32 at 556b584eddd0
[LOG] [CXDGWMBase] New xdg_surface at 556b5894c8f0
[LOG] [CXDGSurfaceResource] xdg_surface 556b584e4460 gets a toplevel 556b584edf80
[LOG] CWLSurface 556b584ee260 called init()
[LOG] Window 556b584ee300 set class to kitty
[LOG] Searching for matching rules for kitty (title: )
[LOG] Window rule suppressevent maximize ->  class:.* matched [Window 556b584ee300: title: ""]
[LOG] Window 556b584ee300 set title to kitty
[LOG] Searching for matching rules for kitty (title: kitty)
[LOG] Window rule suppressevent maximize ->  class:.* matched [Window 556b584ee300: title: "kitty"]
[LOG] [CXDGDecoration] setMode: MODE_SERVER_SIDE. Sending MODE_SERVER_SIDE as reply.
[LOG] Searching for matching rules for kitty (title: kitty)
[LOG] Window rule suppressevent maximize ->  class:.* matched [Window 556b584ee300: title: "kitty"]
[LOG] Layout predicts size [Vector2D: x: 960, y: 1056] for [Window 556b584ee300: title: "kitty"]
[LOG] [CWLCompositorResource] New wl_region with id 32 at 556b584efa70
[LOG] [CWLCompositorResource] New wl_region with id 36 at 556b584efa70
[LOG] [CXDGSurfaceResource] xdg_surface 556b5894c8f0 requests geometry 0x0 960x1056
[LOG] [CSinglePixelBuffer] New single-pixel buffer with color 0xfe0d0f18
[LOG] New window contains HL_INITIAL_WORKSPACE_TOKEN: 30b57b33-7c08-4cf9-94d2-9195c9392240
[LOG] HL_INITIAL_WORKSPACE_TOKEN 30b57b33-7c08-4cf9-94d2-9195c9392240 -> 10
[LOG] Searching for matching rules for kitty (title: kitty)
[LOG] Window rule suppressevent maximize ->  class:.* matched [Window 556b584ee300: title: "kitty"]
[LOG] OPENINGON: [Node 556b587a1c80: workspace: 10, pos: [0.00, 24.00], size: [1920.00, 1056.00], window: 556b5877bb70], Monitor: 0
[LOG] Searching for matching rules for thunderbird (title: Inbox - - Mozilla Thunderbird)
[LOG] Window rule suppressevent maximize ->  class:.* matched [Window 556b5877bb70: title: "Inbox - - Mozilla Thunderbird"]
[LOG] [CWLDataDeviceProtocol] New offer 556b5877d0e0 for data source 556b5845abe0
[LOG] [CWLDataOfferResource]  | offer 556b5877d0e0 supports mime text/plain
[LOG] [CWLDataOfferResource]  | offer 556b5877d0e0 supports mime text/plain;charset=utf-8
[LOG] Set keyboard focus to surface 556b584ed390, with [Window 556b584ee300: title: "kitty"]
[LOG] Searching for matching rules for kitty (title: kitty)
[LOG] Window rule suppressevent maximize ->  class:.* matched [Window 556b584ee300: title: "kitty"]
[LOG] Map request dispatched, monitor eDP-1, window pos: [965.00000, 29.00000], window size: [950.00000, 1046.00000]
[LOG] [CForeignToplevelWlrManager] Newly mapped window 0000556b584ee300
[LOG] Searching for matching rules for thunderbird (title: Inbox - - Mozilla Thunderbird)
[LOG] Window rule suppressevent maximize ->  class:.* matched [Window 556b5877bb70: title: "Inbox - - Mozilla Thunderbird"]
[LOG] Searching for matching rules for kitty (title: kitty)
[LOG] Window rule suppressevent maximize ->  class:.* matched [Window 556b584ee300: title: "kitty"]
[LOG] [seatmgr] Rejecting a setCursor because the client ain't in focus
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Cursor buffer imported into KMS with id 334
[LOG] [CWLCompositorResource] New wl_region with id 36 at 556b584f6c80
[LOG] cursorImage request: shape 1 -> default
[LOG] CWLSurface 556b2be44690 called destroy()
[hc] getShapesC: found 1 images for default
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Cursor buffer imported into KMS with id 334
[LOG] [CWLCompositorResource] New wl_region with id 38 at 556b5877f8c0
