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#26 2024-10-15 15:27:32

Registered: 2012-11-19
Posts: 18

Re: Update broke Plasma Wayland Session

fettouhi wrote:

Is there a different way to get the console back without copying a random udev ruleset from ubuntu?

I'm also very interested in a better workaround or even a proper solution.

As of...
* linux 6.11.3.arch1-1
* nvidia-dkms 560.35.03-14
* wayland 1.23.1-1
* kwin 6.2.0-2
* plasma-desktop 6.2.0-1
...the console is still unavailable if nvidia_drm.fbdev=1 (which is the default).

Unfortunately, going with nvidia_drm.fbdev=0 and the udev rule (which makes the console work) has a major drawback for me, which I noticed only after a few days: after logging into plasma session, kwin_wayland process takes about 20% of a Ryzen 9 5900X CPU and the UI lags (barely perceptible, but once noticed it gets frustrating). So in the end I had to chose between: 1.) losing the linux console or 2.) getting back to X.


#27 2024-10-20 13:17:59

Registered: 2012-11-19
Posts: 18

Re: Update broke Plasma Wayland Session

iq2luc wrote:

[...] I noticed only after a few days: after logging into plasma session, kwin_wayland process takes about 20% of a Ryzen 9 5900X CPU and the UI lags (barely perceptible, but once noticed it gets frustrating) [...]

Just in case someone experience similar issues, I can confirm now the lagging and high CPU usage was caused by DDC/CI communication issues with my second display.

Regarding the actual problem about losing the Linux console with nvidia driver (on my GTX 1080), in the end I decided to go with nouveau and everything seems to work OK since then.


#28 2024-12-12 09:59:47

Registered: 2007-05-07
Posts: 757

Re: Update broke Plasma Wayland Session

I know this is about two months old now but I still can't get the konsole on Arch install with Wayland and KDE Plasma 6. I was hoping that with nvidia 565 driver that it woulds resolve it because nvidia_drm and fbdev=1 are now required but I still no konsole during boot.


#29 2024-12-12 11:30:19

Registered: 2012-09-03
Posts: 61,573

Re: Update broke Plasma Wayland Session

nvidia-drm.fbdev=1 is not required (but default). for all kernels but 6.12.{0,1,2} "nvidia-drm.modeset=1" will block the simpledrm device (but it stll has to be the commanline parameter, modprobe.conf won't work)
Does pairing that w/ nvidia-drm.fbdev=0 preclude the console access for you nevertheless?


#30 2024-12-12 21:36:40

Registered: 2007-05-07
Posts: 757

Re: Update broke Plasma Wayland Session

seth wrote:

nvidia-drm.fbdev=1 is not required (but default). for all kernels but 6.12.{0,1,2} "nvidia-drm.modeset=1" will block the simpledrm device (but it stll has to be the commanline parameter, modprobe.conf won't work)
Does pairing that w/ nvidia-drm.fbdev=0 preclude the console access for you nevertheless?

Oh I thought it was required now with the 6.12 kernels? So I can set nvidia-drm.fbdev=0? Where should it be set then if modprobe.conf is not allowed?


#31 2024-12-12 23:02:51

From: Serbia
Registered: 2008-12-21
Posts: 414

Re: Update broke Plasma Wayland Session

fettouhi wrote:
seth wrote:

nvidia-drm.fbdev=1 is not required (but default). for all kernels but 6.12.{0,1,2} "nvidia-drm.modeset=1" will block the simpledrm device (but it stll has to be the commanline parameter, modprobe.conf won't work)
Does pairing that w/ nvidia-drm.fbdev=0 preclude the console access for you nevertheless?

Oh I thought it was required now with the 6.12 kernels? So I can set nvidia-drm.fbdev=0? Where should it be set then if modprobe.conf is not allowed?

In kernel line of your bootloader....

I do not speak English, but I understand...


#32 2024-12-13 15:07:53

Registered: 2007-05-07
Posts: 757

Re: Update broke Plasma Wayland Session

Pyntux wrote:
fettouhi wrote:
seth wrote:

nvidia-drm.fbdev=1 is not required (but default). for all kernels but 6.12.{0,1,2} "nvidia-drm.modeset=1" will block the simpledrm device (but it stll has to be the commanline parameter, modprobe.conf won't work)
Does pairing that w/ nvidia-drm.fbdev=0 preclude the console access for you nevertheless?

Oh I thought it was required now with the 6.12 kernels? So I can set nvidia-drm.fbdev=0? Where should it be set then if modprobe.conf is not allowed?

In kernel line of your bootloader....

I have added fbdev=0 to /etc/default/grub and ran grub-config but I still don't have a tty at boot. Am I missing something?


#33 2024-12-13 15:59:31

Registered: 2012-09-03
Posts: 61,573

Re: Update broke Plasma Wayland Session

You're supposed to add both "nvidia-drm.modeset=1 nvidia-drm.fbdev=0" there and with that form - not just "fbdev=0"
Also the command would be "grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg", but you can also just edit the commandline at the bootloader menu for a test.

cat /proc/cmdline

to see what parameters you're actually booting with.

Please avoid bloating the thread with pointless full quotes, thanks.


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