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Last update of qmc2 breaks the apps compiled against minizip, due the first's done against minizip-ng-compat:
· it manifests
/usr/lib/chromium/chromium: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/chromium/chromium: undefined symbol: unzGetCurrentFileZStreamPos64
Last edited by Al.Piotrowicz (2025-01-07 17:33:59)
Could you please post your foreign packages "pacman -Qm"?
Also I have just tested and can not reproduce your issue on my testing and stable systems ..
Last edited by gromit (2025-01-06 14:35:11)
Yes, of course:
user@testowy apps]$ pacman -Qm
aiksaurus 1.2.1-10
asp 8-1
binkplayer-bin 2024.05-1
conky-lua-nv 1.21.7-1
cpuid 20240409-1
dcadec 0.2.0-1
dxvk-bin 2.5.2-1
electron28 28.3.3-3
electron29 1:29.4.6-2
elementary-xfce-icons 0.20-1
gconf-editor 3.0.1-5
gdome2 0.8.1-7
gegl02 0.2.0-8
gmetadom 0.2.6-10
gtk-xfce-engine 2.10.1-2
gtkmathview 0.8.0-10
idnkit 2.3-4
jdk10-openjdk 10.0.2.u13-2
jdk7-openjdk 7.u261_2.6.22-1
jre10-openjdk 10.0.2.u13-2
jre10-openjdk-headless 10.0.2.u13-2
jre7-openjdk 7.u261_2.6.22-1
jre7-openjdk-headless 7.u261_2.6.22-1
js 24.2.0-4
js17 17.0.0-4
js52 52.9.0-4
js60 60.9.0-2
js68 68.12.0-1
js78 78.15.0-4
lib32-libstdc++5 3.3.6-9
lib32-libtxc_dxtn 1.0.1-5
libaudclient 1:3.5rc2-1
libcroco 0.6.13-2
libmp3splt 0.9.2-11
libmp3splt-docs 0.9.2-7
libnm-glib 1.18.5dev+12+ga8746f48ca-1
libnm-gtk 1.8.19dev+21+geebf7f95-1
libopenaptx 0.2.0-1
libots 0.5.0-7
libpipewire02 0.2.7-2
libsidplay 1.36.59-10
libtxc_dxtn 1.0.1-6
mp3splt-gtk 0.9.2-7
mp3splt-gtk-docs 0.9.2-7
numix-themes-git 2.5.1.r252.b9ed4f7-1
openjpeg 1.5.2-3
openvpn-git 2.6.12.r16.g62d41dec-1
pacaur 4.8.6-3
pangox-compat 0.0.2+2+gedb9e09-3
playpen 1:13-1
polkadot-js-desktop-bin v0.146.2-24
pth 2.0.7-7
python-contextlib2 21.6.0-3
python-progress 1.6-9
python-pytoml 0.1.21-8
python-scandir 1.10.0-3
python-sip-pyqt5 4.19.19-3
qtox 1.17.6-4
smem 1.5-6
spectre-meltdown-checker 0.46-1
sub2srt 0.5.5-3
thrash-protect 0.14.3-1
tkpacman 1.9.1-2
vte 0.28.2-8
xfce-theme-orion-git v1.5+0-1
xorg-font-utils 7.6-6
xorg-utils 7.6-9
zenmonitor3-git 2:r90.a09f0b2-2
Changes have been reverted, you may now upgrade and reintall the standard minizip again.
Should I mark the issue as "solved" or has it something in common with my honestly (never reinstalled) very old distro?