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#1 2024-11-28 10:22:10

Registered: 2021-04-07
Posts: 5

Bluetooth having really bad range, bad audio on automatic connect

The range problem has been a problem for almost a year (at least), I had a generic Bluetooth 4.0 USB adapter which worked okay with my headset.
The range was about 5 meters, which wasn't too bad. Due to reasons, I replaced the headset with some generic earbuds which had a worse range, maybe 3 meters, and took manual connecting to get it to work.
They lasted to last month, so I bought the Philips TAT1108 earbuds, which seemed to have the same range but at least they connected automatically, and the sound was better.
The range was still an issue, I thought it must be because of the crappy Bluetooth USB adapter, so I replaced it with a TP-Link Bluetooth 5.0 USB Adapter.
At first, the range was great, I could get at least 10 meters away from my PC and on another floor.
But after a week, the range got worse again, now the left earbud has problems range problem when I'm next to the PC.
The right one is fine, but I can't get more than 3 meters away from the PC.
Also, when the earbuds automatically connect, the sound quality is crackly and skips. I have to reconnect to get the clear audio.
The earbuds work great on my phone, audio quality is good on first connect, and the range is at least 10 meters.

I tried the Arch Wiki, which has a troubleshooting section called "Audio devices start to skip at short distance from dongle", which states "Make sure it is the only device attached to its bus.".
Which I did, now it's the only one on bus 5, and it didn't make a difference.

Does anyone else have an idea what the problem could be?


#2 2024-11-28 16:30:12

Registered: 2024-11-25
Posts: 90

Re: Bluetooth having really bad range, bad audio on automatic connect

Hard to start to help with anything given the amount of information provided. Can you start by sharing your Bluetooth logs?


#3 2024-11-28 16:51:10

Registered: 2021-04-07
Posts: 5

Re: Bluetooth having really bad range, bad audio on automatic connect

Here's de output of journalctl --unit=bluetooth, is there anyother usefull information I need to add?


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