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Well, I'm opening this thread because I haven't found anywhere how to solve it,
I want to use a normal script to open a song in the dmenu, the script and this
choice="$(find ~/Music -type f -name "*.flac" | sort -n | dmenu -i -l 10 -p "Play:")"
[ -n "${choice}" ] && mpc --no-video "${choice}" &> /dev/null &
the problem is that I do not know where to put the script, and be able to run, because if I try to run it through the terminal, it can not be run in normal mode more only with root mode, and when I run the message, command not found
I don't know if I'm doing, something wrong in the script or the place it should run, I'm using i3, I tried to run it like this by shortcut
bindsym Control+A exec 'home/user/.local/script/music'
and nothing happened, if anyone can help me.
Last edited by set (2025-02-04 15:06:31)
I think there's a couple of examples in this old Dmenu Hacking thread. Post #2 might even be a better approach, assuming both dmenu and mpc still work today.
If no command is given, the current status is printed
So add "play" after "mpc", as in the examples given in the thread linked by twelveeighty.
Last edited by Head_on_a_Stick (2025-02-04 16:08:39)
Para todos todo, para nosotros nada
I tried several ways, but there is no way to know if it will work or not, because it denied the execution of the script, and this first problem that I would like to solve, I tried until these the down, and even then it does not work.
DMENU="dmenu -i -nb #000 -nf #7af -sb #000 -sf #fff -x 0 -y 32'"
function add_track
TRACK=$(echo -e "..\n$(mpc ls "$(grep "$ALBUM" /tmp/newalbum.$$ | awk -F / '{print $1}' | sort -f | uniq)/$ALBUM" | awk -F / '{print $4}')" | ${DMENU} -p "Find: " -l 30 -w 640)
[ "${TRACK}" == ".." ] && add_album
if [ "${TRACK}" != ".." ]
mpc add "$(grep "${ALBUM}" /tmp/newalbum.$$ | awk -F / '{print $1}' |sort -f | uniq)/${ALBUM}/${TRACK}"
MORE=$(echo -e "add more\nexit" | ${DMENU} -l 3 -w 100)
[ "$MORE" == "add more" ] && add_track "${ALBUM}"
rm /tmp/newalbum.$$
function add_album
ALBUM=$(mpc listall | awk -F / '{print $2" - " $3}'| grep -v mp3 | sort -f | uniq | ${DMENU} -p "DmMpdC Find: " -l 30 -w 640 | sed -e 's#\ \-\ #\/#')
echo "-${RANDOM}-"
[ -z "$ALBUM" ] && return
MODE=$(echo -e "add\nreplace\nopen" | ${DMENU} -l 4 -w 70)
mpc listall | grep "$ALBUM" > /tmp/newalbum.$$
[ $MODE == "replace" ] && mpc clear
j=$(wc -l /tmp/newalbum.$$ | awk '{print $1}')
J=$(( $j + 1 ))
for ((i=1; i<J; i++))
[ $MODE == "add" -o $MODE == "replace" ] && mpc add "$( sed -n "${i}p" /tmp/newalbum.$$)" > /dev/null
[ $MODE == "open" ] && add_track "$ALBUM"
[ $MODE == "replace" ] && mpc play 1
rm /tmp/newalbum.$$
function select_track
TRACK=$(mpc playlist | ${DMENU} -p "Find: " -l 30 -w 400 | cut -c 2- - | sed -r s/"\).*$"/""/)
[ -z "$TRACK" ] && return
MODE=$(echo -e "play\nremove" | ${DMENU} -l 2 -w 100)
[ $MODE == "play" ] && mpc play "$TRACK"
[ $MODE == "remove" ] && mpc del "$TRACK"
function toggle_random
MRANDOM=$(mpc | grep random | awk '{print $5}')
if [ "${MRANDOM}" == "off" ]
mpc random on
notify-send -u low -t 1500 "MPD" "Shuffle switched on"
mpc random off
notify-send -u low -t 1500 "MPD" "Shuffle switched off"
function mpd_status
notify-send -u low -t 4000 "MPD" "<b>$(mpc --format '%artist% - %album% - %title%'| head -n 1)</b>
$(mpc | head -n 3 | tail -n 2)"
query="$( echo "" | dmenu -p "Search: " <&- )"
[ -n "${query}" ] && firefox"${query}" &
I don't know if this is denial, because the script is wrong, or and other reason.
bindsym Control+A exec 'home/user/.local/script/music'
You're missing a '/' at the beginning of the path.
"Don't comment bad code - rewrite it." - The Elements of Programming Style (1978), Brian W. Kernighan & P. J. Plauger, p. 144.
Pages: 1