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Why should I download all the cvs server content in order to build one package?
That was my bad, I was following the instructions on … guide.html . Now that I think about it it's really not needed.
*edit* I just realized you linked to the guide, not the forum thread in question. This isn't my day XP
You can get individual PKGBUILDs and other build files by following the CVS link on the package's page on .
You need to explain it in the documentation.
the abs command take long time and write as part of the creation.
Synchronize your ABS tree with the server (run abs as root)
The abs command gives you full access to the instructions through which all your packages are built. Having a complete abs tree in your system is definitely a good idea and does not take much space. Moreover, it is time consuming only the first time you do that.
Abs (as a complete build system for arch) is supposed to act in such way. If you do not like it and want just the PKGBUILD for a package in the arch cvs, it is very easy to do this and there is nothing arch specific there: just use 'cvs' to grab stuff, or use the web interface. There is no need to specify this in the arch docs because this happens for any os project using cvs. On the contrary, abs is the arch peculiarity.
Mortuus in anima, curam gero cutis
/me applauds patroclo7