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#1 2025-01-15 20:59:31

Registered: 2025-01-15
Posts: 1

Cant get serial console working during install

trying to boot from the latest arch install iso on an intel atom minipc without video output. Mini pc itself has ability to redirect console to serial and it works just fine, i can enter setup, change settings etc

▒                                                    ▒Console Redirection      ▒
▒  COM0(Pci Bus0,Dev26,Func0)                        ▒Enable or Disable.       ▒
▒  Console Redirection     [Enabled]                 ▒                         ▒
▒ Console Redirection Settings                      ▒                         ▒▒
▒                                                    ▒                         ▒
▒  Legacy Console Redirection                        ▒                         ▒
▒ Legacy Console Redirection Settings               ▒                         ▒▒
▒                                                    ▒                         ▒
▒  Serial Port for Out-of-Band Management/           ▒                         ▒
▒  Windows Emergency Management Services (EMS)       ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ij
▒  Console Redirection     [Disabled]                ▒><: Select Screen        ▒
▒ Console Redirection Settings                      ▒: Select Item          ▒  ▒
▒                                                    ▒Enter: Select            ▒
▒                                                    ▒+/-: Change Opt.         ▒
▒                                                    ▒F1: General Help         ▒
▒                                                    ▒F2: Previous Values      ▒
▒                                                    ▒F3: Optimized Defaults   ▒
▒                                                    ▒F4: Save & Exit          ▒
▒                                                    ▒ESC: Exit                ▒

so i can select usb flash to boot from and can get to UEFI loader menu

    Arch Linux install medium (x86_64, UEFI) (01-archiso-x86_64-linux.conf)
              Arch Linux install medium (x86_64, UEFI) with speech
                                   EFI Shell
                         Reboot Into Firmware Interface

so i was trying to edit boot line press E and append


(also tried S0-S4 just to make sure)

but no luck, my mini pc seems to be booting fine and flash led blinking , but i do not see any output on the console. Am i missing something ?  Bios redirection to serial port works fine, so no issues with connection/speed settings


#2 2025-01-21 19:44:41

Registered: 2024-03-05
Posts: 20

Re: Cant get serial console working during install

I'm not familiar with this device, but serial consoles on modern devices are usually USB serial consoles and the device node to use then is /dev/ttyUSB0. Note that this isn't always the case and sometimes you have to use a manufacturer-specific node (/dev/ttyMV0 or /dev/ttyAMA0). If you have any Linux OS that boots on the device, you should be able to figure out what the correct device node is.

Last edited by bschnei (2025-01-21 19:45:51)


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