[LOG] [CXDGSurfaceResource] xdg_surface 556b5894c8f0 requests geometry 0x0 946x1042
[LOG] [CLinuxDMABBUFParamsResource] Creating a dmabuf, with id 41: size [Vector2D: x: 946, y: 1042], fmt AR24, planes 3
[LOG] [CLinuxDMABBUFParamsResource]  | plane 0: mod 72057594037927944 fd 436 stride 4096 offset 0
[LOG] [CLinuxDMABBUFParamsResource]  | plane 1: mod 72057594037927944 fd 439 stride 512 offset 4325376
[LOG] [CLinuxDMABBUFParamsResource]  | plane 2: mod 72057594037927944 fd 452 stride 64 offset 4345856
[LOG] [CWLCompositorResource] New wl_region with id 74 at 556b58784830
[LOG] [CWLCompositorResource] New wl_region with id 62 at 556b58784830
[LOG] [CWLCompositorResource] New wl_region with id 63 at 556b58784830
[LOG] [CWLCompositorResource] New wl_region with id 77 at 556b584f4660
[LOG] [CXDGSurfaceResource] xdg_surface 556b5894c510 requests geometry 0x0 946x1042
[LOG] [CWLCompositorResource] New wl_region with id 78 at 556b584f2ef0
[LOG] [CWLCompositorResource] New wl_region with id 79 at 556b584f2ef0
[LOG] [CLinuxDMABBUFParamsResource] Creating a dmabuf, with id 68: size [Vector2D: x: 946, y: 1042], fmt AR24, planes 3
[LOG] [CLinuxDMABBUFParamsResource]  | plane 0: mod 72057594037927944 fd 454 stride 4096 offset 0
[LOG] [CLinuxDMABBUFParamsResource]  | plane 1: mod 72057594037927944 fd 455 stride 512 offset 4325376
[LOG] [CLinuxDMABBUFParamsResource]  | plane 2: mod 72057594037927944 fd 456 stride 64 offset 4345856
[LOG] [CWLCompositorResource] New wl_region with id 69 at 556b584e47e0
[LOG] [CLinuxDMABBUFParamsResource] Creating a dmabuf, with id 80: size [Vector2D: x: 946, y: 1042], fmt AR24, planes 3
[LOG] [CLinuxDMABBUFParamsResource]  | plane 0: mod 72057594037927944 fd 440 stride 4096 offset 0
[LOG] [CLinuxDMABBUFParamsResource]  | plane 1: mod 72057594037927944 fd 441 stride 512 offset 4325376
[LOG] [CLinuxDMABBUFParamsResource]  | plane 2: mod 72057594037927944 fd 442 stride 64 offset 4345856
[LOG] cursorImage request: shape 9 -> text
[hc] getShapesC: found 1 images for text
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Cursor buffer imported into KMS with id 332
[LOG] Window 556b584ee300 set title to zsh
[LOG] Searching for matching rules for kitty (title: zsh)
[LOG] Window rule suppressevent maximize ->  class:.* matched [Window 556b584ee300: title: "zsh"]
[LOG] [CLinuxDMABBUFParamsResource] Creating a dmabuf, with id 42: size [Vector2D: x: 946, y: 1042], fmt AR24, planes 3
[LOG] [CLinuxDMABBUFParamsResource]  | plane 0: mod 72057594037927944 fd 449 stride 4096 offset 0
[LOG] [CLinuxDMABBUFParamsResource]  | plane 1: mod 72057594037927944 fd 450 stride 512 offset 4325376
[LOG] [CLinuxDMABBUFParamsResource]  | plane 2: mod 72057594037927944 fd 451 stride 64 offset 4345856
[LOG] [CLinuxDMABBUFParamsResource] Creating a dmabuf, with id 44: size [Vector2D: x: 946, y: 1042], fmt AR24, planes 3
[LOG] [CLinuxDMABBUFParamsResource]  | plane 0: mod 72057594037927944 fd 457 stride 4096 offset 0
[LOG] [CLinuxDMABBUFParamsResource]  | plane 1: mod 72057594037927944 fd 458 stride 512 offset 4325376
[LOG] [CLinuxDMABBUFParamsResource]  | plane 2: mod 72057594037927944 fd 459 stride 64 offset 4345856
[LOG] Window 556b584ee300 set title to [ewaller@odin][~]%
[LOG] Searching for matching rules for kitty (title: [ewaller@odin][~]%)
[LOG] Window rule suppressevent maximize ->  class:.* matched [Window 556b584ee300: title: "[ewaller@odin][~]%"]
[LOG] Window 556b584ee300 set title to ~
[LOG] Searching for matching rules for kitty (title: ~)
[LOG] Window rule suppressevent maximize ->  class:.* matched [Window 556b584ee300: title: "~"]
