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#1 2025-01-26 21:15:51

From: United Kingdom
Registered: 2024-01-29
Posts: 21

[SOLVED] Weird XFCE4 Workspace Wallpaper Cache ISSUE


I've been migrating my old system to a completely fresh build. Reasons, disk space, stale app's, stale config files, methodology of build, trying new env desktops, the works basically... also wanted my system running on different vmdk nodes... efi, root, home, swap, data etc...

So in a nut shell, it's a basic build;

- XFCE, primary env
- LXDE, secondary evn
- OpenBox, came with LXDE...

All three are working from a quick visual inspection, nothing looks out of the ordinary.

Desktop Manager is LightDM running lightdm-slick-greeter... with slick-greeter settings aur.

XFCE Installation:

- xfce4 - Installed with no issues
- xfce4-goodies - Installed with no issues.

No custom configurations have been made as of yet, & not that I have any really. I pretty much stick to tried & tested methods...

While working through the migration I noticed as I moved from the primary monitor/workspace to the other "workspaces" (no seconday monitors are being used), the wallpapers weren't changing, these had been set to change every 10 sec's using variety.

So basically my primary workspace window functions as it should, however the other workspace windows are set or frozen using the original XFCE wallpaper when I built the env? Please note, no other functionally has stopped working on those workspaces, it's literally the wallpaper that won't change?

I'm under the impression it should work, because my older system is still doing it now, while going through the transition. I've tried every possible structure of question on google to see if anyone as come across this irritating problem & I can't find anything...

There has to be some form of cache workspaces is referencing, because when I removed it, disable it, re-configure it, & then re-apply it, I get the same wallpaper.

I've also built new test user accounts to see if the problem migrates to the new user, & it does... So this further clarifies the idea workspaces is either looking at a cache or default snapshot (I've also tried "Session and Startup" snapshots), still nothing.

Manual changes have no effect either...

- Main Monitor or primary workspace window

- 4th Workspace window

Any help on this would be really appreciated.

Thanks Rich!

Last edited by traibr (2025-02-06 00:17:47)


#2 2025-01-28 01:36:08

From: United Kingdom
Registered: 2024-01-29
Posts: 21

Re: [SOLVED] Weird XFCE4 Workspace Wallpaper Cache ISSUE


Here are a few things I've had a look at;
- XDG Base Directory:
- XDG user directories: Didn't want this installed, but I've done so to rule out a the possibility.
- XDG Desktop Portal: This has been doubled checked xdg-desktop-portal & xdg-desktop-portal-gtk, however not solved this issue.

Preview Clarification:
- I've quickly added the "Home" directory to the Desktop to clarify it is working as it should, you can see it span over the primary Workspace & others.

Any other suggestions are welcome!

Last edited by traibr (2025-01-28 01:40:47)


#3 2025-01-28 02:13:58

Registered: 2011-10-28
Posts: 506

Re: [SOLVED] Weird XFCE4 Workspace Wallpaper Cache ISSUE

Can you post back the output of:

xfconf-query -c xfce4-desktop -lv

Also, does checking/unchecking the "Apply to all workspaces" option in desktop settings reset things for you?


#4 2025-01-28 02:46:02

From: United Kingdom
Registered: 2024-01-29
Posts: 21

Re: [SOLVED] Weird XFCE4 Workspace Wallpaper Cache ISSUE


Thank you...


I want to go & hide underneath a rock now...

Please consider RESOLVED.

Thanks again @toz!

Last edited by traibr (2025-01-28 02:54:11)


#5 2025-01-28 03:10:49

Registered: 2011-10-28
Posts: 506

Re: [SOLVED] Weird XFCE4 Workspace Wallpaper Cache ISSUE

Its not you - there's a bug in the xfdesktop where the value in the option box is not correctly set on a new install - it's being remediated.


#6 2025-01-28 03:27:31

From: United Kingdom
Registered: 2024-01-29
Posts: 21

Re: [SOLVED] Weird XFCE4 Workspace Wallpaper Cache ISSUE

ah good to know, makes me feel a lot better though! I'll also knowledge bank that little check box for future reference.

Cheers again!


#7 2025-01-28 04:53:17

From: United Kingdom
Registered: 2024-01-29
Posts: 21

Re: [SOLVED] Weird XFCE4 Workspace Wallpaper Cache ISSUE

I've just come across this as well while testing other things, not sure if it's related to xfdesktop, my audio doesn't work correctly, I get the following "if playback doesn't begin shortly try restarting your device" (youtube)... restarting the machine or logging out & back in does not resolve the issue.

I have to;

pulseaudio -k

& this somewhat resolves the issue, however, it's very flaky when moving from one clip to the next...

