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after kernel 6.13.1 update my old Toshiba Satellite A665D-S6059 just died.
i switched to LTS, works just fine.
I have a toshiba satellite myself - but due to its damn nvid gpu which I can't get to work on linux I run win10 on it
but I will give it a try - maybe our two machines might have something in common
I have a toshiba satellite myself - but due to its damn nvid gpu which I can't get to work on linux I run win10 on it
but I will give it a try - maybe our two machines might have something in common
mine is AMD/radeon combo. old piece of junk, but it did it's job well as a file storage with 2 ssd bays. until today's update.
So what is the actual error that you're getting? On the Screenshot I can't really spot something ...
So what is the actual error that you're getting? On the Screenshot I can't really spot something ...
it just doesn't go any further. there is no error. just a hang. i waited like 10 minutes, no go. kernel switch to 6.12.x branch and it's back to normal.
fallback initramfs didn't change anything.
Are you using any out-of-tree modules like broadcom-wl, nvidia, zfs or similar?
Otherwise this could be a kernel regression, which should be bisected and reported to the upstream kernel developers
Are you confident to do the bisection on your own or do you need some help?
If you want we could also provide you with pre-built kernel images for you to test (which greatly speeds up the test time)
Good info to get you started is:
- … sions.html
- … egressions
Since we already determined that there are multiple issues at hand here (sleep + brightness) I would like to have a look at the sleep issue.
Additionally it would be good to see if the latest mainline kernel is affected:
sudo pacman -U\~gromit/linux-bisection-kernels/linux-mainline-6.14rc1-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst
(note that this installs the kernel as linux-mainline, so you need to configure your bootloader to boot it (for example via grub-mkconfig -o ... or by writing the systemd-boot loader entry))
Are you using any out-of-tree modules like broadcom-wl, nvidia, zfs or similar?
no, just MODULES=(radeon) in mkinitcpio.conf.
everything else is standard.
i'll give 6.14rc a shot a bit later.
Does adding the nomodeset kernel parameter help with booting?
Does adding the nomodeset kernel parameter help with booting?
i tried that first. no, it doesn't even get to the modeset.
well - although I got quite a shock when I opened my laptop as my cat seem to have knocked it down and broke its scren (yea - every over day or so my cat manages to break something) - I installed arch with 6.13.1 - and somehow managed to even get the 390xx drivers working (just figured out: the 710m does not support vulkan at all) - runs stable
so whatever is causing issues for your system - can't help here as at least mine still works
for reference - my system is a Toshiba Satellite C50-A-185
guess I'm ripping the ssd now - as the battery also died quite some time ago now it's completely useless ... thanks Shadow (gnarf ... that cat ... *gonna cry now)