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@HobbitJack is using a /bin/sh shebang, presumably to avoid the bash bloat, so they should probably read the "Case Conditional Construct" section of … hap02.html instead.
Bash == /bin/sh in Arch but most other distributions aren't so foolish.
Jin, Jîyan, Azadî
In this case it was mostly because this was bodged together several times (this is version 2 lol). Also something of force of Python habit, but this isn't Python. Next time I update it I'll want to merge the argument checking into a case statement, but if I recall I was just adding those ad hoc so whatever came out is what we got here.
I am at least aware of case statements, don't worry! =D
slides massive shell script monstrosities full of bloated case-esac used for data analysis under a rock
Last edited by HobbitJack (2024-12-12 09:06:58)
Astrophysicist and programmer. I like simple things.
A seasonally-appropriate script that uses "find" to scan through FLAC files, find any with "Christmas" or "Xmas" in the file name and asks if the GENRE tag should add "Christmas" as a GENRE if it is absent.
#! /bin/bash
if [[ $# -eq 0 ]]; then
/usr/bin/find . -regextype egrep -regex '.*(Xmas|Christmas).*\.flac' -exec $0 {} \;
GENRE=$(/usr/bin/metaflac --show-tag=GENRE $1)
if [[ ! $(echo $GENRE | /usr/bin/grep "Christmas") ]]; then
echo "$1 does not contain Christmas in GENRE"
read -p "Would you like to add it? [y/n]" answer
if [[ $answer == y ]]; then
NEW_GENRE="$GENRE; Christmas"
NEW_GENRE=$(echo $NEW_GENRE | sed 's/GENRE=//')
echo "New GENRE is $NEW_GENRE"
/usr/bin/metaflac --preserve-modtime --remove-tag=GENRE --set-tag="GENRE=$NEW_GENRE" $1
/usr/bin/metaflac --show-tag=TITLE --show-tag=GENRE $1
Another little script from me, this one to manage my ever-growing collection of 'noteson${thing}.txt'.
case $1 in
echo 'Usage: note COMMAND|NOTE'
echo 'manage notes'
echo "Notes are saved at '~/.local/share/note/'."
echo 'COMMAND:'
echo ' cat NOTE print the contents of NOTE to STDOUT'
echo ' ls list all notes'
echo ' reinit delete all notes and recreate note directory'
echo ' rm NOTE delete NOTE'
echo ' help print this help'
echo ' version print version and license information'
echo 'NOTE:'
echo " Open NOTE in '`basename ${EDITOR:-vi}`'"
echo 'note v2.1.3'
echo 'Copyright (C) 2024 Jack Renton Uteg.'
echo 'License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <>.'
echo 'This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.'
echo 'There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.'
echo 'Written by Jack Renton Uteg.'
if [ -z "$2" ]
echo "note cat: no note specified"
exit 1
cat ~/.local/share/note/$2
ls -1 ~/.local/share/note/
rm -rf ~/.local/share/note/
mkdir -p ~/.local/share/note/
if [ -z "$2" ]
echo "note rm: no note specified"
exit 1
rm ~/.local/share/note/$2
if [ -z "$1" ]
echo "note: no note specified"
exit 1
${EDITOR:-vi} ~/.local/share/note/$1
Exceptionally minimal, since all this is a basic wrapper for a few regular commands that you can otherwise do with a tad bit more typing. Likely not of interest to anyone but me -- but I at least did use 'case' this time
Astrophysicist and programmer. I like simple things.
echo "note rm: no note specified"
cd ~/.local/share/note/
select note in *; do echo "$note" && break; done
Or you look into autocompletion
You also likely want to quote the parameters everywhere, eg. you're testing "$2" but attempt to delete the unquoted $2
I *might* look into autocomplete, but a select interface is interactive and exactly not the kind of thing I want to deal with. I'd rather just be told I typed it wrong.
Fixed the quoting oversight, though.
Astrophysicist and programmer. I like simple things.
If you are like me and always check for updates directly after boot with "yay", then you may want this automation too:
This small script creates and enables a systemd service. The service checks for updates and installs them if available with yay.
