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#1 2025-01-15 13:26:45

Registered: 2025-01-15
Posts: 2

Lenovo Yoga 370 Fails Wifi error once installed and running KDE

My Lenovo Yoga 370 died before Christmas.  It just won't boot at all no bios, screen or anything, just constant keyboard lights. I'd been running arch on it quite happily.
I've found a replacement Yoga 370. I've done a clean install this morning using install media created today.
I followed the instructions in the wiki to set up wifi and successfully pinged an external address and then ran archinstall

I set me up as a user with sudo rights and used the zen kernel, pretty much everything else was defaults.

The install completed successfully and I rebooted, switched to X11 to allow it to load KDE for me and I got to the desktop. (Plasma just kept pointing me back to the login screen after accepting my password)

I confirmed my user is a member of the wheel group

When clicking the wifi icon in the tool tray it displays a list of available wifi networks.

I tried connecting to the same network as I did during installation (and was able to connect to with my old Yoga before it died) but I get an error saying

"Not authorized to control networking"

If I add a network connection through the settings panel I get the same error

A colleague is having the same issue with a Yoga 380, using the same install media.

Arch obviously supports the device as its able to do a network installation and I can ping an external address during set up.

The device is enabled as it can list the available local wifi networks, it just won't let me connect

My google foo has failed me and I can't find any more things to try. 

Edit update : I tried a full reinstall with the default kernel rather than the zen one and, as before, it connects fine for the installation and then fails to connect once its completed and rebooted.

Any pointers appreciated before I have to create an ubuntu install usb... :-O


Last edited by cjohnsonuk (2025-01-16 12:14:24)


#2 2025-01-15 16:55:07

Forum Moderator
Registered: 2012-10-16
Posts: 24,096

Re: Lenovo Yoga 370 Fails Wifi error once installed and running KDE

I'd test a proper installation following the which will help both your understanding of the system as well as make troubleshooting more deterministic, instead of relying on a opinionated script.

What network card is this? My google-fu mentions intel which should generally work fine, but in any case assuimg you just have no network, usb walk the two text files you get from

sudo journalctl -b > /tmp/journal.txt
find /etc/systemd -type l -exec test -f {} \; -print | awk -F'/' '{ printf ("%-40s | %s\n", $(NF-0), $(NF-1)) }' | sort -f > /tmp/enabledServices.txt

to a computer with network and post them to a pastebin: … n_services

Please edit your title so it actually reflects your question with regards to not working network devices.

FWIW on a random read you might just have been very unlucky and installed while a broken version of polkit was in place, check whether creating the proper polkit user helps: … are_button

Moving to the Guided Installer subsection.

Last edited by V1del (2025-01-15 17:27:11)


#3 2025-01-16 14:07:41

Registered: 2025-01-15
Posts: 2

Re: Lenovo Yoga 370 Fails Wifi error once installed and running KDE

Thanks for those suggestions. 
Title has been edited. 

The instructions in the link worked for me, no need to reinstall and then create the group, although I will do this for my own peace of mind.

All the other 'odd' symptoms like missing power button etc that were also in the post you linked are also restored.

Yay !  I can postpone how to use the full installation process for a little longer ;-)

Thank you. 


PS. Now off to learn a bit more awk  prompted by your commands above


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