[LOG] [CLinuxDMABBUFParamsResource] Creating a dmabuf, with id 49: size [Vector2D: x: 1906, y: 1042], fmt AB24, planes 3
[LOG] [CLinuxDMABBUFParamsResource]  | plane 0: mod 72057594037927944 fd 430 stride 7680 offset 0
[LOG] [CLinuxDMABBUFParamsResource]  | plane 1: mod 72057594037927944 fd 431 stride 960 offset 8110080
[LOG] [CLinuxDMABBUFParamsResource]  | plane 2: mod 72057594037927944 fd 432 stride 64 offset 8142848
[LOG] [CLinuxDMABBUFParamsResource] Creating a dmabuf, with id 43: size [Vector2D: x: 1906, y: 1042], fmt AB24, planes 3
[LOG] [CLinuxDMABBUFParamsResource]  | plane 0: mod 72057594037927944 fd 426 stride 7680 offset 0
[LOG] [CLinuxDMABBUFParamsResource]  | plane 1: mod 72057594037927944 fd 427 stride 960 offset 8110080
[LOG] [CLinuxDMABBUFParamsResource]  | plane 2: mod 72057594037927944 fd 428 stride 64 offset 8142848
[LOG] [CWLCompositorResource] New wl_region with id 81 at 556b5877f340
[LOG] [CLinuxDMABBUFParamsResource] Creating a dmabuf, with id 38: size [Vector2D: x: 1906, y: 1042], fmt AB24, planes 3
[LOG] [CLinuxDMABBUFParamsResource]  | plane 0: mod 72057594037927944 fd 433 stride 7680 offset 0
[LOG] [CLinuxDMABBUFParamsResource]  | plane 1: mod 72057594037927944 fd 434 stride 960 offset 8110080
[LOG] [CLinuxDMABBUFParamsResource]  | plane 2: mod 72057594037927944 fd 435 stride 64 offset 8142848
[LOG] [CWLCompositorResource] New wl_region with id 81 at 556b58615c20
[LOG] [CGammaControl] setGamma for eDP-1
[LOG] [CGammaControl] setting to monitor eDP-1
[LOG] [CWLCompositorResource] New wl_region with id 81 at 556b585c2f50
[LOG] cursorImage request: surface 0
[LOG] Window 556b584ee300 set title to [ewaller@odin][~]% (cd /run/user/1000/hypr/4520b30d498daca8079365bdb909a8dea38e8d55_1728841215_1074557723)
[LOG] Searching for matching rules for kitty (title: [ewaller@odin][~]% (cd /run/user/1000/hypr/4520b30d498daca8079365bdb909a8dea38e8d55_1728841215_1074557723))
[LOG] Window rule suppressevent maximize ->  class:.* matched [Window 556b584ee300: title: "[ewaller@odin][~]% (cd /run/user/1000/hypr/4520b30d498daca8079365bdb909a8dea38e8d55_1728841215_1074557723)"]
[LOG] Window 556b584ee300 set title to cd $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/hypr/$HYPRLAND_INSTANCE_SIGNATURE
[LOG] Searching for matching rules for kitty (title: cd $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/hypr/$HYPRLAND_INSTANCE_SIGNATURE)
[LOG] Window rule suppressevent maximize ->  class:.* matched [Window 556b584ee300: title: "cd $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/hypr/$HYPRLAND_INSTANCE_SIGNATURE"]
[LOG] Window 556b584ee300 set title to [ewaller@odin][/run/user/1000/hypr/4520b30d498daca8079365bdb909a8dea38e8d55_1728841215_1074557723]%
[LOG] Searching for matching rules for kitty (title: [ewaller@odin][/run/user/1000/hypr/4520b30d498daca8079365bdb909a8dea38e8d55_1728841215_1074557723]%)
[LOG] Window rule suppressevent maximize ->  class:.* matched [Window 556b584ee300: title: "[ewaller@odin][/run/user/1000/hypr/4520b30d498daca8079365bdb909a8dea38e8d55_1728841215_1074557723]%"]
[LOG] Window 556b584ee300 set title to …/1000/hypr/4520b30d498daca8079365bdb909a8dea38e8d55_1728841215_1074557723
[LOG] Searching for matching rules for kitty (title: …/1000/hypr/4520b30d498daca8079365bdb909a8dea38e8d55_1728841215_1074557723)
[LOG] Window rule suppressevent maximize ->  class:.* matched [Window 556b584ee300: title: "…/1000/hypr/4520b30d498daca8079365bdb909a8dea38e8d55_1728841215_1074557723"]
[LOG] [AQ] [libinput] event8  - palm: keyboard timeout

