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I recently bought an ASUS ProArt 16 laptop with AMD Ryzen AI9 HX and Nvidia Geforce 4070. I've tried to install Arch numerous times and am having every fresh install boot to black screen. The install disk boots up with proprietary Nvidia drivers without problems but the install on the disk comes up with black screen. In researching this it seems others have had the same problem. I've tried everything I've found online with no joy. So far Ive tried: Early loading the drivers in mkinitcpio, adding modeset parameters in grub, adding nomodeset parameters to grub and also adding the Nvidia hook (from Archwiki). I,ve also tried opensource drivers and all I get is a black screen at boot. I can get either openSUSE or Fedora to install and boot normally but I'm an Arch man. If anyone can give me any other things to try I'd be most appreciative. I'm totally stumped.,
are you using hyprland ?
I've got a Zephyrus G16 with the HX370. I have the same issue with SDDM, but GDM works on a fresh install, no tweaks needed. So I did a fresh archinstall, whatever options make sense with 2 important settings:
- linux-zen kernel - I get the periodic freezes mentioned in the wiki article below on the arch linux kernel, but not linux-zen. linux-mainline didn't work for me with SDDM (slightly different problem) but I'll probably try out mainline with GDM and see how that runs, there's some interesting stuff in 6.14 for this CPU that might make it worthwhile to be bleeding-edge on the kernel for a few months
- GDM for DM - I'm SURE it's possible to get SDDM to work here, but I don't have the time to dig into if it's an nvidia prime thing or something else, and GDM worked right out of the box, so GDM with Plasma is fine by me
If it is SDDM that you have now and you want to avoid a full reinstall, I've added GDM and removed SDDM in the past and that seems to work without problem. I think I just did something like:
sudo pacman -S gdm && sudo pacman -Rs sddm
Also, WIKI page for some of this and some other things that you might run into:
EDIT: I spoke too soon. I had freezes this evening on the zen kernel, the zen kernel with the dcdebugmask boot flag mentioned on the wiki page, and even the mainline kernel.
Last edited by jons (2025-02-12 03:13:34)
I use GDM with Hyprland, you have to select which GPU you want to use with hyprland by priority order :
in ~/.config/hypr/hyprland.conf
env = AQ_DRM_DEVICES,/dev/dri/card1:/dev/dri/card0
card1 being the igpu and card0 being nvidia's
Last edited by dwarfman78 (2025-02-12 07:04:55)
EDIT: I spoke too soon. I had freezes this evening on the zen kernel, the zen kernel with the dcdebugmask boot flag mentioned on the wiki page, and even the mainline kernel.
I also have freezes when I use too old kernel (before 6.12, but the bluetooth won't work anyway before this version), OR when I use some types of usb-c hub/dock it freezes after a certain amount of time.
OR when I use some types of usb-c hub/dock it freezes after a certain amount of time.
This is pretty interesting. I've had no luck getting either linux, linux-zen or linux-mainline kernels to run without freezing. Except... I had the laptop on my USB dock (booted with dock, left there) with linux kernel, ndivia-dkms driver, and it didn't freeze overnight.
I undocked it in the morning, used it for ~ 30 minutes and it was OK, then rebooted (again linux kernel) and it hung within about 10-15 minutes of rebooting.
Again, I'm on a different model but I assume the zephyrus and pro art 16 are pretty similar hardware/motherboard, just different displays and chasis.
I started watching some youtube videos about trying to diagnose kernel hangs and crashes, kdb, kgdb, systemtap... I'll try and find some time to dig into all of that because I'd really rather run Linux, so I'd like to help figure out what's going on, but for now I'm just going to have to run Windows on this thing.
thanks, keep us posted then. On my part everything works fine except the keyboard that keeps blinking and some shortcuts that simply won't work (fn key for instance). Some hyprland version ago I had a square artifact on the bottom right of the screen that leads me to think about a failing memory chip but it was hyprland. Ah and I need to stick to an old version of alsa for the audio to work properly.
Last edited by dwarfman78 (2025-02-17 19:52:21)
Hopefully not spammy, just trying to keep some notes to help others. I just tried linux-mainline 6.14-rc3 but the laptop froze after about an hour. This time the screen re-rendered a corrupt screen slowly over 10 seconds right before freezing exactly like it has been.
I did see … wer-AMD-PP talking about thinkpad power profile changes in RC3, but doesn't seem to be any improvement for HX 370 platform or whatever the source of our issue is
Just updated to 6.13.4-arch-1 and my backlit keyboard which was blinking before, went dark, it seems that I cannot turn it back on. Wifi is also awful as it keeps dropping connection.
For controlling keyboard backlight use
brightnessctl --device='asus::kbd_backlight' set 3
Last edited by dwarfman78 (2025-02-24 11:35:38)
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