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I have copied my saved pkg cache "/var/cache/pacman/pkg/" to an extra partition. With the idea of not having to re-download them for a new install. (about 1.3 gigs)
During the install I mount it to /src/arch/pkg But when I continue, it can't find /src/arch/pkg/setup. So I mount the CD, check and see that it has a
"setup" folder under it's "pkg" folder. I copy that over to my pkg's. Now setup can't find the pacman database, which turns out to be "current.db.tar.gz"(I think), also in the "pkg" folder on the CD.
So my question is, how would I create the "current.db.tar.gz" with my latest cache.
Also, would I need to create the "/src/arch/pkg/setup/packages.txt" also? And if so, how?
Thanks for your help!
[Edit] Note: my install cd is current-08-20061218-i686.iso
ok, I found that on the ftp mirrors I can get … .db.tar.gz
as well as the setup folder... … ckages.txt … pkg.tar.gz
Would it work to just copy these? Or should it be generated off my current cache/pacman/pkg folder? I would rather not download all the files off the mirror, but just keep the ones I use and have already downloaded.
Thanks for your help!
The current db.tar.gz file is generated from gensync. It needs to be run against your packages and PKGBUILD's (?). packages.txt looks like a installation specific file.
Honestly, you would probably be better off using the base install cd. Install from there then when you boot run pacman -U /var/cache/pacman/pkg/* to reinstall all those packages again.
I'm not 100% sure this is what you are looking for, but i just copy the packages to my /var/cache/pacman/pkg (after the base install), and then sync against mirrors. It'll use the local copy when you install something anyway.
The only "quirk" is that pacman has some extra activity going on everytime I -S or -Ss using this method. I Don't know why.
"Your beliefs can be like fences that surround you.
You must first see them or you will not even realize that you are not free, simply because you will not see beyond the fences.
They will represent the boundaries of your experience."
SETH / Jane Roberts
Thanks for the help, that works nice and easy. Base install, mount my pkg cashe, update, then start installing.
Thanks again!