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Quick question.
Anyone had any luck building either a mozilla gtk2 or xft version on arch?
I wanted to try it by simply adding the xft option to PKGBUILD and then doing a makepkg but i'm not sure if this will work or not.
I bought a dog the other day...I named him Stay. It's fun to call him... "Come here, Stay! Come here, Stay!" He went insane. Now he just ignores me and drools.
Actually, both options should work just fine. For gtk2, you should set it as the default toolkit. In the works is Mozilla 1.3b. Should be available real soon.
Ok.. i have no clue whether i even did this right so bear with me.. I wanted to build mozilla with xft support.. so i simply changed my mozconfig file to look like this: (note the line i added in bold)
ac_add_options --enable-crypto
ac_add_options --enable-optimize="#CFLAGS#"
ac_add_options --enable-xft
ac_add_options --disable-debug
ac_add_options --disable-logging
ac_add_options --enable-strip
ac_add_options --enable-toolkit-gtk
ac_add_options --disable-toolkit-xlib
ac_add_options --disable-toolkit-qt
ac_add_options --with-default-mozilla-five-home=/opt/mozilla
I then proceeded to attempt to build.. and after quite some time.. received the msg below.. I'm not a pro at this.. so i could've done it all wrong but i'm trying.. help?! I just want an xft or gtk2 mozilla build on arch.. below is my error msg:
c++ -o nsGfxFactoryGTK.o -c -DNATIVE_THEME_SUPPORT -DOSTYPE="Linux2.4" -DOSARCH="L
ABLE_FREETYPE2 -I./. -I./.. -I./../shared -I./../x11shared -I../../../dist/include/x
pcom -I../../../dist/include/string -I../../../dist/include/widget -I../../../dist/in
clude/view -I../../../dist/include/util -I../../../dist/include/pref -I../../../dist/
include/uconv -I../../../dist/include/unicharutil -I../../../dist/include/locale -I..
/../../dist/include/necko -I../../../dist/include/content -I../../../dist/include/lay
out -I../../../dist/include/imglib2 -I../../../dist/include/gfx -I../../../dist/inclu
de -I/usr/abs/network/mozilla/src/mozilla/dist/include/nspr -I/usr/X11R6/include
/freetype2 -I/usr/X11R6/include -fPIC -I/usr/X11R6/include -fno-rtti -fno-exceptio
ns -Wall -Wconversion -Wpointer-arith -Wcast-align -Woverloaded-virtual -Wsynth -Wno-
ctor-dtor-privacy -pedantic -Wno-long-long -O2 -march=i686 -pipe -fshort-wchar -pthre
ad -pipe -DNDEBUG -DTRIMMED -O2 -march=i686 -pipe -I/usr/include/Xft2 -I/usr/include
/freetype2 -I/usr/X11R6/include -I/usr/include/gtk-1.2 -I/usr/include/glib-1.2 -I/u
sr/lib/glib/include -I/usr/X11R6/include -I/usr/X11R6/include -DMOZILLA_CLIENT -inc
lude ../../../mozilla-config.h -Wp,-MD,.deps/nsGfxFactoryGTK.pp nsGfxFactoryGTK.cpp
In file included from /usr/include/gtk-1.2/gdk/gdktypes.h:33,
from /usr/include/gtk-1.2/gdk/gdk.h:31,
from /usr/include/gtk-1.2/gtk/gtk.h:31,
from nsDrawingSurfaceGTK.h:48,
from nsRenderingContextGTK.h:55,
from nsGfxFactoryGTK.cpp:47:
/usr/include/glib-1.2/glib.h:1308:23: warning: ISO C does not permit named variadic m
/usr/include/glib-1.2/glib.h:1311:25: warning: ISO C does not permit named variadic m
/usr/include/glib-1.2/glib.h:1314:26: warning: ISO C does not permit named variadic m
/usr/include/glib-1.2/glib.h:1317:25: warning: ISO C does not permit named variadic m
In file included from nsGfxFactoryGTK.cpp:65:
nsFontMetricsXft.h:248: syntax error before `*' token
make[5]: *** [nsGfxFactoryGTK.o] Error 1
make[5]: Leaving directory `/usr/abs/network/mozilla/src/mozilla/gfx/src/gtk'
make[4]: *** [libs] Error 2
make[4]: Leaving directory `/usr/abs/network/mozilla/src/mozilla/gfx/src'
make[3]: *** [libs] Error 2
make[3]: Leaving directory `/usr/abs/network/mozilla/src/mozilla/gfx'
make[2]: *** [tier_9] Error 2
make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/abs/network/mozilla/src/mozilla'
make[1]: *** [default] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/abs/network/mozilla/src/mozilla'
make: *** [build] Error 2
==> Build Failed. Aborting...
I bought a dog the other day...I named him Stay. It's fun to call him... "Come here, Stay! Come here, Stay!" He went insane. Now he just ignores me and drools.
