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#1 2024-10-30 13:31:13

Registered: 2024-10-30
Posts: 7

Paru (and pacman) slow out of nowhere?

Yesterday, it was downloading at 20MB/s, but now it's just 348KB/s

Applies to both paru and pacman.


#2 2024-10-30 13:32:31

Registered: 2010-05-06
Posts: 6,688

Re: Paru (and pacman) slow out of nowhere?

Chances are your mirror has issues.


#3 2024-10-30 13:33:52

Registered: 2024-10-30
Posts: 7

Re: Paru (and pacman) slow out of nowhere?

I tried reflector, same problem. Powerpill, however, works perfectly


#4 2024-10-30 13:37:37

Registered: 2010-05-06
Posts: 6,688

Re: Paru (and pacman) slow out of nowhere?

Configure parallel downloads in pacman.conf and see if it changes anything. Let's continue from there. Powerpill does stuff in parallel if it still works as it did years ago.


#5 2024-10-30 13:37:38

Registered: 2024-10-30
Posts: 7

Re: Paru (and pacman) slow out of nowhere?

What, it just started working? Could chaotic-aur be the problem?


#6 2024-10-30 13:38:06

Registered: 2012-09-01
Posts: 12,420

Re: Paru (and pacman) slow out of nowhere?

What, exactly, was being slow?


#7 2024-10-30 13:38:09

Registered: 2024-10-30
Posts: 7

Re: Paru (and pacman) slow out of nowhere?

Awebb wrote:

Configure parallel downloads in pacman.conf and see if it changes anything. Let's continue from there. Powerpill does stuff in parallel if it still works as it did years ago.

I did. It started working out of nowhere?


#8 2024-10-30 13:38:39

Registered: 2024-10-30
Posts: 7

Re: Paru (and pacman) slow out of nowhere?

Scimmia wrote:

What, exactly, was being slow?

Downloading the packages.


#9 2024-10-30 13:39:35

Registered: 2012-09-01
Posts: 12,420

Re: Paru (and pacman) slow out of nowhere?

*what* packages?


#10 2024-10-30 13:41:13

Registered: 2024-10-30
Posts: 7

Re: Paru (and pacman) slow out of nowhere?

I tried LibreOffice-fresh. It just started working again? I have no idea.

The issue is resolved. Can i like, close the thread?


#11 2024-10-30 13:45:09

Registered: 2024-10-30
Posts: 7

Re: Paru (and pacman) slow out of nowhere?

I changed it to a French mirror, which is somehow faster then the iskon mirror in croatia.


#12 2024-10-30 15:15:17

Registered: 2024-02-03
Posts: 1,295

Re: Paru (and pacman) slow out of nowhere?

justzvan wrote:

I changed it to a French mirror, which is somehow faster then the iskon mirror in croatia.

just because a server is physical near you doesn'T mean it's logical near you or gives any information about its speed - because of peering
the way a private customer accesses the internet is by thier isp peers with a lot of the big backbone providers - how exactly this happens depends on the contracts between a given isp and a given peering partner: it can be at a central location like the DE-CIX at Frankfurt/Germany, it can be local, it can be at multiple points with different speeds and rates

as a specific example lets take my isp: MDCC - Magdeburg City Com: it itself has only one upstream route to MDLink - if this fails I'm off the internet for good; MDLink has several peerings to other big ones like Telekom, Vodafone and Telefonica/O2 - both at DE-CIX but also local in Magdeburg and at some datacenters along the way; MDLink also hosts a datacenter here in Magdeburg itself - so any host located in there is both physical and logical near me
Telekom also has a datacenter here in Magdeburg - but there's no guarantee about how I connect to them - maybe it's a local peering link within the city itself (they exists for historical reasons) or if my packets go the extra long route over Frankfurt
thanks to the high quality and good inter-connections I only see such differences when I run a trace - but it can and does happen from time to time - does it affect the latency and speed? only to a "it's just measurable in the background noise"
as for the trip Croatia - France and back again vs some local mirror: it could very well be that for some reason there's no direct local peering between your ISP and the datacenter the mirror is hosted at - it highly depends on the actual physical infrastructure (is there even a connection at all?) and on the contracts (if so: how is it used? what priority? what speed?) - as it happened all of the sudden it could be phyiscal damage like some construction dug right through the cable so all traffic now must use different alternate routes - it could also be (although rarely) some technical mis-config like facebook once did - could also be (although unlikely) some change of contract

point is: there're many factors why one mirror that used to work flawless all of the sudden only works very bad or not at all anymore - as for official mirrors using reflector on a regular interval is a good idea - as for how the AUR infrastrucutre works - I have no idea but my guess would be some load- and location-balanced CDN or something similar


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