[LOG] [CWLCompositorResource] New wl_region with id 81 at 556b58565590
[LOG] [CWLCompositorResource] New wl_region with id 81 at 556b584cac40
[LOG] [CWLCompositorResource] New wl_region with id 81 at 556b5877f8c0
[LOG] [CWLCompositorResource] New wl_region with id 81 at 556b5877f8c0
[LOG] [CGammaControl] setGamma for eDP-1
[LOG] [CGammaControl] setting to monitor eDP-1
[LOG] [CWLCompositorResource] New wl_region with id 69 at 556b5877f910
[LOG] [CWLCompositorResource] New wl_region with id 69 at 556b58615c20
[LOG] [CWLCompositorResource] New wl_region with id 69 at 556b584e6900

Here are just the errors:

ERR] [AQ] [libseat] [libseat/backend/seatd.c:66] Could not connect to socket /run/seatd.sock: Permission denied
[ERR] [AQ] drm: Skipping device /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:02.0/drm/card1/card1-HDMI-A-1, no devnode
[ERR] [AQ] drm: Skipping device /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:02.0/drm/card1/card1-eDP-1, no devnode
[ERR] [AQ] drm: getCurrentCRTC: No CRTC 0
[ERR] [AQ] Wayland backend cannot start: wl_display_connect failed (is a wayland compositor running?)
[ERR] [AQ] Requested backend (wayland) could not start, enabling fallbacks
[ERR] [AQ] Implementation wayland failed, erasing.
[ERR] [EGL] Command eglQueryDevicesEXT errored out with EGL_BAD_ALLOC (0x12291): EGL_BAD_ALLOC error: In eglQueryDevicesEXT: Failed to allocate device list.
[ERR] [EGL] Command eglQueryDevicesEXT errored out with EGL_BAD_ALLOC (0x12291): EGL_BAD_ALLOC error: In eglQueryDevicesEXT: Failed to allocate device list.
[ERR] [AQ] drm: Cannot commit when a page-flip is awaiting
[ERR] Couldn't commit output named eDP-1
[ERR] createBGTextureForMonitor: failed, file "/usr/local/share/hypr/wall2.png" doesn't exist or access denied, ec: Success
[ERR] [AQ] drm: Cannot commit when a page-flip is awaiting
[ERR] [AQ] drm: Cannot commit when a page-flip is awaiting
[ERR] CPopup: orphaned (no surface/resource) and unmaps??

I see the same complaints about seatd and having to use fallback on my MacBook Air.<*>

<*> By the way, I did not purchase the MacBook air as their manufacturer loves to abandon them after they are a couple years old and cripples them when they do.  This one I picked up off a junk pile for free.  It was severely swollen with a battery that was about to undo itself.  After a fairly simple battery replacement, it is a great little travel computer.  Much better than the tablet I lost at Dulles International, but I digress.

Edit:  The frustrating part is that I cannot demonstrate that anything is wrong.  It just seems more sluggish at the start up than it should.   It also takes a bit longer to shut down than it should, even with my hack that shuts down applications before dispatching the exit.

