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I just installed banshee, and I just can't get it to start, I searched the forum and found maybe i should start with this command
dbus-launch banshee
all i get is this
[root@archbox ~]# dbus-launch banshee
No such file or directory
System.IO.FileNotFoundException: No such file or directory ---> Mono.Unix.UnixIOException: No such file or directory [ENOENT].
at Mono.Unix.UnixMarshal.ThrowExceptionForLastError () [0x00000]
at Mono.Unix.UnixMarshal.ThrowExceptionForLastErrorIf (Int32 retval) [0x00000]
at NDesk.DBus.Transports.UnixSocket.Connect (System.Byte[] remote_end) [0x00000]
at NDesk.DBus.Transports.UnixNativeTransport.OpenUnix (System.String path) [0x00000]
at NDesk.DBus.Transports.UnixNativeTransport..ctor (System.String path, Boolean abstract) [0x00000]
at NDesk.DBus.Connection.Open (System.String path, Boolean abstr) [0x00000]
at NDesk.DBus.Connection.OpenPrivate (System.String address) [0x00000]
at NDesk.DBus.Connection..ctor (System.String address) [0x00000]
at NDesk.DBus.Bus..ctor (System.String address) [0x00000]
at NDesk.DBus.Bus.Open (System.String address) [0x00000]
at NDesk.DBus.Bus.get_System () [0x00000]
at NDesk.DBus.BusG.Init () [0x00000]
at Banshee.BansheeEntry.Startup (System.String[] args) [0x00000]
at (wrapper delegate-invoke) System.MulticastDelegate:invoke_void_string[] (string[])
at Banshee.Gui.CleanRoomStartup.Startup (Banshee.Gui.StartupInvocationHandler startup, System.String[] args) [0x00000]
(/opt/gnome/lib/banshee/banshee.exe:11020): Gtk-WARNING **: Locale not supported by C library.
Using the fallback 'C' locale.
Unhandled Exception: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at Banshee.Base.Branding.get_ApplicationIconName () [0x00000]
at Banshee.Base.IconThemeUtils.SetWindowIcon (Gtk.Window window) [0x00000]
at Banshee.Gui.Dialogs.ExceptionDialog..ctor (System.Exception e) [0x00000]
at Banshee.Gui.CleanRoomStartup.Startup (Banshee.Gui.StartupInvocationHandler startup, System.String[] args) [0x00000]
at Banshee.BansheeEntry.Main (System.String[] args) [0x00000]
[root@archbox ~]#
does anyone know of a solution to this? Thanks
/etc/rc.d/dbus start
i tried that and then tried to start banshee and it's splash screen came up and now i get a segmentation fault.
I have the same problem and I cant even reach the splash screen even after starting dbus =/
Edit: with "dbus-launch banshee" I can get to the splash screen but then I get Segmentation fault as well.
Arch with compiz stand alone on my i7 horse of a laptop
I have the same problem and I cant even reach the splash screen even after starting dbus =/
Edit: with "dbus-launch banshee" I can get to the splash screen but then I get Segmentation fault as well.
well, just file a mono bug
have u resolved this [
(/opt/gnome/lib/banshee/banshee.exe:11020): Gtk-WARNING **: Locale not supported by C library.
Using the fallback 'C' locale. ]; error ?
then run locale-gen
The.Revolution.Is.Coming - - To fight, To hunger, To Resist!
I just tried that, and it didn't help, i also notice that when launch like vlc, it says can't set "locale to", i'm not sure what to do here. I tried using quod libet, but each time i launch it adds my music so i have the same song more that once.
ok i fixed the problem locale.gen, by uncommenting the ones i needed. However when i launch banshee from the menu, i get the splash screen now. But then it closes and i get a segmentation fault
[root@archbox etc]# banshee
(/opt/gnome/lib/banshee/banshee.exe:3880): Gtk-WARNING **: Theme directory 32x32/emotexs of theme Aqua-Glade_PNG has no size field
System.ApplicationException: Could not find org.freedesktop.Hal
at Hal.Manager..ctor () [0x00000]
at Banshee.Base.HalCore.Initialize () [0x00000]
at (wrapper delegate-invoke) System.MulticastDelegate:invoke_void ()
at Banshee.Base.ComponentInitializer.Run () [0x00000]
Warning: [1/21/2007 2:50:46 PM] (Cannot connect to NetworkManager) - An available, working network connection will be assumed
Debug: [1/21/2007 2:50:46 PM] (Loading audio profiles) - /opt/gnome/share/banshee/audio-profiles
(/opt/gnome/lib/banshee/banshee.exe:3880): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: value "128" of type `gint' is invalid or out of range for property `bitrate' of type `gint'
Debug: [1/21/2007 2:50:47 PM] (Default player engine) - GStreamer 0.10
System.ApplicationException: HAL is not initialized
at Banshee.Base.AudioCdCore..ctor () [0x00000]
at Banshee.Base.Globals+<>c__CompilerGenerated51.<>c__AnonymousMethod77 () [0x00000]
at (wrapper delegate-invoke) System.MulticastDelegate:invoke_void ()
at Banshee.Base.ComponentInitializer.Run () [0x00000]
System.ApplicationException: Cannot initialize DapCore because HalCore is not initialized
at Banshee.Dap.DapCore.Initialize () [0x00000]
at (wrapper delegate-invoke) System.MulticastDelegate:invoke_void ()
at Banshee.Base.ComponentInitializer.Run () [0x00000]
Segmentation fault
[root@archbox etc]#
[ System.ApplicationException: HAL is not initialized ]
should add hal to ur daemons array in rc.conf
/etc/rc.d/hal start
t start it manually..
The.Revolution.Is.Coming - - To fight, To hunger, To Resist!
noriko, your a life saver. That worked like a charm. Also to give credit to everyone else who helped. For anyone having this same problem, and i know that there is many. This worked.
The.Revolution.Is.Coming - - To fight, To hunger, To Resist!
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