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iio-sensor-proxy updated 1/30/2024. Rotation no longer functions on my Lenovo Yoga X1 Gen 7. Events confirmed the laptop is entering tablet mode, however the accelerometer values are not changing. What files are helpful to post to resolve the issue? I have a snapshot I'm going to revert soon, but happy to share what's needed beforehand.
What was in the update (/var/log/pacman.log) and likely the kernel, from which kernel to which kernel? The link you get from
sudo journalctl -b | curl -F 'file=@-'
Kernel did not change. It is 6.12.10-arch1-1
Pacman log follows. iio-sensor-proxy went from version 3.5-2 -> 3.6-1
[2025-01-30T19:01:39-0500] [PACMAN] Running 'pacman -Syu'
[2025-01-30T19:01:39-0500] [PACMAN] synchronizing package lists
[2025-01-30T19:01:40-0500] [PACMAN] starting full system upgrade
[2025-01-30T19:01:44-0500] [ALPM] transaction started
[2025-01-30T19:01:44-0500] [ALPM] upgraded libshumate (1.3.1-1 -> 1.3.2-1)
[2025-01-30T19:01:44-0500] [ALPM] upgraded gnome-maps (47.3-1 -> 47.4-1)
[2025-01-30T19:01:44-0500] [ALPM] upgraded iio-sensor-proxy (3.5-2 -> 3.6-1)
[2025-01-30T19:01:44-0500] [ALPM] upgraded lib32-sqlite (3.47.2-1 -> 3.48.0-2)
[2025-01-30T19:01:44-0500] [ALPM] upgraded libslirp (4.8.0-1 -> 4.9.0-1)
[2025-01-30T19:01:44-0500] [ALPM] upgraded perl-image-exiftool (13.16-1 -> 13.17-1)
[2025-01-30T19:01:45-0500] [ALPM] upgraded python-executing (2.1.0-2 -> 2.2.0-1)
[2025-01-30T19:01:45-0500] [ALPM] upgraded python-fonttools (4.55.7-1 -> 4.55.8-1)
[2025-01-30T19:01:45-0500] [ALPM] upgraded python-ptyprocess (0.7.0-7 -> 0.7.0-8)
[2025-01-30T19:01:45-0500] [ALPM] upgraded python-pexpect (4.9.0-3 -> 4.9.0-4)
[2025-01-30T19:01:45-0500] [ALPM] upgraded python-prompt_toolkit (3.0.48-2 -> 3.0.50-1)
[2025-01-30T19:01:45-0500] [ALPM] upgraded sdl2-compat (2.30.50-2 -> 2.30.51-1)
[2025-01-30T19:01:45-0500] [ALPM] transaction completed
[2025-01-30T19:01:45-0500] [ALPM] running '30-systemd-daemon-reload-system.hook'...
[2025-01-30T19:01:45-0500] [ALPM] running '30-systemd-restart-marked.hook'...
[2025-01-30T19:01:45-0500] [ALPM] running '30-systemd-udev-reload.hook'...
[2025-01-30T19:01:46-0500] [ALPM] running '30-systemd-update.hook'...
[2025-01-30T19:01:46-0500] [ALPM] running 'dbus-reload.hook'...
[2025-01-30T19:01:46-0500] [ALPM] running 'detect-old-perl-modules.hook'...
[2025-01-30T19:01:46-0500] [ALPM] running 'glib-compile-schemas.hook'...
[2025-01-30T19:01:46-0500] [ALPM] running 'gtk-update-icon-cache.hook'...
[2025-01-30T19:01:46-0500] [ALPM] running 'update-desktop-database.hook'...
[2025-01-31T09:51:34-0500] [PACMAN] Running 'pacman -Syu'
[2025-01-31T09:51:34-0500] [PACMAN] synchronizing package lists
[2025-01-31T09:51:36-0500] [PACMAN] starting full system upgrade
[2025-01-31T09:51:42-0500] [ALPM] transaction started
[2025-01-31T09:51:42-0500] [ALPM] upgraded gstreamer (1.24.11-2 -> 1.24.12-1)
[2025-01-31T09:51:42-0500] [ALPM] upgraded gst-plugins-base-libs (1.24.11-2 -> 1.24.12-1)
[2025-01-31T09:51:42-0500] [ALPM] upgraded gst-devtools-libs (1.24.11-2 -> 1.24.12-1)
[2025-01-31T09:51:42-0500] [ALPM] upgraded gst-python (1.24.11-2 -> 1.24.12-1)
[2025-01-31T09:51:42-0500] [ALPM] upgraded gst-editing-services (1.24.11-2 -> 1.24.12-1)
[2025-01-31T09:51:42-0500] [ALPM] upgraded gst-libav (1.24.11-2 -> 1.24.12-1)
[2025-01-31T09:51:42-0500] [ALPM] upgraded gst-plugins-bad-libs (1.24.11-2 -> 1.24.12-1)
[2025-01-31T09:51:42-0500] [ALPM] upgraded gst-plugin-gtk (1.24.11-2 -> 1.24.12-1)
[2025-01-31T09:51:42-0500] [ALPM] upgraded gst-plugins-bad (1.24.11-2 -> 1.24.12-1)
[2025-01-31T09:51:42-0500] [ALPM] upgraded gst-plugins-base (1.24.11-2 -> 1.24.12-1)
[2025-01-31T09:51:42-0500] [ALPM] upgraded gst-plugins-good (1.24.11-2 -> 1.24.12-1)
[2025-01-31T09:51:42-0500] [ALPM] upgraded python-jaconv (0.3.4-2 -> 0.3.4-3)
[2025-01-31T09:51:43-0500] [ALPM] transaction completed
[2025-01-31T09:51:43-0500] [ALPM] running '30-systemd-update.hook'...
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