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#1 2007-01-15 18:03:53

From: Finland
Registered: 2007-01-15
Posts: 20

Bluetooth Keyboard woes

First of all I'd like to say that I installed Arch last week and was very positively suprised. I installed my first Slackware in 94 or so and have used Gentoo for a couple of years. Never enjoyed Ubuntu. Arch Linux seems to be the best distro out there right now for "midbies" and up.

Now to my bluetooth keyboard problems:

I recently got an Apple Wireless keyboard which is working fine in Windows (not with all bluetooth usb adapters I've got) and in Gentoo, but in Arch Linux it doesn't work as well. It is laggy, drops keys, hangggggggggggggggggs (like that), and it's as though the connection to the keyboard goes to sleep after a short number of seconds, and then wakes up slowly...

I've copied the bluetooth config files from the Gentoo to Arch - not much difference in them - didn't seem to help. 

Just now I shut down the bluetooth service, chrooted into Gentoo, started the bluetooth there, and did a hidd --search.... and it is working nearly perfectly! Weird.

Strangely the Bluez-libs/utils on Gentoo are bluez-libs-2.24 (the newest available on gentoo!?) whilst being 3.7.4 on the Arch, and 3.8 on

Anyone here have any insight on this please?


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