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Hello, after testing i3 Arch in a VM, I have now switched to real hardware (laptop).
In the VM I was able to copy with ctrl+Shift+c and paste with ctrl+Shift+Paste. I assume it would work the same with the real hardware.
But now I have the problem that the computer doesn't have an Insert key.
Is there any way I can use a different key as the Insert key? If so, how?
Or is there another way I can copy and paste?
Kind regards
Last edited by ToedlichesAuge (Yesterday 16:49:30)
Are you using a stock i3 configuration file?
Keybinding is the first thing you change when installing i3.
You may want to look through that entire document.
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I use the standard config for i3.
I also used keybindings to open for example applications, like firefox.
But I dont know how to completly rebind a key, so that for example "end" is "insert".
Or how I can do, that when I for example press Mod+Shift+v, that then Mod+Shift+Insert is executed.
I could not find anything like that (which aktually works).
Do you or anyone ele has an idea.
Last edited by ToedlichesAuge (Yesterday 00:58:23)
Copy/paste in X11 is implemented in the clients, most GUI ones will support ctrl+c,x,v (the windows shortcuts)
Many/most clients will support windows-typical ctrl+ins (copy), shift+del (cut) and shift+ins (paste) - and because ctrl+c is historically sigint in shells, this would be the standard approach in terminal emulators.
Some terminal emulators will allow you to use the MS shortcuts w/ an additional shift (ie. ctrl+shift+c, as your OP mentions) but also ctrl+shift+v (though that's technically not necessary)
If you want to redefine copy,cut,paste shortcuts, that will have to happen on a per-client/toolkit base.
=> please elaborate on the concerned clients (I guess it's some terminal emulator here)
Ok, thanks. I will look for a terminal emulator and try this. I'll get back to you when I have results.
Last edited by ToedlichesAuge (Yesterday 06:49:27)
Great news. I found an answer to my problem.
I installed "xterm" (but I think it already was installed, not sure)
And this was one solution (it is not quite what i wanted, but it works good (and I think I like it)):
Thanks to all.