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Hello everyone. today i have updated amd gpu drivers and when i tried to run the app(corectrl) the space inside of that app`s window was completely black. then after rebooting and logging into kde with wayland i am getting a black screen with only cursor visible. i can move the cursor but can`t do nothing else. logging in under x11 seems to be working fine. i have found a few topics with the same problem but they seem to be about nvidia while i have amd gpu, and none of their solutions worked for me. i will provide any needed info about my system if somebody wishes to help solve this issue. gpu is rx580.
Last edited by ranked9925 (2024-12-07 21:17:07)
Same here, with a RX570
If this is with AMDGPU-PRO then try the open source drivers instead. Most desktop users don't need the proprietary drivers and will experience better performance without them.
Para todos todo, para nosotros nada
If this is with AMDGPU-PRO then try the open source drivers instead. Most desktop users don't need the proprietary drivers and will experience better performance without them.
i`m using open source drivers.
Same problem here. RX570 using the open source AMDGPU drivers.
Black screen with cursor. I can run applications and get the window up though.
Running plasmashell in the terminal gives me this output:
kf.plasma.quick: Applet preload policy set to 1
file:///usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.desktopcontainment/contents/ui/main.qml:178:25: QML FolderViewDropArea (parent or ancestor of QQuickLayoutAttached): Binding loop detected for property "minimumWidth":
Toolbox not loading, toolbox package is either invalid or disabled.
file:///usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.desktopcontainment/contents/ui/main.qml:178:25: QML FolderViewDropArea (parent or ancestor of QQuickLayoutAttached): Binding loop detected for property "minimumWidth":
Toolbox not loading, toolbox package is either invalid or disabled.
KCrash: Attempting to start /usr/bin/plasmashell
KCrash: Application 'plasmashell' crashing... crashRecursionCounter = 2
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
This however kieeps on looping with out the segfault line. Ends up taking over the terminal.
I already tried this solution: … are_button
swaping the .local/share/kded5 for kded6. Didn't work.
Also tried clearing cache and reinstalling plasma by running pacman -Rns plasma-meta and then reinstalling but problem persists.
Hey, I have the same Problem with RX580 and open source drivers
RX480 here
Nice, thanks! (There's an update to the mesa package that fixes the issue )
New drivers have been released, problem solved.