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unrar replaces rar, see
as for your custom package, if you don't want pacman/aurbuild to show updates, give it a different name.
I am a gated community.
yes i know about unrar replacing rar in was just a sidenote to the following
quoting myself
i have rar 3.6.0-1 installed from aur but when i update all my packages with aurbuild it doesnt show on the list thus doesnt look for updates for it
how is that possible? i dont use that many packages from aur ~5 iirc but this is the only package that aurbuild doesnt look for updates for. i dont think it has nothing to do with it being a shareware does it?
There shouldn't be any reason to learn more editor types than emacs or vi -- mg (1)
[You learn that sarcasm does not often work well in international forums. That is why we avoid it. -- ewaller (arch linux forum moderator)
its because 'rar' is not descriptive enough for the AUR to match. Instead, it'll find the letters 'rar' in descriptions and package names but not 'rar' as we want. I have an idea brewing on how to fix this but I'm not sure if it will be possible to implement without messing up other package queries...
ok looked into this further. I can get the package by adding a space variable to aur. The problem is it only works for those packages which didn't come up before.
For example:
"rar" -> not found
"aurbuild" -> found
now if I add spaces by default:
"rar " -> zomg! found!
"aurbuild " -> nope. I don't know what that is.
I could narrow the search down to just unsupported and 100 search results and it still doesn't find it.
I would entertain the thought of submitting a bug report to AUR. However, I've come up with a semi-satisfactory solution: look for the package without the space first and if not found add the space and repeat the search. The only problem with this is if you have alot of foreign packages that are not in aur or in the repos specified in pacman.conf, it could take longer to preform an upgrade session as it will go through the process of checking again if not found the first time.
Anyways try this patch and let me know if it works ok for you.
--- /usr/bin/aurbuild.old 2006-11-06 16:34:06.000000000 -0500
+++ /usr/bin/aurbuild 2006-11-06 17:35:50.000000000 -0500
@@ -274,9 +274,11 @@
print >>sys.stderr.write('ncould not prepare for build: ' + str(e) + 'n')
-def get_tarball(pkg):
+def get_tarball(pkg, pkg_query = None):
+ if pkg_query == None: pkg_query = pkg
+ aur_space = '%20'
- raw_text = Aaurparse.raw_pkg_query(pkg)
+ raw_text = Aaurparse.raw_pkg_query(pkg_query)
except Exception, e:
print >>sys.stderr.write('ncould not retrieve needed data from aur:')
print >>sys.stderr.write(str(e))
@@ -285,12 +287,17 @@
main_url = Aaurparse.pkg_main_url(raw_text, pkg)
- if main_url == '' and UPGRADE:
- return None, None
- elif main_url == '':
- print >>sys.stderr.write(pkg + ': not found in AUR')
- cleanup()
- sys.exit(1)
+ if main_url == '':
+ if not aur_space in pkg_query:
+ # try again with a space
+ return get_tarball(pkg, pkg_query=pkg+aur_space)
+ else:
+ return None, None
+ else:
+ print >>sys.stderr.write(pkg + ': not found in AUR')
+ cleanup()
+ sys.exit(1)
safe = Aaurparse.pkg_safe_status(raw_text, pkg)
I've implemented this patch in version 1.6.1. Should open up more packages than before.
since version 1.6.1-1 rar shows up in list. thanks for including the patch.
There shouldn't be any reason to learn more editor types than emacs or vi -- mg (1)
[You learn that sarcasm does not often work well in international forums. That is why we avoid it. -- ewaller (arch linux forum moderator)
I've made a patch for makepkg v3 backwards compatible with v2 here: … up_id=7176
I'll be waiting until pacman3 is officially released before I implement it. Pacman3 has some nifty python bindings for libalpm that will greatly enhance database speed. I'd like to utilize it in the next aurbuild release along with the this patch.
I've made a big change in the way this operates now. It will require root access but drop down into a designated under-priviledged build user for the builds. It has enabled many new changes so PLEASE take a few minutes to read this before upgrading:
-v1.7 (January 16, 2007)
* Running as regular user is no longer needed. Root access will be required to drop down to a designated under-privaledged
user for building. This will enable greater future scalability while adding a higher level of security to the build process.
* build directory location now in /var/tmp/aurbuild/build/.
* PKGBUILD save location now in /var/tmp/aurbuild/pkgbuilds/
* sudo/su -c are no longer needed.
* options --wait-sudo, --no-sudo removed.
* option --keep-build-dir removed. Failed builds are retained by default now.
* option -c, --clean added to clean the build directory (for failed builds).
* source files are copied into /var/cache/pacman/src to prevent unnecessary multiple downloads.
* Makepkg v2 and v3 compatibility.
* Manpage spelling correction.
I don't know whether it's possible, but here's a feature request:
aurbuild -as ZZZ
detects that YYY is missing and installs it using pacman (from repositories), after that ZZZ is build and installed.
Now i want to remove ZZZ:
pacman -Rs ZZZ
does *not* remove YYY. So i guess you understand what i want
thanks for wonderful tool
its possible to remove make dependencies only. I can work on it next release.
I'm not sure if this is something that aurbuild can improve on, or if it's versionpkg being too smart, but I get the following with aurbuild -bur:
Target: thunar-volman-svn-2442-2
Proceed with upgrade? [Y/n]y
==> retrieving latest revision number from svn... 2442
==> WARNING: PKGBUILD pkgver is 2442, no newer revision available
==> ERROR: exiting now, use versionpkg -f to force update
Indeed I have the latest revision, but presumably I still want to update the package because of the pkgrel bump. Maybe aurbuild just needs to pass the -f argument in this situation.
