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#1 2024-10-29 18:48:22

Registered: 2018-07-12
Posts: 36

SOLVED: Following system update, hp-LJ-P1102w will not print

We updated our ArchLinux system a couple of days ago ( pacman -Syu ),
and now the hp P1102W printer will not work.

1.   Printing a file from (for example) LibreOffice of gedit, CUPS accepts the
      input file then the printer hangs up. Same for .JPG's.
      Canceling all print jobs and "resuming" the printer via CUPS does not help.
2.   The printer prints a test page from a manual command (Hold down the red "X" button)
3.   The printer will not print a test page from the CUPS "maintenance" menu.

Further details:

Package                  Version      Install date
General update         ----           26-oct-2024
cups               12-oct-2024
libcupsfilters          2.1.0-1        26-oct-2024      ** is this the cause?
libcups           12-oct-2024
cups-filters            2.0.1-1        17-aug-2024
cups-browsed       2.0.1-1        17-aug-2024
hplip               17-aug-2024
hplip-plugin     23-jun-2024  [form AUR]

Can anyone suggest where I should begin to solve this problem
and get the printer to go again??
Thanks in advance.

Last edited by dynosaw (2024-10-31 13:04:55)


#2 2024-10-29 19:04:10

From: Pasadena, CA
Registered: 2009-07-13
Posts: 20,354

Re: SOLVED: Following system update, hp-LJ-P1102w will not print

How do you connect to that printer?  USB or network?

As a sanity check, do the version numbers reported by uname -a and by pacman -Q linux  agree?

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#3 2024-10-29 20:55:52

Registered: 2012-09-03
Posts: 61,570

Re: SOLVED: Following system update, hp-LJ-P1102w will not print

libcupsfilters          2.1.0-1        26-oct-2024      ** is this the cause?


pacman -U

If not and if it's not a kernel mismatch, we'll have to take a look at a debug-enabled cups log, … #Debug_log


#4 2024-10-30 11:05:12

Registered: 2018-07-12
Posts: 36

Re: SOLVED: Following system update, hp-LJ-P1102w will not print

My thanks to Ewaller and Seth for their responses to my call for help.

1. The printer is connected to my (tower) PC via an USB cable.
     There is no network printing capablity enabled as far as I know.
     Chipset is Intel; motherboard is ASUS a88XM-A

2.  The results of the kernel check have amazed me!!
      The desktop box here starts under Linux LTS (or so I thought).

   uname                         Linux 6.6.58-1-LTS    x86_64   
   pacman -Q linux          6.11.5.arch1-1 

But also:
     pacman -Q linux-lts      6.6.58-1

I have run linux with both kernels present for several years and never
experienced a clash. The default start-up kernel is LTS. Has something changed?     

3.   Inspected /etc/cups/cupsd.conf    " LogLevel" was already set to "debug"

4.   Now we did the following:
  4.1    printer powered ON
  4.2    Using Firefox browser, CUPS managment routine opened in Printers/Maintenance/
           Observed status "Paused"
  4.3    Printing set to "Resumed" and this was confirmed by CUPS
  4.4    Opened an .odt file in LibreOfficeFresh;  attempt to print via "File/Print" menu
  4.5    Notification:  (5729) <filename.odt> on HP_Laserjet_Professional_P_1102w
  4.6    Printer does nothing

5.   Inspected files in /var/log/cups/ Here is a cut-and-paste of the contents.


localhost - - [30/Oct/2024:11:02:44 +0100] "POST /printers/HP_LaserJet_Professional_P_1102w HTTP/1.1" 200 28769 Send-Document successful-ok


D [30/Oct/2024:11:07:06 +0100] Report: stringpool-total-bytes=31856

D [30/Oct/2024:11:13:48 +0100] Expiring subscriptions...

Remark: I'm surprised that the error log is so brief, considering all the annoyance
I experienced yesterday. Otherwise I can personally find no clue to the
printer's refusal to print.

Thanks in advance if you can shed a light on what is happening.


#5 2024-10-30 12:54:25

Registered: 2012-09-03
Posts: 61,570

Re: SOLVED: Following system update, hp-LJ-P1102w will not print

uname                         Linux 6.6.58-1-LTS    x86_64
pacman -Q linux-lts      6.6.58-1

This is fine, you're booting an installed kernel version.

A single print attempt usually leaves hundreds of lines in /var/log/cups/error_log, also you'd get interaction w/ localhost:631 logged there.
That's really the *entire*  file??

Do you get more log when trying to print the testpage from cups interface in your browser?

The printer is connected to my (tower) PC via an USB cable.

Also check the system journal (sudo journalctl -b), the printer should be detected but maybe there're some bus errors?

Can you print to pdf when installing ?
(The PDF files go to /var/spool/cups-pdf/*)


#6 2024-10-31 07:43:47

Registered: 2018-07-12
Posts: 36

Re: SOLVED: Following system update, hp-LJ-P1102w will not print

Thanks again for your help, Seth. Still no joy.
1.   Can't find the package foo2zjs.nightly on AUR
      Nor can I access the foomatic "http" webpage, after disabling "https only" in FireFox.

2.   Attempt to print testpage from CUPS in browser doesn't work.
      --  On Power-ON, printer is in (CUPS) "Paused" mode.
      --  Printing is "Resumed" (in CUPS)
      --  Attempt to print testpage out of CUPS fails; job is set to "Pending" and printer is "Paused" again!
      --  /var/log/cups/error.log contains ONE line (no more).  Thus:
                               D [31/Oct/2024:08:11:01 +0100] Expiring subscriptions... 
          Yesterday's stuff is gone!

