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#1 2007-01-29 18:08:31

Registered: 2006-11-04
Posts: 18

[Solved] - Kernel Panic

Ok, so my second post in like1 hour.

After the unattached inode problem, I tried to convert ext2 ->ext3(I was reading alot about the increased stabilities in ext3). So cool, ahead I go - I google "Convert ext2 to ext3" and the ArchWiki result comes at like the 7th position?....I become really happy, since I see the distro I am using is so upwards in the google crawler cache(I didn't use any Arch specific keywords..). So anyway, I happily follow the steps listed in the wiki, namely:

tune2fs -j /dev/hda3

and changing /etc/fstab's /dev/hda3 filesystem type from ext2 to ext3, as the Wiki says.

And I say to myself, that was really easy - and with a sense of achievement, I reboot.

This is where the ugly trouble snake pops it's head up, and throws out it's tongue a bit, for I get a kernel panic message.

I google again, distraught at ArchWiki, and now, I find some further instructions on converting from Ext2-.>ext3 so I try to do the changing Root partition bit ...where it says mkinitrd and stuff. And I try to boot into Arch through my BootDisk, and into /boot, where I say mkinitrd initrd-2.6........, bash happily returns...invalid command.

Well, any help guys..The Troubleshoot daemon is up and running again.

Last edited by paritosh.aggarwal (2007-01-29 21:47:07)


#2 2007-01-29 18:16:32

From: Stockholm, Sweden
Registered: 2005-04-18
Posts: 131

Re: [Solved] - Kernel Panic

I think it's mkinitcpio and not mkinitrd.


#3 2007-01-29 18:39:52

Registered: 2006-11-04
Posts: 18

Re: [Solved] - Kernel Panic

Thanks for the quick reply.
Appreciate all the efforts, and sorry for the kind-of Angered post..

I did try to do mkinitcpio initrd26.img 26 and it started to work, and said Dry run complete, use -g to actually build the image. I did mkinitcpio -g initrd26.img 26 and it did build, printing success at the end. I rebooted and still the same problem.

A few days ago, I had a Kernel Panic problem while upgrading from Gimmick to Voodoo(0.72 to 0.8) and my friend told me to edit menu.lst in /boot/grub and change the init file to kernel26.img.
Is this somehow related to this incident - do I need to create an image named kernel26.img?

And another question, why is this happening?  I mean, isn't the Wiki supposed to be right?


#4 2007-01-29 20:42:44

From: Colorado
Registered: 2006-06-27
Posts: 126

Re: [Solved] - Kernel Panic

Add "earlymodules=piix" to your boot command. This should fix the problem if it is what I think it is.


#5 2007-01-29 21:46:33

Registered: 2006-11-04
Posts: 18

Re: [Solved] - Kernel Panic

Thanks for the reply.

I tried that bit you told, but to no advantage. But I got it finally.

had to rebuild initd image - Booted into Root Filesystem using BootDiscs kernel. Went into /boot and did mkinitcpio, it said /lib/modules/2.6.16 not found. mkinitcpio told me you could provide a kernel version argument to the command, so I looked up the module name in /lib/modules which turned out to be 2.6.19-ARCH so I performed mkinitcpio -g kernel26.img -k 2.6.19-ARCH and buzzingo:D:D Working Arch again. smile:)

Last edited by paritosh.aggarwal (2007-01-29 21:48:41)


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