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#1 2024-12-10 23:23:50

Succulent of your garden
Registered: 2024-02-29
Posts: 177

Not sure to use my ssd to install Arch


Recently I just buyed new parts for a new pc. But sadly my ssd came with their main box open. The whole package with my stuff came well sealed to my home, but the ssd m2  box came with the sticker to make the box closed partially remove.

Well I was thinking that i could just use the command sanitize or the supported for the m2 ssd to format and delete all the content, but since the operation to clean the ssd are done by the firmware and not by the os itself, I'm not so sure if that's a good idea, since maybe someone could  had modify the firmware of the device. But since I'm not an expert in how the ssd components works, I'm not so sure if I'm just being a little bit cautious and paranoic. If for example a see a motherboard with these kind of issues I just go and refund or ask for another one, but since this is just a m2 ssd maaaybe this is not necessary. I was reading that there are some components to secure the device like cryptographic signing, but hey mobos do also have that.  So I'm not so sure if it's needed to do a refund or ask for a new one.  What would you recommend ? There is a way to check  the firmware of the device in the arch installation process ? For example a shasum or something to see if the firmware are the legit one from the manufacturer. If that's the case or any info that could help I'll be appreciate so much, since I really don't want to send the product and wait more. But also my intuition says that just checking what's inside in the ssd with a live usb with arch inside without internet to see if there is something strange, and do sanitize, maybe is not enough.


EDIT: Btw the ssd looks great physically, the box also was not damaged in some way, just the damm sticker for sealing the box issue :C

Last edited by Succulent of your garden (2024-12-10 23:33:42)


#2 2024-12-11 20:09:25

Registered: 2024-11-25
Posts: 91

Re: Not sure to use my ssd to install Arch


lsblk -N

and looking in the REV column should show you the firmware version.


#3 2024-12-11 21:08:06

Registered: 2016-12-03
Posts: 300

Re: Not sure to use my ssd to install Arch

"Just because you're paranoid does not mean they are not out to get you." Format accordingly.


#4 2024-12-11 23:51:16

Registered: 2024-02-03
Posts: 1,336

Re: Not sure to use my ssd to install Arch

a seal is meant to guarantee a package wasn't opened - if the seal seems tampered with contact the support of the seller and RMA it

btw - gammer nazi here: the past tense of buy is bought - there's no such thing as buyed
if english isn't your first language and you struggle with translation yourself use something like


#5 2024-12-16 19:19:59

Succulent of your garden
Registered: 2024-02-29
Posts: 177

Re: Not sure to use my ssd to install Arch

pvtvega wrote:


lsblk -N

and looking in the REV column should show you the firmware version.

Hey many thanks for this. But in another m2 ssd it just say "nvme" in the rev  tran column. But there is another way to check the firmware version ?


#6 2024-12-16 19:33:58

Succulent of your garden
Registered: 2024-02-29
Posts: 177

Re: Not sure to use my ssd to install Arch

cryptearth wrote:

a seal is meant to guarantee a package wasn't opened - if the seal seems tampered with contact the support of the seller and RMA it

btw - gammer nazi here: the past tense of buy is bought - there's no such thing as buyed
if english isn't your first language and you struggle with translation yourself use something like

Yes english is not my second language and sometimes when I'm tired I tend to make that kind of mistakes. Nevertheless thanks for the grammar check and the hyperlink.

And now I'm not so sure if the box just came well sealed and by manipulating the box the sticker just jump off. I don't know how to tell well the next idea by this medium, but if you press the box of the ssd in a particular way, the seal jumps and the box gets opened. And probabbly I just made that.

Since the main box came very  well sealed, and also the box came with a propper sealed mobo. I'm guessing that probabbly the sticker just jump off when I pressed the box with my hands. Nevertheless any help to find that the m2 is okey it's still appreciated. As far as I know the SSD should came with a partition for windows systems, nothing more. But since also firmware could be and issue, that kind of  "Troubleshooting" will be so much appreciated.

Last edited by Succulent of your garden (2024-12-16 19:36:10)


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