Last edited by ewaller (2024-10-13 17:58:51)

Nothing is too wonderful to be true, if it be consistent with the laws of nature -- Michael Faraday
Sometimes it is the people no one can imagine anything of who do the things no one can imagine. -- Alan Turing
How to Ask Questions the Smart Way


#6 2024-10-14 07:38:39

Registered: 2012-09-03
Posts: 60,896

Re: Hyprland Slow to Load and Update Configuration

[LOG] [AQ] [libseat] [libseat/libseat.c:76] Backend 'seatd' failed to open seat, skipping
[LOG] [AQ] [libseat] [libseat/libseat.c:73] Seat opened with backend 'logind'

Normal, arch defaults to logind.

[LOG] [AQ] drm: gpu /dev/dri/card1 becomes primary drm
[LOG] [AQ] Starting the Aquamarine backend!
[LOG] [AQ] Starting the Wayland backend!
[ERR] [AQ] Wayland backend cannot start: wl_display_connect failed (is a wayland compositor running?)
[ERR] [AQ] Requested backend (wayland) could not start, enabling fallbacks
[ERR] [AQ] Implementation wayland failed, erasing.
[LOG] [AQ] Created a GBM allocator with drm fd 29
[LOG] [AQ] drm: Connectors size2 2
[LOG] [AQ] Created a GBM allocator with drm fd 133
[LOG] [AQ] CDRMRenderer: got a high priority context
[LOG] [AQ] CDRMRenderer: success
[LOG] [AQ] drm: onReady: connector 313
[LOG] [AQ] drm: onReady: connector 313 has output name eDP-1
[LOG] [AQ] Swapchain: Clearing
[LOG] New aquamarine output with name eDP-1
[LOG] [AQ] drm: onReady: connector 322
[LOG] [AQ] CDRMRenderer: got a high priority context
[LOG] [AQ] CDRMRenderer: success
[LOG] Running on DRMFD: 28
[LOG] wl_display_add_socket for wayland-1 succeeded with 0
[LOG] Creating the CHyprOpenGLImpl!
[LOG] Supported EGL extensions: (16) EGL_EXT_platform_base EGL_EXT_device_base EGL_EXT_device_enumeration EGL_EXT_device_query EGL_KHR_client_get_all_proc_addresses EGL_EXT_client_extensions EGL_KHR_debug EGL_KHR_platform_x11 EGL_EXT_platform_x11 EGL_EXT_platform_device EGL_MESA_platform_surfaceless EGL_EXT_explicit_device EGL_KHR_platform_wayland EGL_EXT_platform_wayland EGL_KHR_platform_gbm EGL_MESA_platform_gbm EGL_EXT_platform_xcb
[ERR] [EGL] Command eglQueryDevicesEXT errored out with EGL_BAD_ALLOC (0x12291): EGL_BAD_ALLOC error: In eglQueryDevicesEXT: Failed to allocate device list.

[ERR] [EGL] Command eglQueryDevicesEXT errored out with EGL_BAD_ALLOC (0x12291): EGL_BAD_ALLOC error: In eglQueryDevicesEXT: Failed to allocate device list.

[LOG] eglDeviceFromDRMFD: Using device /dev/dri/card1
[LOG] EGL: IMG_context_priority supported, requesting high
[LOG] EGL: EXT_create_context_robustness supported, requesting lose on reset
[LOG] EGL: Got a high priority context
[LOG] Creating the Hypr OpenGL Renderer!
[LOG] Using: OpenGL ES 3.2 Mesa 24.2.4-arch1.1

This looks like touble (would be cool if the log had timestamps…)
Make sure to ahve i915 in the initramfs and for my favorite enemy, add "initcall_blacklist=simpledrm_platform_driver_init" to the


[LOG] Release: 6.11.3-arch1-1

Is the LTS kernel also affected by this?


#7 2024-10-14 14:41:26

From: Pasadena, CA
Registered: 2009-07-13
Posts: 20,334

Re: Hyprland Slow to Load and Update Configuration

Yeah I was confused about

[ERR] [AQ] Wayland backend cannot start: wl_display_connect failed (is a wayland compositor running?)
[ERR] [AQ] Requested backend (wayland) could not start, enabling fallbacks
[ERR] [AQ] Implementation wayland failed, erasing.

as it then seems to open a Wayland session and it runs just dandy.

