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Hi guys, I created this thread because I noticed a little too little rewriting for everyday use.
I have recently been working on this page and its translation into Italian.
I noticed that after the rewrite too much information regarding the mere installation was missing, such as the correct partitioning according to the chosen bootloader.
The chroot mounting of a zfs pool (In my opinion it doesn't make sense to put it in the ZFS page because it is done only for the installation)
the various bootloaders that were present before or at least leave 2 the most used for arch bare metal and zfsbootmenu.
For those who wish to use it differently, they will be able to follow our guide on installing zfs on root.
The various boot managers zedenv for grub and zectl for syustemd-boot.
The datasets for root, I understand that the general definition of datasets resides in the main zfs page, but the definition of datasets for root is right to remain in the page for installation in root of zfs.
I would be glad to compare with users who use ZFS on Arch Linux like me.
I migrated my Linux install to a ZFS ZRAID
It was quite simple to clone my / partition but not so easy to get it to boot, because sd-zfs is only available on the archlinuxcn repo for the zfs-utils-poscat version that works, and it insists on installing the LTS kernel etc.
So I do agree that now with ZFS being quite well known, we definitely could use some extra information on the wiki
I also have several PCs with ZFS ZRAID configuration and linux-lts.
I didn't understand why the guide has all those holes I specified above and reading it it seems to invite you to use something unofficial of the unofficial.
In my opinion it is ok to be able to choose and explain how to make the choice but the examples should be on the “Official” method.
I had to create my own document from scratch (mostly did it as an exercise) for repeatability and learning how to do zfs on root with the manual arch install process. There were definitely some gaps/assumptions that I had to research and fill in. Like using poscat, sd-zfs, or just the regular zfs hook. I also took to building my own archiso because it seemed like the best idea and was kinda fun. I'm definitely happy to post my guide. Its written more for me than public consumption, but I can make a private information sanitation pass.