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#1 2025-01-14 20:37:14

Adriano Epifas
Registered: 2020-12-25
Posts: 17

(Closed) Davinci Resolve: it runs but it shows some errors

I installed DaVinci Resolve following the arch wiki, that is

yay -S davinci-resolve

As I have a GeForce RTX 4070, I had already installed the packages nvidia and nvidia-utils, and for DaVinci Resolve I installed also opencl-nvidia.

It installed correctly. I tried before and after the This is the result:

$ python
Using locale en_US
DaVinci Resolve checker 5.2.8
Installed DaVinci Resolve package: davinci-resolve 19.1.2-1
Chassis type: notebook
Installed OpenCL drivers:
        opencl-nvidia 565.77-3
Presented GPUs:
        Raptor Lake-S UHD Graphics (kernel driver in use: i915)
        AD106M [GeForce RTX 4070 Max-Q / Mobile] (kernel driver in use: nvidia)
OpenGL vendor string:
OpenGL renderer string:
clinfo detected platforms and devices:
        NVIDIA CUDA (number of devices: 1)

Unable to detect the OpenGL vendor string. Probably you are trying to use AMD Pro OpenGL while your primary GPU is Intel. Also probably you are launching script via ssh.

The last message caught my attention because it didn't say as expected:

All seems good. You should be able to run DaVinci Resolve successfully.

Running it

Well, I tried to run DaVinci in any case. It opens correctly, but right from the start I noticed that the it doesn't have (I think it's called) Windows Decorations. There isn't a title bar with Maximize / Minimize / Close buttons like any other program. Also, this first window (the "Select Project" window that is not maximized), when you grab the application and move it around, you can see a glitch that's the traces of the window left in the background (like when applications are freezing or something). When you select the project it opens the real DaVinci application and the same thing happens, no windows decorations, so no way to minimize or un-maximize the application, it is always maximized (I can only close the application GUI-wise in the menu and then selecting the option Quit, as the X for close in the title is not available).

Other tests

I tried to run it from the cli with

/opt/resolve/bin/resolve my_user

it won't open... it will generate the following output:

$ /opt/resolve/bin/resolve my_user
ActCCMessage Already in Table: Code= c005, Mode= 13, Level=  1, CmdKey= -1, Option= 0
ActCCMessage Already in Table: Code= c006, Mode= 13, Level=  1, CmdKey= -1, Option= 0
ActCCMessage Already in Table: Code= c007, Mode= 13, Level=  1, CmdKey= -1, Option= 0
ActCCMessage Already in Table: Code= 2282, Mode=  0, Level=  0, CmdKey= 8, Option= 0
log4cxx: No appender could be found for logger (BtCommon).
log4cxx: Please initialize the log4cxx system properly. Linux/Clang x86_64
Main thread starts: 22030000
Failed to load config file "my_user".qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "wayland" in ""
Authorization required, but no authorization protocol specified

qt.qpa.xcb: could not connect to display :1
qt.qpa.plugin: Could not load the Qt platform plugin "xcb" in "" even though it was found.
This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.

Available platform plugins are: linuxfb, minimal, offscreen, xcb.

==========[CRASH DUMP]==========
#TIME Tue Jan 14 21:08:33 2025 - Uptime 00:00:00 (hh:mm:ss)
#PROGRAM_NAME DaVinci Resolve v19.1.2.0003 (Linux/Clang x86_64)
#BMD_BUILD_UUID 3eb98c6c-b05d-4005-b356-f316dd60b0ad
#BMD_GIT_COMMIT 4c2e19cbf1068b07c22f06c87e469554e42f010c
#OS Linux

/opt/resolve/bin/resolve() [0x4edec09]
/opt/resolve/bin/resolve() [0x2892973]
/usr/lib/ [0x7a332ba4c1d0]
/usr/lib/ [0x7a332baa53f4]
/usr/lib/ [0x7a332ba4c120]
/usr/lib/ [0x7a332ba334c3]
/opt/resolve/bin/../libs/ [0x7a3316b821c6]
/opt/resolve/bin/../libs/ [0x7a3316b6ea5d]
/opt/resolve/bin/../libs/ [0x7a331911e22c]
/opt/resolve/bin/../libs/ [0x7a331911ed3b]
/opt/resolve/bin/../libs/ [0x7a3316d5c984]
/opt/resolve/bin/../libs/ [0x7a3319118319]
/opt/resolve/bin/../libs/ [0x7a3344d64f09]
/opt/resolve/bin/../libs/ [0x7a3344d64ec9]
/opt/resolve/bin/resolve() [0x28e75a8]
/opt/resolve/bin/resolve() [0x289124e]
/opt/resolve/bin/resolve() [0x288b07e]
/usr/lib/ [0x7a332ba34e08]
/usr/lib/ [0x7a332ba34ecc]
/opt/resolve/bin/resolve() [0x288976b]
Signal Number = 6