3.   Attempt to "print to file" (a pdf) out of LibreOffice works.

I also captured the journal yesterday   [  sudo journalctl > ~/JRNL.txt ]  1.3 MegaLines!
then a search:  [cat ~/JRNL.txt | grep CUPS]   and   
                         [cat ~/JRNL.txt | grep 1102w]
but could find nothing that indicated an error situation to my very limited understanding.

What now?? Time presses on I do need my printer.
Thanks in advance.


#7 2024-10-31 08:00:07

Registered: 2012-09-03
Posts: 61,570

Re: SOLVED: Following system update, hp-LJ-P1102w will not print

Can't find the package foo2zjs.nightly on AUR

Dash, not dot. You could also just click the link tongue

3.   Attempt to "print to file" (a pdf) out of LibreOffice works.

That's not the same as cups-pdf.
LO has it's own PDF generator, cups-pdf would show up as printer in the print general menu.

[  sudo journalctl > ~/JRNL.txt ]  1.3 MegaLines!

That's the entire system journal and probably covers days or months.

sudo journalctl -b > ~/JRNL.txt

Then don't grep it, you're more or less looking for USB or overall bus errors.

Please post your complete system journal for the boot:

sudo journalctl -b | curl -F 'file=@-'

Yesterday's stuff is gone!

The log gets cleared w/ a cups restart, but the emptyiness there is weird.

lpstat -r
lpstat -s
lpstat -l
lpstat -p HP_LaserJet_Professional_P1102_NET # the printer name is a guess, you'll find the correct one in lpstat -s
file /usr/share/cups/data/default-testpage.pdf
lp -d HP_LaserJet_Professional_P1102_NET /usr/share/cups/data/default-testpage.pdf
pacman -Qikk hplip hplip-plugin


#8 2024-10-31 10:47:45

Registered: 2018-07-12
Posts: 36

Re: SOLVED: Following system update, hp-LJ-P1102w will not print

Thanks for your patience Seth.
1.  Yes my mistake.  I have downloaded (but not unzipped) the AUR "snapshot" for foo2zjs-nightly in case it is needed.

2.  I have looked at the last boot record from the journal and get the impression that the system can find the hp-P1102w printer
     I would willingly upload the whole text file (1642 lines, 146 kB) but I find the "sudo journalctl -b | curl -F 'file=@-'" confusing.
     Is that the full instruction or must the parameter -F be followed by the actual name of the file?

    Anyway here is a brief extract from my file  jRnLcTl-b.txt:
okt 31 11:00:33 tuxbox kernel: usb 1-14: New USB device found, idVendor=03f0, idProduct=102a, bcdDevice= 1.00
okt 31 11:00:33 tuxbox kernel: usb 1-14: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3
okt 31 11:00:33 tuxbox kernel: usb 1-14: Product: HP LaserJet Professional P 1102w
okt 31 11:00:33 tuxbox kernel: usb 1-14: Manufacturer: Hewlett-Packard
okt 31 11:00:33 tuxbox kernel: usb 1-14: SerialNumber: 000000000W44H8QYPR1a
okt 31 11:00:33 tuxbox root[509]: loading HP Device 001 005
okt 31 11:00:33 tuxbox kernel: cfg80211: Loading compiled-in X.509 certificates for regulatory database
okt 31 11:00:33 tuxbox kernel: Loaded X.509 cert 'sforshee: 00b28ddf47aef9cea7'
okt 31 11:00:33 tuxbox kernel: Loaded X.509 cert 'wens: 61c038651aabdcf94bd0ac7ff06c7248db18c600'
okt 31 11:00:33 tuxbox kernel: platform regulatory.0: Direct firmware load for regulatory.db failed with error -2
okt 31 11:00:33 tuxbox kernel: cfg80211: failed to load regulatory.db
okt 31 11:00:33 tuxbox dhcpcd[482]: no interfaces have a carrier
okt 31 11:00:33 tuxbox systemd[1]: Finished IPv4 Packet Filtering Framework.
okt 31 11:00:33 tuxbox systemd[1]: Starting IPv6 Packet Filtering Framework...
okt 31 11:00:33 tuxbox systemd[1]: Finished IPv6 Packet Filtering Framework.
okt 31 11:00:33 tuxbox systemd[1]: Reached target Preparation for Network.
okt 31 11:00:33 tuxbox systemd[1]: Starting Network Manager...   .../... etc...

Hope this helps (If I really knew, I wouldn't be a Newbie).


#9 2024-10-31 12:43:10

Registered: 2012-09-03
Posts: 61,570

Re: SOLVED: Following system update, hp-LJ-P1102w will not print

Is that the full instruction or must the parameter -F be followed by the actual name of the file?

The command pipes the journal directly into and hands you a URL to share.

Please use [code][/code] tags and also post the output of the commands in #7 (lp -d …  /usr/share/cups/data/default-testpage.pdf might actually print something or at least grow the log. Again: the printer name there is a random guess)


#10 2024-10-31 13:13:33

Registered: 2018-07-12
Posts: 36

Re: SOLVED: Following system update, hp-LJ-P1102w will not print

I had checked the USB wiring before I submitted my first posting on this topic
and it all seemed to be in order.

The villain of the piece seems to have been a plug-in card with additional
USB sockets, to which the printer was connected. Changing the connection
to one of the native USB sockets on the motherboard seems to have worked.
The correlation with the update seems to have been a concidence. It seems
to have been a hardware fault; but I'm keeping an open watch for the possibility
of an intermittent contact.

Thanks for very much Seth for your help and patience.
And I am relieved that the printer is going again.


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