# Prompt for the username
read -p "Enter the username: " USERNAME
# Create the service file
cat <<EOF > "${SERVICE_PATH}"
Description=Yay System Update by user
ExecStart=/bin/sh -c "sleep 5 && /usr/bin/yay --noconfirm --sudoloop"
# Enable and start the service
systemctl enable "${SERVICE_FILE}"
systemctl start "${SERVICE_FILE}"
echo "Service ${SERVICE_FILE} has been installed, enabled, and started for the user: ${USERNAME}."
If you get an error like "can't resolve host...", you have do change "sleep 5" to let's say "8" or "sleep 10".
It depends on how fast your internet connection is available. For my connection over cable It must be "5" or more.
The script must be executed as root of course.
Check the status of the new service with "systemctl status yay-update.service".
Ich weiß, dass ich nichts weiß !
If you get an error like "can't resolve host...", you have do change "sleep 5" to let's say "8" or "sleep 10". … 1#p2090691
The script must be executed as root of course.
system services/timers run as root.
PSA: unattended updates (leaving alone with yay) are not a very good idea, you want to log that somewhere and present yourself that log after the session started.
This Script will update with "yay" and informs the user about the progress with desktop notifications.
After that it completely cleans the Pacman / Yay cache and use logrotate on pacman.log file.
Every action is logged in /tmp/yay_update.log
You can start this script everytime you boot with a systemd service.
Here is my /usr/local/bin/ file.
Don't forget to make it executable (chmod +x
Maybe you have to adjust "sleep 5". My cable connection is ready in 5 seconds.
# File: /usr/local/bin/
sleep 5 && ID=$(notify-send -p -t 1000 -u normal -a Yay --hint=string:sound-name:service-login 'Yay Update' 'System update started ...')
# Trim log file to prevent infinite growth
tail -n 100 $LOG > /tmp/yay_update.tmp && mv /tmp/yay_update.tmp $LOG
echo "$(date): Starting system update..." >> $LOG
# Perform system update
if yay --noconfirm --sudoloop --noprogressbar --needed 2>&1 | tee -a $LOG; then
if grep -q "Error" /tmp/yay_update.log; then
beep -f 2000
notify-send -r $ID -t 5000 -u critical -a Yay -i /usr/share/icons/Adwaita/symbolic/status/computer-fail-symbolic.svg --hint=string:sound-name:dialog-error 'Yay Update' 'Error during update! See /tmp/yay_update.log'
exit 1
beep -f 100
beep -f 2000
notify-send -r $ID -t 5000 -u critical -a Yay -i /usr/share/icons/Adwaita/symbolic/status/computer-fail-symbolic.svg --hint=string:sound-name:dialog-error 'Yay Update' 'Error during update! See /tmp/yay_update.log'
exit 1
# Check if no update was necessary
if grep -q "there is nothing to do" $LOG; then
beep -f 500
notify-send -r $ID -t 1000 -u normal -a Yay -i /usr/share/icons/Adwaita/symbolic/categories/emoji-body-symbolic.svg --hint=string:sound-name:dialog-information 'Yay Update' 'No updates available!'
echo "No cache cleanup and logrotate needed, as no update was performed!" >> $LOG
exit 0
# Clean cache
echo "- Cleaning Yay and Pacman cache ..." >> $LOG
yay -Sc --noconfirm 2>&1 | tee -a $LOG
sudo rm -rf /var/cache/pacman/pkg/ 2>&1 | tee -a $LOG
echo "Cache completely cleaned." >> $LOG
# Apply logrotate to pacman.log
echo "- Starting logrotate for /var/log/pacman.log" >> $LOG
if ! sudo logrotate -f -v /etc/logrotate.d/pacman 2>&1 | tee -a $LOG; then
beep -f 2000
notify-send -t 5000 -u critical -a Yay --hint=string:sound-name:dialog-error 'Yay Update' 'Error during logrotate!'
echo "Done! Everything completed." >> $LOG
beep -f 500
notify-send -r $ID -t 1000 -u normal -a Yay -i /usr/share/icons/Adwaita/symbolic/categories/emoji-body-symbolic.svg --hint=string:sound-name:complete 'Yay Update' 'New updates installed!'
Now everything is logged in /tmp/yay_update.log
This script works very well under Gnome desktop/Wayland.
