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#1 2025-03-07 11:20:39

Registered: 2021-01-01
Posts: 6

erlang-nox merged into erlang-core, but that's not enough

Recent updates have removed erlang-nox and replaced it with erlang-core.
However, there are significant differences between their contents.

erlang-nox used to include the following

  • asn1

  • common_test

  • compiler

  • crypto

  • debugger

  • dialyzer

  • diameter

  • edoc

  • eldap

  • erl_interface

  • erts

  • et

  • eunit

  • ftp

  • inets

  • jinterface

  • kernel

  • megaco

  • mnesia

  • observer

  • odbc

  • os_mon

  • parsetools

  • public_key

  • reltool

  • runtime_tools

  • sasl

  • snmp

  • ssh

  • ssl

  • stdlib

  • syntax_tools

  • tftp

  • tools

  • wx

  • xmerl

while erlang-core includes the following

  • compiler

  • crypto

  • erts

  • kernel

  • stdlib

erlang-nox was used in server software written in Erlang and Elixir, but this replacement no longer works. For example, I am running Akkoma, which is written in Elixir, and it no longer works.

A simple solution would be to install erlang, but the erlang package is somewhat too heavy with dependencies for servers that do not have X installed.

I don't know why erlang-nox was removed, but I need an alternative.


#2 2025-03-07 15:41:46

From: Alberta, Canada
Registered: 2011-09-04
Posts: 1,237

Re: erlang-nox merged into erlang-core, but that's not enough

See Migrate from erlang-nox to erlang split package.

You now add each component (e.g. erlang-asn1) as a separate package.


#3 2025-03-07 17:54:08

Registered: 2021-01-01
Posts: 6

Re: erlang-nox merged into erlang-core, but that's not enough

Thanks, but I understood that.

For example, the conventional

pacman -S erlang-nox

instead of

pacman --asdeps -S erlang-asn1 erlang-common_test erlang-debugger erlang-dialyzer erlang-diameter erlang-edoc erlang-erl_interface erlang-eldap erlang-et erlang-eunit erlang-ftp erlang-inets erlang-jinterface erlang-megaco erlang-mnesia erlang-observer erlang-odbc erlang-os_mon erlang-parsetools erlang-sasl erlang-snmp erlang-ssh erlang-ssl erlang-syntax_tools erlang-tftp erlang-tools erlang-wx erlang-xmerl

but I don't think it is very realistic.

I think it would be better to have a meta-package, a package group, or some other way to make the same environment available to those who need erlang-nox.
And I think it's also a problem if it stops working because of the packages replaced by the update.

There is another problem with this. If installed this way, it will depend on Java and X, which were not dependent before, and the dependencies will be much heavier than before.


#4 2025-03-07 18:35:25

From: Alberta, Canada
Registered: 2011-09-04
Posts: 1,237

Re: erlang-nox merged into erlang-core, but that's not enough

Then don't install erlang-X packages you don't need. Why are you installing erlang-jinterface, which brings in Java and erlang-wx, which brings in X?


#5 Yesterday 15:06:51

Registered: 2021-01-01
Posts: 6

Re: erlang-nox merged into erlang-core, but that's not enough

I am talking about the migration of the erlang-nox package. As long as the erlang-nox package is included in the erlang-nox package, it must be installed.
I have already solved this problem by writing a PKGBUILD that depends only on the packages I need, so I am not in trouble myself.

Users who have been using erlang-nox to run software written in erlang are usually unaware of the libraries needed to run that software. In addition, they cannot assess the likelihood that they will need them in the future, so asking them to install the packages they actually need instead of erlang-nox is not a viable migration option.
This is especially true for users who are not familiar with Erlang.

If Archlinux is not going to provide an erlang-nox equivalent in the future, erlang-nox should be replaced with erlang instead of erlang-core.
That way, even lazy server administrators will not run into the problem of software not working due to updates.

As a side note, erlang-wx is dependent on five other erlang library packages, so erlang-wx will be installed when simply excluded.


#6 Yesterday 16:47:13

From: Alberta, Canada
Registered: 2011-09-04
Posts: 1,237

Re: erlang-nox merged into erlang-core, but that's not enough

post1 wrote:

it no longer works

post5 wrote:

I have already solved this problem

Stop trolling. These forums are for support. If you have a gripe, post to /Off-Topic.


#7 Yesterday 17:50:10

Registered: 2021-01-01
Posts: 6

Re: erlang-nox merged into erlang-core, but that's not enough

I'm reporting issue.

top wrote:

Issues related to package upgrades and the official repositories. Also the place for discussion about pacman in general.


#8 Yesterday 19:22:42

From: Alberta, Canada
Registered: 2011-09-04
Posts: 1,237

Re: erlang-nox merged into erlang-core, but that's not enough

Since you are not affected yourself, stop worrying about "users [that] are usually unaware of the libraries needed" and "lazy server administrators". Arch is not for those types of users.


#9 Yesterday 19:23:02

Registered: 2025-01-07
Posts: 258

Re: erlang-nox merged into erlang-core, but that's not enough

yek wrote:

I'm reporting issue.

top wrote:

Issues related to package upgrades and the official repositories. Also the place for discussion about pacman in general.

this wouldn't fall under pacman & pacman upgrade issue. You aren't running into any issues installing an application.


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