My mkinitcpio.conf is pretty generic, my only customization is in HOOKS.   I gather you are suggesting I add i915 to MODULES()  ?
At boot I do not start a login manager, rather I log in straight to a shell (zsh).  At that point, lsmod shows i915 as being loaded.  I'll try adding i915 to the MODULE array tonight (I am tilting at windmills at $DAYJOB this fine fall Monday morning). 

I had checked the LTS kernel and the logs had the same error messages.


That is new to me, and my searches using the Oracle of Mountainview on the topic seem to center around Nvidia issues.  What are your suspicions regarding this?  (This laptop has only Intel Xe graphics)

Nothing is too wonderful to be true, if it be consistent with the laws of nature -- Michael Faraday
Sometimes it is the people no one can imagine anything of who do the things no one can imagine. -- Alan Turing
How to Ask Questions the Smart Way


#8 2024-10-14 14:56:13

Registered: 2012-09-03
Posts: 60,896

Re: Hyprland Slow to Load and Update Configuration

The 6.11 kernels have a boatload of framebuffer related issues across all hardware, the simplydumb device is completely pointless so the idea is to get it out of the way and see whether it's the cause of the egl issues.

However if

I had checked the LTS kernel and the logs had the same error messages.

but no stalls than the egl errors are likely not the cause of the stall anyway sad

Is ~/.config/hypr/hyperland.conf the same on both systems?


#9 2024-10-14 15:15:27

From: Pasadena, CA
Registered: 2009-07-13
Posts: 20,334

Re: Hyprland Slow to Load and Update Configuration

For clarity, It also takes a long time to start on the LTS kernel on the Asus.  I don't have an LTS kernel on the Mac. 

The Macbook Air started with the same config file and has only diverged where it comes to the binding of keyboard shortcuts.  My Asus has a keypad which I use for functions to control tiling and it has no media keys.  The Mac has no keypad, but does have media keys.   

Regardless, I tried both without any config and letting Hyprland apply its default.  The Asus was still slow, and the Mac snappy.

I'm thinking of maybe building it from the git version in the AUR tonight to see if that has any impact.

Edit:  And I'll play with the init blacklist.   That is a bit of a PITA as I use efistub for booting

Last edited by ewaller (2024-10-14 15:16:25)

Nothing is too wonderful to be true, if it be consistent with the laws of nature -- Michael Faraday
Sometimes it is the people no one can imagine anything of who do the things no one can imagine. -- Alan Turing
How to Ask Questions the Smart Way


#10 2024-10-14 15:48:53

Registered: 2012-09-03
Posts: 60,896

Re: Hyprland Slow to Load and Update Configuration

For clarity, It also takes a long time to start on the LTS kernel on the Asus.

I doubt it's the simpledrm device then, the framebuffer issues are exclusive to 6.11

Is the undue cpu activity on editing the hyprland config in the hyprland process itself?
Could be the waybar, the looks like a natural contender to spark diverging behavior…


#11 2024-10-14 16:51:50

From: Pasadena, CA
Registered: 2009-07-13
Posts: 20,334

Re: Hyprland Slow to Load and Update Configuration

Good point.  I could try not launching that.  That script just displays a few things on the desktop.  Mostly environmental variables, some information from /proc, a list of Xwayland clients, and the contents of a file that contains my local weather.  That file is maintained by a separate systemd service.  TL;DR, I don't think there is anything in there eating CPU cycles, but it does not hurt to check.

Maybe I should create a fresh user and try it.   The users on my Vivobook both have had run previous versions of Hyprland before Hyprland updated to 0.44.  The Macbook was a fresh install.  I am thinking perhaps some tainted file in a cache or something.

Edit:  I tried a fresh user, and it still takes about 10 seconds to load.   I started to build from the AUR and found it wants all the other Hypr-dependents to be git versions as well.  Not tonight, thanks.

Last edited by ewaller (2024-10-15 01:25:34)

Nothing is too wonderful to be true, if it be consistent with the laws of nature -- Michael Faraday
Sometimes it is the people no one can imagine anything of who do the things no one can imagine. -- Alan Turing
How to Ask Questions the Smart Way


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