Here ist my yay-update.service file /etc/systemd/system/yay-update.service (Gnome/Wayland):
Don't forget to replace "User=lennart" with your username.
Description=Yay System Update by user
Environment=DISPLAY=:0 WAYLAND_DISPLAY=wayland-0 XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/run/user/1000
Here is the configuration file for logrotate: /etc/logrotate.d/pacman:
/var/log/pacman.log {
rotate 4
create 644 root root
Install the service with:
sudo systemctl enable yay-update.service
Test the service with:
sudo systemctl start yay-update.service
As I wrote before, It works very well with Gnome / Wayland. For other systems, you have to adjust it.
btw. "beep", "logrotate" and "notify-send" must be installed
yay -S beep logrotate notify-send
Last edited by EISENFELD (2025-02-16 11:19:33)
Ich weiß, dass ich nichts weiß !
As discussed in the linked thread, the typically does not do what you'd expect.
Wait until you've an icmp response from a relevant peer.
yay -Scc --noconfirm | tee -a /tmp/yay_update.log
This will drop stderr, otoh you're probably not interested in a copy of stdout?
… >> /tmp/yay_update.log 2>&1
I think "yay --noconfirm --sudoloop --noprogressbar --needed 2>&1 | tee -a $LOG" is the best solution.
I updated the code in my post.
Ich weiß, dass ich nichts weiß !
yay --noconfirm --sudoloop --noprogressbar --needed 2>&1 | tee -a $LOG
It might be worth pointing out that the following IIRC, would be an alternative equivalent.
yay --noconfirm --sudoloop --noprogressbar --needed |& tee -a $LOG
I commonly use '|&' to pipe both 'stdout' and 'stderr'.
Scripts I use:
$ glxinfo | grep Device Device: AMD Radeon Vega 11 Graphics (radeonsi, raven, LLVM 19.1.7, DRM 3.60, 6.13.3-arch1-1.1) (0x15dd)
$ sudo dmesg | awk '/drm/ && /gfx/' [ 6.427009] [drm] add ip block number 6 <gfx_v9_0>
If someone is interested. Here is the final (so far) version with install script:
It works very well on my system, I didn't test it on others. There are also some nice screenshots:
Last edited by EISENFELD (2025-02-25 05:38:34)
Ich weiß, dass ich nichts weiß !
Just got a Rival SteelSeries 3 mouse with leds on it to be used on an always on PC.
To take care of leds, this one turns them off after 15miin inactivity and back on as soon as an input is registered; going to make a simple systemd service out of it:
while true ; do
if timeout 900 inotifywait /dev/input/event* ; then
c1="08080b" ; c2=$c1 ;
rivalcfg --light-effect steady --logo-color $c1 --strip-top-color $c2 --strip-middle-color $c2 --strip-bottom-color $c2
c1="000" ; c2=$c1 ;
rivalcfg --light-effect steady --logo-color $c1 --strip-top-color $c2 --strip-middle-color $c2 --strip-bottom-color $c2
Now if I could find a scriptable way to turn off leds on the K70 core rgb, it would be great.
seems i can leverage openlinkhub for that.
Last edited by kokoko3k (Today 12:35:41)
Help me to improve ssh-rdp !
Retroarch User? Try my koko-aio shader !
Since there seem to be ongoing hurdles with receiving distro news, this prints the ones for the current and previous month in a console-friendly way.
export LC_ALL=C
THIS_MONTH="$(date +'%b %Y')"
LAST_MONTH="$(date +'%b %Y' -d -1month)"
curl -sL '' | tr '\n' ' ' | \
xmlstarlet sel -T -t -m "//rss/channel/item[contains(string(pubDate), '$LAST_MONTH') or contains(string(pubDate), '$THIS_MONTH')]" \
-o $'\n\e[33m' -v pubDate -o $'\n\e[0;1m' -v title -o $'\e[0m' -v description -o $'\n\n────────────────\n' |\
sed $'s/<p>/\\n\\n/g; s/<h.>/\\n\\n\e[1;34m/g; s%</\(h.\|b\|em\|strong\|pre\|code\)>%\e[0m%g;
s/<li>/\\n· /g;
s/>/>/g; s/</</g; s/<[^>]*>//g' | fold -sw 100