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#1 2024-12-28 18:50:15

From: Basement
Registered: 2024-02-04
Posts: 34

[SOLVED] TTY1 Hangs At Reached Target Graphical Interface

Not a major issue in the slightest - just a tad irritating.

I tried to set up autologin for TTY1 with this guide, and it unfortunately didn't work: I'd input my password, it'd tell me it was wrong, and then I'd have to input both my username and password, ultimately making the process more tedious than it was. I did this for TTY1 and TTY2.

So I then disabled the alteration and afterwards deleted the folders and files within. I poweroff and turn my computer back on, but it seems that TTY1 isn't working quite right. I understand that the messages are nominal and that it's normal for tty1 to do those things, but it now no longer displays a sign in - it just stops at [OK] REACHED TARGET GRAPHICAL INTERFACE. TTY2 does not do this, for whatever reason, and works as intended.

The half-solution is to switch to a different TTY, but I'd like to know if it's at all possible to get it working again. I looked around, and while others have run into the same sort of shtick, it seems to be for different reasons, and thusly their solutions are inapplicable.

If my memory serves right, it's just one folder and file I have to put back in my "/etc/systemd/system", but I was quite sleep-deprived, so I won't put too much stock in that.

Any help or suggestions will be appreciated.


Just follow the guide, but instead use

ExecStart=-/sbin/agetty -o '-p -- username' --noclear --skip-login - $TERM

Make sure to replace "username" with your username.

I believe the folder missing was "/etc/systemd/system/", though I'm unsure and don't want to tinker around to find out, so I'd take that with a hint of salt.

Last edited by atticarch (2024-12-29 15:01:55)

ouch his jaw


#2 2024-12-29 12:47:10

From: Netherlands, Europe
Registered: 2005-10-04
Posts: 13,285

Re: [SOLVED] TTY1 Hangs At Reached Target Graphical Interface

Please remove the CAPS from the title, no need to shout .

Look at to figure out what file you need to remove/check .

Also keep in mind that there are better ways to autologin that don't mess with important system components like getty .

Disliking systemd intensely, but not satisfied with alternatives so focusing on taming systemd.

clean chroot building not flexible enough ?
Try clean chroot manager by graysky


#3 2024-12-29 14:49:29

From: Basement
Registered: 2024-02-04
Posts: 34

Re: [SOLVED] TTY1 Hangs At Reached Target Graphical Interface

Lone_Wolf wrote:

Please remove the CAPS from the title, no need to shout .

Look at to figure out what file you need to remove/check .

Also keep in mind that there are better ways to autologin that don't mess with important system components like getty .

Didn't mean to: just wrote things as I remembered them, and I believe the particular line above is in all-caps, if I'm not mistaken; not trying for the obnoxious Youtube-algorithm sort of thing. I fixed it just now. Will be updating OP shortly.

ouch his jaw


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