I'm cross referencing my old system & compared the versions of browser & pulseaudio, they are the same;

- Thorium: Version 128.0.6613.189 (Official Build) stable, built on Ubuntu (SSE3) (64-bit)
- PulseAudio: 17.0-43-g3e2bb

Not sure if I should re-raise this as a new issue or change original title?


#8 2025-01-28 04:59:45

From: United Kingdom
Registered: 2024-01-29
Posts: 21

Re: [SOLVED] Weird XFCE4 Workspace Wallpaper Cache ISSUE

Just doubled checked & they are the same... old system & new.

░▒▓      ~ ▓▒░ xfdesktop --version                                                          ░▒▓ ✔   04:56:15   ▓▒░
This is xfdesktop version 4.20.0, running on Xfce 4.20.
Built with GTK+ 3.24.43, linked with GTK+ 3.24.43.
Build options:
    Desktop Menu:        enabled
    Desktop Icons:       enabled
    Desktop File Icons:  enabled

░▒▓      ~ ▓▒░             

Last edited by traibr (2025-01-28 05:02:43)


#9 2025-01-28 05:00:49

From: United Kingdom
Registered: 2024-01-29
Posts: 21

Re: [SOLVED] Weird XFCE4 Workspace Wallpaper Cache ISSUE

Please advise on whether you would like me to re-raise this new issue as an incident request.


#10 2025-01-28 05:06:35

From: United Kingdom
Registered: 2024-01-29
Posts: 21

Re: [SOLVED] Weird XFCE4 Workspace Wallpaper Cache ISSUE


Sorry forgot to post your request;

<username>@me 04:57:47 Tue Jan 28 ~ $ xfconf-query -c xfce4-desktop -lv
/backdrop/screen0/monitorVirtual1/workspace0/backdrop-cycle-enable        true
/backdrop/screen0/monitorVirtual1/workspace0/backdrop-cycle-period        0
/backdrop/screen0/monitorVirtual1/workspace0/backdrop-cycle-random-order  true
/backdrop/screen0/monitorVirtual1/workspace0/color-style                  0
/backdrop/screen0/monitorVirtual1/workspace0/last-image                   /home/<username>/.config/variety/Downloaded/Bing/OHR.NeptunesGrotto_EN-US1020342235_UHD.jpg
/backdrop/screen0/monitorVirtual1/workspace1/last-image                   /home/<username>/.config/variety/Downloaded/Bing/OHR.NeptunesGrotto_EN-US1020342235_UHD.jpg
/backdrop/single-workspace-mode                                           true
/backdrop/single-workspace-number                                         1
/desktop-icons/file-icons/show-device-fixed                               true
/desktop-icons/file-icons/show-device-removable                           true
/desktop-icons/file-icons/show-filesystem                                 false
/desktop-icons/file-icons/show-home                                       false
/desktop-icons/file-icons/show-network-removable                          true
/desktop-icons/file-icons/show-removable                                  false
/desktop-icons/file-icons/show-trash                                      false
/desktop-icons/file-icons/show-unknown-removable                          true
/desktop-icons/icon-size                                                  40
/desktop-icons/show-thumbnails                                            true
/desktop-menu/show-icons                                                  true
/last-settings-migration-version                                          1
/last/window-height                                                       547
/last/window-width                                                        672
/windowlist-menu/show-add-remove-workspaces                               false

Let me know if you need anything else!


#11 2025-01-28 05:27:09

From: United Kingdom
Registered: 2024-01-29
Posts: 21

Re: [SOLVED] Weird XFCE4 Workspace Wallpaper Cache ISSUE

I've downloaded some test audio files "440Hz_44100Hz_16bit_05sec.mp3" & they work via mpv, however not through any browser...



#12 2025-01-28 05:39:36

From: United Kingdom
Registered: 2024-01-29
Posts: 21

Re: [SOLVED] Weird XFCE4 Workspace Wallpaper Cache ISSUE

Found the work around, there's clearly a conflict with pipewire/wireplumber & pulseaudio...

systemctl --user mask wireplumber --now

Article: [SOLVED]Video not play

Please consider RESLOLVED again.

Last edited by traibr (2025-01-28 05:41:10)


#13 2025-01-28 09:02:21

Forum Moderator
Registered: 2012-10-16
Posts: 23,923

Re: [SOLVED] Weird XFCE4 Workspace Wallpaper Cache ISSUE

The more correct way to fix that nowadays would be to remove that mask and instead do

systemctl --user disable wireplumber
systemctl --user enable wireplumber@video-only

... or fully switching to pipewire by enabling wireplumber and installing pipewire-pulse instead of pulseaudio

Last edited by V1del (2025-01-28 09:02:39)


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