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#1 2024-12-01 14:03:24

From: Planet Earth (For Now...?)
Registered: 2017-03-26
Posts: 8

Latin Unicode doesn't render in QT6 applications [FIXED]

This issue has been fixed!

Turns out the problem was over at QT6/QT5's end, with a similar bug report having been made at their repository about a few months ago.
Updating to the new version of the two packages respectively has fixed the issue for now, but I'll be sure to update this post if it ever shows up again, or bump the topic if need be.


My main desktop environment is XFCE, running the Chicago95 theme, using the OTB version of the MS Sans Serif Raster font as my main serif font. I have QT6 and QT5 installed, and both, aside from the issue I'm currently having, have been updating and working without much issue.

The Issue

Whenever I open up any application that uses QT6 to render the buttons, widgets, all that sorta stuff, none of them pop up with any text whatsoever. The buttons themselves work fine, as do the dropdowns and radial/checkbox menus, but none of the text/icons related to them show up.
Below should be a couple of screenshots of QT6 programs, to better illustrate what I'm talking about.
VPKEdit Screenshot
Shotcut Screenshot

Additional Info

Just to make sure before opening the topic, I tried re-installing QT6 through pacman, but the issue still persists. Dunno if it's due to the main font I'm using being a little screwy, or if it's something else entirely. If I had to guess, maybe installing the PCF version could fix a few of the issues? Just seems rather strange text only disappears on QT6, and not GTK or any other window framework.

Non-Latin Unicode fonts, like the default(?) Japanese font, and some forms of emoji, do properly render, which leads me to believe something might be up with Latin Unicode rendering? Just makin' my best guess.

EDIT: Oh, and ran the two programs I screenshotted through the terminal too, none of them came up with anything out of the ordinary when normally running them.

Last edited by kinker31 (2025-01-02 09:45:17)

"Who are you?"
"I'm from the IRS! And I've come to tax your-" (SLAM.)


#2 2024-12-01 21:10:08

Registered: 2012-09-03
Posts: 61,598

Re: Latin Unicode doesn't render in QT6 applications [FIXED]

Please replace the oversized images w/ links.
What if you switch to a non-bitmap font?
The ones in the theme you linked come at limited sizes, also nb. the monospace font works. compiles against Qt6 (see the upstream PKGBUILD) and has a font selection dialog

qarma --font-selection

Maybe it helps you to identify issues w/ the fonts (and sizes) in use.


#3 2024-12-02 13:03:10

From: Planet Earth (For Now...?)
Registered: 2017-03-26
Posts: 8

Re: Latin Unicode doesn't render in QT6 applications [FIXED]

seth wrote:

What if you switch to a non-bitmap font?
The ones in the theme you linked come at limited sizes, also nb. the monospace font works.

On one hand, swapping to a non-bitmap font like Linux Liberation or Ubuntu's default font, it does fix the issue entirely.
On the other, I'd like to be able to keep the font I've got, and I know it'd been working just fine with most QT6 applications up until recently.

seth wrote: compiles against Qt6 (see the upstream PKGBUILD) and has a font selection dialog, maybe it helps you to identify issues w/ the fonts (and sizes) in use.

Got that installed, and none of the text related to the font (in comparison to whatever else I had previewed) was absent.

"Who are you?"
"I'm from the IRS! And I've come to tax your-" (SLAM.)


#4 2024-12-02 16:26:16

Registered: 2012-09-03
Posts: 61,598

Re: Latin Unicode doesn't render in QT6 applications [FIXED]

But you cannot select random sizes, notably likely not the one set as default for the UI, can you?
What sizes are available for the font? I only get the 8px one, does it help to set your font size to 8px?

fine with most QT6 applications up until recently

What's "most Qt6 applications"? (ftr, "QT" is quicktime) and what changed "recently"? Did you update Qt6, install that chicago theme, reconfigure your fonts, got a HiDPI monitor, …? … rif-Raster explicitly tells to use pcf w/ QT, you should be able to install and use both (pcf for Qt and otb for pango)
Does the pcf variant behave better?


#5 2025-01-02 09:37:47

Registered: 2024-12-04
Posts: 2

Re: Latin Unicode doesn't render in QT6 applications [FIXED]

Can't open any of your screenshots, but by description, it could be regression (again). Looks like "fixed" now. But bold bitmap fonts (using with setHtml() at least, not sure if also with qt5ct/qt6ct) are still under regression since Qt 4.8.7.


#6 2025-01-02 09:43:11

From: Planet Earth (For Now...?)
Registered: 2017-03-26
Posts: 8

Re: Latin Unicode doesn't render in QT6 applications [FIXED]

jpka wrote:

Can't open any of your screenshots, but by description, it could be regression (again). Looks like "fixed" now. But bold bitmap fonts (using with setHtml() at least, not sure if also with qt5ct/qt6ct) are still under regression since Qt 4.8.7.

Ah, nice to know! I'll go ahead and mark the topic as Fixed if possible, and update my initial post respectively.

"Who are you?"
"I'm from the IRS! And I've come to tax your-" (SLAM.)


#7 2025-01-02 09:52:52

Registered: 2012-09-03
Posts: 61,598

Re: Latin Unicode doesn't render in QT6 applications [FIXED]

Do you use which bundles it's own, dated, Qt6 libraries?


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