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A very nice theme. Currently unavailable.
I've got the suse source rpm for ximian-artwork, ran it through rpmunpack and cpio. Ended up with source tar.gz. … 00112.html
He talks about copying in a Makefile. How do I do this for arch? Sorry if I sound silly, but this is all way over my head. :oops:
Can anyone lend me a helping hand? Please?
As far as I know, gnome-themes-extras has the ximian artwork, along with other artwork.
potentlias, is DropLine's Gnome artwork [cursors, icons, colors etc..] included too?
As far as I know, gnome-themes-extras has the ximian artwork, along with other artwork.
Part of it, yes. But it doesn't have industrial's icons and metacity theme.
potentlias, is DropLine's Gnome artwork [cursors, icons, colors etc..] included too?
don't think so
potentlias, is DropLine's Gnome artwork [cursors, icons, colors etc..] included too?
dropline gnome is just a wrapper - it downloads the entire gnome desktop, with some minor enchantments.
ie - there is no such thing as "dropline artwork". the cursors (last time I tried) was industrial, and all the theme and their engines are usually included in gnome-extra-themes.
To err is human... to really foul up requires the root password.