resolve: /home/jenkins/jenkins/workspace/resolve/Resolve/Cyclone/Main/AppConfig.cpp:247: void AppConfig::LoadAllSiteInfo(): Assertion `m_SiteEnabledIdx > 0' failed.

==========[CRASH DUMP]==========
#TIME Tue Jan 14 21:08:33 2025 - Uptime 00:00:00 (hh:mm:ss)
#PROGRAM_NAME DaVinci Resolve v19.1.2.0003 (Linux/Clang x86_64)
#BMD_BUILD_UUID 3eb98c6c-b05d-4005-b356-f316dd60b0ad
#BMD_GIT_COMMIT 4c2e19cbf1068b07c22f06c87e469554e42f010c
#OS Linux

/opt/resolve/bin/resolve() [0x4edec09]
/opt/resolve/bin/resolve() [0x2892973]
/usr/lib/ [0x7a332ba4c1d0]
/usr/lib/ [0x7a332baa53f4]
/usr/lib/ [0x7a332ba4c120]
/usr/lib/ [0x7a332ba334c3]
/usr/lib/ [0x7a332ba333df]
/usr/lib/ [0x7a332ba44177]
/opt/resolve/bin/resolve() [0x28c487e]
/opt/resolve/bin/resolve() [0x28c1a09]
/opt/resolve/bin/resolve() [0x28c1148]
/opt/resolve/bin/resolve() [0x28d80e6]
/opt/resolve/bin/resolve() [0x2892b87]
/usr/lib/ [0x7a332ba4c1d0]
/usr/lib/ [0x7a332baa53f4]
/usr/lib/ [0x7a332ba4c120]
/usr/lib/ [0x7a332ba334c3]
/opt/resolve/bin/../libs/ [0x7a3316b821c6]
/opt/resolve/bin/../libs/ [0x7a3316b6ea5d]
/opt/resolve/bin/../libs/ [0x7a331911e22c]
/opt/resolve/bin/../libs/ [0x7a331911ed3b]
/opt/resolve/bin/../libs/ [0x7a3316d5c984]
/opt/resolve/bin/../libs/ [0x7a3319118319]
/opt/resolve/bin/../libs/ [0x7a3344d64f09]
/opt/resolve/bin/../libs/ [0x7a3344d64ec9]
/opt/resolve/bin/resolve() [0x28e75a8]
/opt/resolve/bin/resolve() [0x289124e]
/opt/resolve/bin/resolve() [0x288b07e]
/usr/lib/ [0x7a332ba34e08]
/usr/lib/ [0x7a332ba34ecc]
/opt/resolve/bin/resolve() [0x288976b]
Signal Number = 6

Aborted (core dumped)

When I try to open the DaVinci Control Panels Setup it doesn't. Running from the CLI I get:

$ "/opt/resolve/DaVinci Control Panels Setup/DaVinci Control Panels Setup"
/opt/resolve/DaVinci Control Panels Setup/DaVinci Control Panels Setup: symbol lookup error: /opt/resolve/libs/ undefined symbol: __cxa_init_primary_exception

It's just a recent installation of KDE Plasma, so version 6.2.5. It came with Wayland and kwin_wayland for the window manager.
I do have xorg-xwayland installed. It is currently running as

$ ps aux | grep "[k]win_wayland\b"
my_user       1208  1.8  3.6 3228168 584628 ?      Sl   Jan13  28:14 /usr/bin/kwin_wayland --wayland-fd 7 --socket wayland-0 --xwayland-fd 8 --xwayland-fd 9 --xwayland-display :1 --xwayland-xauthority /run/user/1000/xauth_Hnccjm --xwayland

I also have qt6-wayland installed

$ pacman -F qt6-wayland
extra/qt6-wayland 6.8.1-1 (qt6) [installed]

Because I saw

qt.qpa.plugin: Could not load the Qt platform plugin "xcb" in "" even though it was found.

