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#1 2024-08-07 12:43:17

Registered: 2018-06-05
Posts: 28

[RESOLVED] System Powered Off During Update, Twice; Trying to Recover


Yesterday, there was a kernel update, and everything seemed to be fine, but when my computer got to "dkms install" (because I'm on the nvidia 535 drivers), my laptop powered down.  Sadly, I know the drill:

emergency USB boot, iwctl, mount, arch-chroot, remove the pacman lock file, pacman -Syu mkinitcpio systemd linux

And everything was fine.  Until this morning, and the same thing happened during the "dkms install."  No problem (just frustration), I know the drill:

emergency USB boot, iwctl, mount, arch-chroot, remove the pacman lock file, pacman -Syu mkinitcpio systemd linux

And everything is not fine.  The system boots again, and I can log in as my regular user and start X11, but something is still wrong.

I reinstalled gcc, and firefox, and got a few errors trying to start element-desktop, so I tried reinstalling all packages with "pacman -Qnq | pacman -S -," but all I get is a seemingly endless list of "[file] exists in filesystem" errors.

Any suggestions for a next step?

Last edited by segment289 (2024-10-24 09:56:49)


#2 2024-08-08 18:10:24

Registered: 2023-07-20
Posts: 24

Re: [RESOLVED] System Powered Off During Update, Twice; Trying to Recover

You can find what packages were being updated in /var/log/pacman.log, and you can check the log since the last update with

tail --lines=+$(sed -n '/pacman -Syu/=' /var/log/pacman.log | awk 'END { print last } { last = $0 }') /var/log/pacman.log | cat

To find what packages have missing files (indicating that it was a partial update)

pacman -Qk 2>/dev/null | grep -v ' 0 missing files' | cut -d: -f1

It may be worthwhile to check out this link, as it has a very similiar issue as you.
As it says, you can use the "--overwrite" parameter to bypass the "[file] exists in filesystem" errors, but use with caution. NOTE: This would work with your original command but use cautiously
    Hope this helps!


#3 2024-10-23 10:14:29

Registered: 2018-06-05
Posts: 28

Re: [RESOLVED] System Powered Off During Update, Twice; Trying to Recover

Pardon the delayed response.  Sometimes, life gets in the way.

In any case, I tried a few things from the Pacman troubleshooting section of the wiki, to no avail.  The current state of affairs is as follows:

$ sudo pacman -Syuv
[sudo] password for dan: 
error: GPGME error: No data
error: GPGME error: No data
Root      : /
Conf File : /etc/pacman.conf
DB Path   : /var/lib/pacman/
Cache Dirs: /var/cache/pacman/pkg/  
Hook Dirs : /usr/share/libalpm/hooks/  /etc/pacman.d/hooks/  
Lock File : /var/lib/pacman/db.lck
Log File  : /var/log/pacman.log
GPG Dir   : /etc/pacman.d/gnupg/
Targets   : None
:: Synchronizing package databases...
 core                         116.7 KiB   263 KiB/s 00:00 [-------------------------------] 100%
 extra                          7.5 MiB  7.64 MiB/s 00:01 [-------------------------------] 100%
error: GPGME error: No data
error: GPGME error: No data
error: failed to synchronize all databases (invalid or corrupted database (PGP signature))

$ pacman -Qs gcc
error: GPGME error: No data
error: GPGME error: No data
local/gcc 14.2.1+r32+geccf707e5ce-1
    The GNU Compiler Collection - C and C++ frontends
local/gcc-libs 14.2.1+r32+geccf707e5ce-1
    Runtime libraries shipped by GCC

$ pacman -Ss gcc
error: GPGME error: No data
error: GPGME error: No data
error: database 'core' is not valid (invalid or corrupted database (PGP signature))
error: database 'extra' is not valid (invalid or corrupted database (PGP signature))

The day leading up to my issue and everything that follows from my pacman log (minus the block of NUL characters left over from the hard pacman failure) is at



#4 2024-10-23 23:35:31

Registered: 2018-06-05
Posts: 28

Re: [RESOLVED] System Powered Off During Update, Twice; Trying to Recover

As per, I moved /var/lib/pacman/sync out of the way, and at least now I can run pacman -Sy.  But whenever I try anything that involves pacman -Su, I get a very long list of packages to install, and eventually the following:

:: Proceed with installation? [Y/n] 
(279/279) checking keys in keyring                        [-------------------------------] 100%
(279/279) checking package integrity                      [-------------------------------] 100%
(279/279) loading package files                           [-------------------------------] 100%
(279/279) checking for file conflicts                     [-------------------------------] 100%
error: failed to commit transaction (conflicting files)
linux-headers: /usr/src/linux exists in filesystem
Errors occurred, no packages were upgraded.

I have /usr/src/linux because I'm using dkms for the old 535 NVIDIA drivers.

Any thoughts on the next step?  Anything else I can post?


#5 2024-10-24 09:55:55

Registered: 2018-06-05
Posts: 28

Re: [RESOLVED] System Powered Off During Update, Twice; Trying to Recover

following the troubleshooting instructions on the pacman wiki page worked

my system seems to be working again



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