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On Hyprland most likely what you're using for an app launcher is something like 'rofi -show drun -modi drun,filebrowser,run,window'. You might have a keybind or a module on waybar that wil run that. My question is I know drun will show you what you have for '.desktop' files but was wondering if there is a way to also have it show something from Gnome or KDE favorites. I know I can make my own personal rofi menu that I manually have favorites in and rofi does in fact populate the top of the view with frequently used apps but was still wondering if this is possible?
Hello! I guess some searching should reveal how those KDE/Gnome favorites are stored. If regular files, they could be copied/moved to where other applications are, but you mention a separate favorites menu and while I am not familiar with rofi, its documentation or discussions (on github) should help with that.
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