, I tried running also as

QT_QPA_PLATFORM=xcb /opt/resolve/bin/resolve my_user

but I got the same error

Any idea of what could be wrong?

Last edited by Adriano Epifas (2025-01-27 17:29:37)


#2 2025-01-14 22:29:51

Registered: 2025-01-07
Posts: 175

Re: (Closed) Davinci Resolve: it runs but it shows some errors

mind posting your output of

 pacman -Qm 


#3 2025-01-14 23:27:54

Adriano Epifas
Registered: 2020-12-25
Posts: 17

Re: (Closed) Davinci Resolve: it runs but it shows some errors

Here it is

$ pacman -Qm
brave-bin 1:1.73.104-1
camlidl 1.12-2
camlidl-debug 1.12-2
cppo 1.8.0-1
davinci-resolve 19.1.2-1
gapi-ocaml 0.4.5-1
google-drive-ocamlfuse 0.7.32-1
ocaml-biniou 1.2.2-7
ocaml-compiler-libs-repackaged 0.17.0-1
ocaml-cryptokit 1.19-1
ocaml-cryptokit-debug 1.19-1
ocaml-curl 0.9.2-3
ocaml-easy-format 1.3.4-4
ocaml-extlib 1.8.0-2
ocaml-extlib-debug 1.8.0-2
ocaml-ppx_here 1:0.17.0-2
ocaml-ppx_let 0.17.0-2
ocaml-ppxlib 0.34.0-1
ocaml-sqlite3 5.1.0-2
ocaml-yojson 2.2.2-1
ocamlfuse 2.7.1-13
ocamlfuse-debug 2.7.1-13
python-cached-property 2.0.1-1
python-pylspci 0.4.3-1
tiny_httpd 0.16-2
yay 12.4.2-1
yay-debug 12.4.2-1


#4 2025-01-15 08:55:35

From: Netherlands, Europe
Registered: 2005-10-04
Posts: 13,259

Re: (Closed) Davinci Resolve: it runs but it shows some errors

Presented GPUs:
        Raptor Lake-S UHD Graphics (kernel driver in use: i915)
        AD106M [GeForce RTX 4070 Max-Q / Mobile] (kernel driver in use: nvidia)

You have 2 gpu and DR only works if it can use the same card for OpenGL and OpenCL .

Try forcing DR to use nvidia for both.
Install nvidia-prime and start DR like this

$ __GLX_VENDOR_LIBRARY_NAME=nvidia prime-run /opt/resolve/bin/resolve

Disliking systemd intensely, but not satisfied with alternatives so focusing on taming systemd.

clean chroot building not flexible enough ?
Try clean chroot manager by graysky


#5 2025-01-16 21:39:21

Adriano Epifas
Registered: 2020-12-25
Posts: 17

Re: (Closed) Davinci Resolve: it runs but it shows some errors

@lone_wolf, I tried what you suggest but it was exactly the same. I installed nvidia-prime and tried to run DR as you mentioned, with "prime-run", without, with my user at the end, without it, setting the variable __NV_PRIME_RENDER_OFFLOAD to 0 and to 1, but it was the same.
It is not like DR is not running, it's just that it seems to have conflict with Qt on Wayland.

Do you know if DR prefers X instead of Wayland?


#6 2025-01-27 14:40:52

Adriano Epifas
Registered: 2020-12-25
Posts: 17

Re: (Closed) Davinci Resolve: it runs but it shows some errors

Adriano Epifas wrote:

@lone_wolf, I tried what you suggest but it was exactly the same. I installed nvidia-prime and tried to run DR as you mentioned, with "prime-run", without, with my user at the end, without it, setting the variable __NV_PRIME_RENDER_OFFLOAD to 0 and to 1, but it was the same.
It is not like DR is not running, it's just that it seems to have conflict with Qt on Wayland.

Do you know if DR prefers X instead of Wayland?

I'm using DR with Xorg now and it seems better. I also had to review my GPU a little bit more and install pipewire-alsa for audio to work in DR (that is int he Arch Wiki btw). Now everything works better apparently.


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