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Ftr, that haiku is OLD and idk when or where it showed up first,
I will recognize those always. NetPositive error haiku from BeOS.
If I may be so bold:
Though it lies dormant
BeBox lies in my closet
Relic of ages past
@Atrexian: Ooh, that's fancy. Thanks for sharing!
@Atrexian: Ooh, that's fancy. Thanks for sharing!
Thanks! I will make more fancy backgrounds like that one
@Atrexian looks awesome, but do you have a version without the arch logo up top? it's very disturbing that way, especially as you have already incorperated it in the image (in the form of mountains)
Why I run Arch? To "BTW I run Arch" the guy one grade younger.
And to let my siblings and cousins laugh at Arsch Linux...
@jl2: Please reword your criticism to be both more descriptive and more constructive. "Very disturbing" sounds very negative. How is a finely crafted wallpaper disturbing you?
If I'm correct in guessing English may not be your first language, then I'm sure you did not mean any offense.
Disturb \Dis*turb"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Disturbed}; p. pr. &
vb. n. {Disturbing}.] [OE. desturben, destourben, OF.
destorber, desturber, destourber, fr. L. disturbare,
disturbatum; dis- + turbare to disturb, trouble, turba
disorder, tumult, crowd. See {Turbid}.]
1. To throw into disorder or confusion; to derange; to
interrupt the settled state of; to excite from a state of
[1913 Webster]
The image has a visible light source and matching, prominent shadows.
The Arch logo has a drop shadow that'd be caused by a theoretical light source in almost the straight opposite direction.
Your brain tells notices that this is bullshit and the scenery just gets obstructed by some watermark.
Try to slap this onto it:
@jl2: Please reword your criticism to be both more descriptive and more constructive. "Very disturbing" sounds very negative. How is a finely crafted wallpaper disturbing you?
A finely crafted wallpaper is not disturbing me unless there is a very big Arch Linux logo simply covering up a lot of it.
You literally did this, but far more disturbing.
Again, the criticism was really only for the Watermark. I'd like to have and possibly use the wallpaper without the vignette because it looks great and is indeed a finely crafted wallpaper.
edit: I thought I saw a guideline for not just blindly adding a Arch logo on top, but instead to incorporate it into the image. @seth you always know were stuff is ...
Last edited by jl2 (2024-09-27 10:04:58)
Why I run Arch? To "BTW I run Arch" the guy one grade younger.
And to let my siblings and cousins laugh at Arsch Linux...
@jl2 here is the original wallpaper: … 430c0dd3ae
To disturb something has one possible meaning of interrupting something, perhaps in a distracting way, as in "it is disturbing the peace". That's the transitive use. There is an intransitive use of "disturbing", meaning something is unsettling or upsetting, that goes beyond the thing being not very aesthetically pleasing.
This probably violates some adobe copyrights, so don't redistribute it…
Last edited by seth (2024-09-27 14:35:53)
Here's one.
Ryzen 5900X 12 core/24 thread - RTX 3090 FE 24 Gb, Asus B550-F Gaming MB, 128Gb Corsair DDR4, Cooler Master N300 chassis, 5 HD (2 NvME PCI, 4SSD) + 1 x optical.
Linux user #545703
/ is the root of all problems.
A trio of bevel gears.
This has the distinction of being my first Blender render after a fresh Arch install. It may seem darkly lit but I prefer a subdued background and this is a busier image than most of my wallpapers. I may make another with lighter colors as well as cranking some of the logos out of the image.
5120x2880 JPEG @ 534K
Added tilt shift and surface imperfections:
Last edited by seth (2025-01-10 23:48:21)
Added tilt shift and surface imperfections:
You are welcome to the blend file if you really want to play.
Can be animated ---
@glenl looks quite nice - may I have the blend file? your UV seams a bit off for the arch logo and I'd like to see how depth of field looks
Why I run Arch? To "BTW I run Arch" the guy one grade younger.
And to let my siblings and cousins laugh at Arsch Linux...
Blend file for the bevel gear spheres is available on gumroad. I've made a few notes in the zip file. This is Blender 4.3.2 and probably requires at least 4.something to work.
Threw this vaporwave themed wallpaper together a couple of months ago in blender. Hope you enjoy it. I uploaded it as a public domain dedication (CC0). You may have to compress the image into a jpg. Discord @drsillybad if you need the jpg version instead.
Last edited by Drsillybad (2025-01-12 22:20:43)
I see you.
@glenl here's my try:
Doesn't look much better
Here's my blend file, if you want to look what I did:
I like how accurate the gear's tooth shape is. My grandfather knew quite a lot about them, as he worked at uni munich in that direction.
Last edited by jl2 (2025-01-12 20:13:59)
Why I run Arch? To "BTW I run Arch" the guy one grade younger.
And to let my siblings and cousins laugh at Arsch Linux...
Another attempt, another improvement. Things I changed include shinny metal for the gear sides and holes, little nicks on the rest, changed color temp, fixed the UVs for the logo without making it look wierd/small, and moved the gears on the Z-axis to prevent them clipping the floor.
blend file:url
Also found out how to use HIP-RT on blender, it simply requires the "hiprt" package. Works well for rendering but not for viewport, keeps on crashing, and gives a steady -20% speed boost. Should edit the wiki page.
Any how do you do a imgur with a preview?
Last edited by jl2 (2025-01-13 07:14:25)
Why I run Arch? To "BTW I run Arch" the guy one grade younger.
And to let my siblings and cousins laugh at Arsch Linux...
For imgur I upload two files, a thumb and matching JPEG. then
Here are two more, lit slightly brighter with some DOF.
All the gears in my gearbox asset library are mathematically correct and should yield working gears if 3D printed. I was surprised when experimenting with the bevel gears at a 60-degree shaft angle that this sphere-o-gears actually mesh and turn. Not very useful but interesting and ... pretty.
This is a different angle at the Arch vaporwave picture I posted earlier: It is under CC0 license.
I see you.
Your picture isn't showing up. I really want to see it because I am a little of a half life 2 fan.
I see you.