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I`m a windows user looking for a Linux distro to get me into the wonderful world of open source. At the demonoid forum i read that Arch is a good starter for Linux, because it`s text command based, but with good documentation. My problem is a bit ordinary though, I`m living in japan which means that I` using a Japaneses keyboard.
So my questions are, when I install will I have to type the commands with the key placements of a American keyboard?
And ones i have completed the installation, will i be able to use my keyboard to its full potential, or are the Japaneses writing tolls like scim written for other keyboards (ex:American)?
Hmm, i'm not very sure about other keyboard layouts, but I know you'll have to install, whatever you type has to be in english. Once you install a DE (gnome/kde/etc) you can switch to a japanese keyboard layout.
Oki, thanks for the quick answer, i guess ill have to try and get through the install and see what happens. But just to be sure ill try on my laptop first
If I remember correctly from my last install you can run
before starting the installation and choose a keymap. You will have to add it yourself to your rc.conf though to re-enable it after the installation. I'm not sure if there is support for Japanese layouts, but it's worth a shot.
there were no support for Japaneses key map in the install, but there were for Swedish key map which i more or less know in my head, thanks for the idea though, it got me to take the step
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