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I was wondering if is possibile to retrieve package info ( pacman -Qil <packagename> ) of a package with the same name but 2 different repo, something like:
pacman -Qil <repo1>/<packagename>
pacman -Qil <repo2>/<packagename>
I couldn't find any solution to this ... seems to me something very basic, I should missing something for sure
Thanks a lot,
pacman -Qi queries packages installed on your system, it knows nothing about repos. You want pacman -Si instead.
pacman -Qi queries packages installed on your system, it knows nothing about repos. You want pacman -Si instead.
Thanks a lot, I got it!
The only issue I see here is that pacman -Si doesn't report the files that are going to be installed with that packages.
let's assume that I would like to evaluate the changes that a package do to my system *prior* installing it, Is that a way to do this?
Last edited by HariSeldon (2024-12-14 09:54:20)
The package website knows this. Navigate to anything on and find "Package Contents". This has nothing to do with your original question, though.
Pacman does not understand the same package in different repositories. Repositories are hierarchical according to their order in pacman.conf. I think I remember Allan, the lead pacman dev, saying he's not interested in adding management for colliding packages across repositories, I guess because Arch doesn't do anything with it anyways and doesn't want to encourage "package overrides" in third party repos. I think the scenario a package with the same name exists in two repositories at the same time is when a package is in [*-testing].
let's assume that I would like to evaluate the changes that a package do to my system *prior* installing it, Is that a way to do this?
man pacman, see -F, use pacman -Fl to list a packages files, remote or local. Also see pkgfile, like in pkgfile -l.
EDIT: At least pkgfile accepts repo/package notation. Try this.
Last edited by Awebb (2024-12-14 10:06:01)
The package website knows this. Navigate to anything on and find "Package Contents". This has nothing to do with your original question, though.
Pacman does not understand the same package in different repositories. Repositories are hierarchical according to their order in pacman.conf. I think I remember Allan, the lead pacman dev, saying he's not interested in adding management for colliding packages across repositories, I guess because Arch doesn't do anything with it anyways and doesn't want to encourage "package overrides" in third party repos. I think the scenario a package with the same name exists in two repositories at the same time is when a package is in [*-testing].
HariSeldon wrote:let's assume that I would like to evaluate the changes that a package do to my system *prior* installing it, Is that a way to do this?
man pacman, see -F, use pacman -Fl to list a packages files, remote or local. Also see pkgfile, like in pkgfile -l.
EDIT: At least pkgfile accepts repo/package notation. Try this.
thanks! I just discovered that pacman -Fl accept repo/package syntax
that should do the work to get the complete package info before installing.
i.e.: get info of supergfxctl package from cachyos repo:
❯ pacman -Sii cachyos/supergfxctl
Repository : cachyos
Name : supergfxctl
Version : 5.2.4-1
Description : A utility for Linux graphics switching on Intel/AMD iGPU + nVidia dGPU laptops
Architecture : x86_64
Licenses : MPL-2.0
Groups : None
Provides : supergfxctl
Depends On : gcc-libs systemd
Optional Deps : None
Required By : plasma5-applets-supergfxctl plasma6-applets-supergfxctl
Optional For : asusctl rog-control-center
Conflicts With : supergfxctl-git optimus-manager
Replaces : None
Download Size : 1624,56 KiB
Installed Size : 6571,64 KiB
Packager : CachyOS <>
Build Date : mer 20 nov 2024, 09:19:09
MD5 Sum : None
SHA-256 Sum : 43e6cab09f31a6ca38afaa5fb88d022b32e722892dd3d8c23402d939e44322d7
Signatures : F3B607488DB35A47
Extended Data : None
❯ pacman -Fl cachyos/supergfxctl
supergfxctl usr/
supergfxctl usr/bin/
supergfxctl usr/bin/supergfxctl
supergfxctl usr/bin/supergfxd
supergfxctl usr/lib/
supergfxctl usr/lib/systemd/
supergfxctl usr/lib/systemd/system-preset/
supergfxctl usr/lib/systemd/system-preset/supergfxd.preset
supergfxctl usr/lib/systemd/system/
supergfxctl usr/lib/systemd/system/supergfxd.service
supergfxctl usr/lib/udev/
supergfxctl usr/lib/udev/rules.d/
supergfxctl usr/lib/udev/rules.d/90-supergfxd-nvidia-pm.rules
supergfxctl usr/share/
supergfxctl usr/share/X11/
supergfxctl usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/
supergfxctl usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/90-nvidia-screen-G05.conf
supergfxctl usr/share/dbus-1/
supergfxctl usr/share/dbus-1/system.d/
supergfxctl usr/share/dbus-1/system.d/org.supergfxctl.Daemon.conf
i.e.: get info of supergfxctl package from g14 repo:
❯ pacman -Sii g14/supergfxctl
Repository : g14
Name : supergfxctl
Version : 5.2.4-1
Description : A utility for Linux graphics switching on Intel/AMD iGPU + nVidia dGPU laptops
Architecture : x86_64
Licenses : MPL2
Groups : None
Provides : None
Depends On : dbus lsof
Optional Deps : None
Required By : plasma5-applets-supergfxctl plasma6-applets-supergfxctl
Optional For : asusctl rog-control-center
Conflicts With : tlp optimus-manager
Replaces : None
Download Size : 2045,08 KiB
Installed Size : 6780,84 KiB
Packager : dragonn <>
Build Date : ven 4 ott 2024, 09:50:20
MD5 Sum : None
SHA-256 Sum : 28a89dd805cf96709ffef2dbbba99f94ca1b0945ad3240360b8e3a6547bcf4ec
Signatures : None
Extended Data : None
❯ pacman -Fl g14/supergfxctl
supergfxctl usr/
supergfxctl usr/bin/
supergfxctl usr/bin/supergfxctl
supergfxctl usr/bin/supergfxd
supergfxctl usr/lib/
supergfxctl usr/lib/modprobe.d/
supergfxctl usr/lib/modprobe.d/supergfxd-nvidiafb.conf
supergfxctl usr/lib/systemd/
supergfxctl usr/lib/systemd/system-preset/
supergfxctl usr/lib/systemd/system-preset/supergfxd.preset
supergfxctl usr/lib/systemd/system/
supergfxctl usr/lib/systemd/system/supergfxd.service
supergfxctl usr/lib/udev/
supergfxctl usr/lib/udev/rules.d/
supergfxctl usr/lib/udev/rules.d/90-supergfxd-nvidia-pm.rules
supergfxctl usr/share/
supergfxctl usr/share/X11/
supergfxctl usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/
supergfxctl usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/90-nvidia-screen-G05.conf
supergfxctl usr/share/dbus-1/
supergfxctl usr/share/dbus-1/system.d/
supergfxctl usr/share/dbus-1/system.d/org.supergfxctl.Daemon.conf
pacman -Qi queries packages installed on your system, it knows nothing about repos. You want pacman -Si instead.
Wow, I completely overlooked this post. The answer was there all along. Sorry for sending you around the block first.