I am a gated community.
I have a problem after recent upgrade of aurbuild to 1.7.1 . I can't upgrade packages with aurbuild -sur.
As you can see i have installed version 319-1 of sonata:
[root@localhost ~]# pacman -Qs sonata-svn
local/sonata-svn 319-1
A lightweight GTK+ music client for MPD (SVN Version)
But at upgrade to never version with versionpkg choosen i get this error:
==> using makepkg opts `-f -w .'
==> retrieving latest revision number from svn... 327
==> WARNING: PKGBUILD pkgver is 327, no newer revision available
==> ERROR: exiting now, use versionpkg -f to force update
aurbuild: could not build "sonata-svn" with versionpkg.
build directory retained at `/var/tmp/aurbuild/build/sonata-svn.9079'
In some cases you may be able to cd into the directory, fix the problem and run versionpkg with success.
Is this aurbuild or versionpkg problem?
Oh, and as drakosha said, it would be nice if pacman would have a list of dependencies and not just makedependencies of a package installed with aurbuild. except this aurbuild is a great program . Keep up the good work.
Hmm.. it also seems that makepkg3 no longer provides the -w argument. This makes aurbuild error out.
"/usr/bin/makepkg: illegal option -- w"
For what it's worth, I asked the pacman-dev list why this was removed... … 01052.html
I am a gated community.
Great piece of software you have designed here. It really picks up where the base pacman abilities for AUR leave off.
Sorry about that guys. I did have the -f switch for versionpkg but it wasn't being read correctly.
As far as the -w . opts to makepkg, I'm forced to remove them. This means your PKGDEST variable will need write permissions to aurbuild user or group somehow.
I added --rm-make-deps to remove the unneeded make dependencies after a successful build. It's not heavily tested so consider it experimental. My biggest concern was to get to first two fixed.
For what it's worth, I asked the pacman-dev list why this was removed... … 01052.html
ROFL! Thanks for the link that was great.
For the record the reason I wanted to write to a separate directory was because when the build begins it drops down into a under-privileged build user. In order to honor PKGDEST, the build user must have permissions to that directory which means more than likely permissions will have to be modified -not desirable. It also means the package will be owned by that user too which isn't such a big deal but I would rather it be root. Oh and since you are root before the build, its hard to even get a reliable test on the permissions of the directory without completely loosing rights (os.access). So, if the user running the program wasn't aware of the needed permissions to the PKGDEST, he'll have to build the entire package before makepkg realizes "hey I don't have permissions to PKGDEST - fail!".
When I can specify where the package will be built, all of this can be eliminated. After the build I can just move the package to PKGDEST as root.
But I'm not going to argue about it. We all know where that gets us
hmmm, another problem, i think its a typo:
==> Finished making: camorama-cvs (Tue Jan 23 11:49:33 CET 2007)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/bin/aurbuild", line 1237, in ?
File "/usr/bin/aurbuild", line 1213, in main
if use_versionpkg: pkgname = versionpkg(argo)
File "/usr/bin/aurbuild", line 668, in versionpkg
f = os.path.join(_PKGDEST, '*'+PKGDEXT)
NameError: global name 'PKGDEXT' is not defined
yup it is. Should be PKGEXT. I'll fix when I have time...
yup it is. Should be PKGEXT. I'll fix when I have time...
I also noticed I forgot to change the built package 'grepping' techniques after accommodating the absence of -w in makepkg.
So, for those of you who had 1.7.2, upgrade and run aurbuild -v to be sure you have 1.7.3. If not, you'll need to manually install it with pacman -U /path/to/PKGDEST
T-Dawg, this might interest you, I would guess it will be incorporated soon, I'll check on the status for you.
T-Dawg, this might interest you, I would guess it will be incorporated soon, I'll check on the status for you.
Just to clarify: just set the PKGDEST variable before hand and run.
toofishes wrote:T-Dawg, this might interest you, I would guess it will be incorporated soon, I'll check on the status for you.
Just to clarify: just set the PKGDEST variable before hand and run.
makpkg over-rides it once it sources the PKGBUILD.
I would rather keep the current situation then mess with PKGBUILD's just for a good PKGDEST.
I haven't had a chance to really look at that thread yet, forgive me if I'm missing something...
makpkg over-rides it once it sources the PKGBUILD.
I would rather keep the current situation then mess with PKGBUILD's just for a good PKGDEST.
I haven't had a chance to really look at that thread yet, forgive me if I'm missing something...
makepkg won't override because of the way it sets it. It says the current PKGDEST in _PKGDEST and then if _PKGDEST is empty it fills PKGDEST with $startdir, but if _PKGDEST does have something in it, PKGDEST will have the same string as _PKGDEST.
I get such errors:
[~] whoami
[~] aurbuild -s aurbuild
could not transfer extracted tarball contents to destination:
[Errno 13] Permission denied: '/tmp/aurbuild/aurbuild.14382.extract/aurbuild'
And it's like it for all aur package and for aurbuild -us.
aurbuild-1.6.* worked fine.
Try removing /tmp/aurbuild and try again. If it doens't work give me a ls -la /tmp