Ok, I haven't worked with the AL packaged Mozilla 1.2 version other than using it. The build method seems incredibly complex. Anyhow, the problem I see is the use of gtk1 instead of gtk2. AFAIK, the disable toolkit options aren't required but don't hurt anything. Try this.
ac_add_options --enable-default-toolkit=gtk2
ac_add_options --enable-crypto
ac_add_options --enable-optimize="#CFLAGS#"
ac_add_options --enable-xft
ac_add_options --disable-debug
ac_add_options --disable-logging
ac_add_options --enable-strip
ac_add_options --with-default-mozilla-five-home=/opt/mozilla
AFAIK, you don't need the --disable-toolkit options and as mentioned, the --enable-toolkit-gtk is what is causing the error so remove it too since the --enable-default-toolkit takes care of this.
Sorry, I didn't reply sooner but I'm building the newest Mozilla 1.3b. So far, this works decent with gtk2 and xft.
No problem on the late reply.. Thank you for the suggestions.. I'm giving it a whirl now..
Will keep you posted.
I bought a dog the other day...I named him Stay. It's fun to call him... "Come here, Stay! Come here, Stay!" He went insane. Now he just ignores me and drools.
I still can't get mozilla to build in either an xft or gtk2 build. If anyone has done this can they please just upload a pkg to the ftp for me so i can finally install this?!
I bought a dog the other day...I named him Stay. It's fun to call him... "Come here, Stay! Come here, Stay!" He went insane. Now he just ignores me and drools.
Do you care which version? I writing this with version 1.3b recently built on my laptop. I know the options work for 1.2 with XFT properly configured on the system as I have built mozilla but not using the AL package method.
Nope.. the version doesn't matter to me.. as long as it's a running build. If you have one you could upload i'd appreciate it very much..
I've put up a screenshot of the error i got this time..
I bought a dog the other day...I named him Stay. It's fun to call him... "Come here, Stay! Come here, Stay!" He went insane. Now he just ignores me and drools.
Ok, the PKGBUILD and support files are in incoming as mozilla-1.3b-build-stuff.tar.bz2 and the executable pkg is on the way. I can vouch for it working on my system but it has a few requirements. Primarily the 'current' version of Arch Linux as it has the new version of Pango (the 0.4 cd version won't work right.)
The PKGBUILD archive is small, about 20 kb. The pkg itself is over 16 mb. For those who try it and find it missing something it really needs, let me know. However, I did not include the gtk1, qt or xlib as they should not be needed. For myself, I plan to use one without the builtin messaging and news stuff which I use an external program for.
Thanks buddy. I'm trying the pkgbuild as we speak.
I bought a dog the other day...I named him Stay. It's fun to call him... "Come here, Stay! Come here, Stay!" He went insane. Now he just ignores me and drools.
I installed your package BluePhoenix.. and when running it. got the following error
/opt/mozilla/lib/mozilla-1.3b/mozilla-bin: relocation error: /opt/mozilla/lib/mozilla-1.3b/components/ undefined symbol: XftLockFace
Any ideas?!
i couldn't build it with your files either..
I bought a dog the other day...I named him Stay. It's fun to call him... "Come here, Stay! Come here, Stay!" He went insane. Now he just ignores me and drools.
I can only guess that something is not installed or not properly installed on your system. I have built this beast at least a dozen time from scratch using the build files without any problem. In fact, I just built this version sans email and news options.
The error you mention relates to xft2 (yes, I looked in the xft2 header files) which MUST be installed on your system for proper execution. The build machine was installed from the 0.4 ISO and then updated from the 'current' repository. This update is important as it updates gtk2 along with some other files including xft2. You should probably have other things like freetype and fontconfig which the xft system uses.
FWIW, you can verify your system is properly updated to the 'current' status using pacman like this. (good thing you have dsl, I had to download then update.) However, this won't install any missing packages. You must do this yourself.
pacman -Syu
Hmmm, I guess I'll have to get more restrictive on the dependencies. The only one I noticed before I updated (when testing compile options on 0.4 std) was Pango > 1.10 and the obvious xft2 and it's dependencies.
have the same error
xft2 and fontconfig are the latest versions (pacman)
so what else did you do?
apt-get install arch
My system is completely up to date and everything is installed.. but it still will not run.
I bought a dog the other day...I named him Stay. It's fun to call him... "Come here, Stay! Come here, Stay!" He went insane. Now he just ignores me and drools.
As for something different, I can't think of anything else. My system is actually simple, without KDE, although I have QT and Gnome but I don't use Gnome. I do have gtk2 setup via ~/gtkrc-2.0 but I doubt that would really matter.
The desktop is (currently) a combined XFCE4 and ROX-Filer.
The only thing I can think of right now, the user needs to log off and log back in when it's installed as there is a /etc/profile.d/ script which needs to run. If logging out doesn't fix this I will try a different method.
I don't know why things wouldn't build for sinister as he didn't supply the error(s). I have the abs on my system and the mozilla-1.3b was built in the local directory so it wouldn't interfere but this should not cause an error.
I will try this on another clean test box shortly and get back with any useful info.
Before I go offline, here's something I just thought of. I don't have any plug-ins running right now. I don't know if that is a problem for others, I simply haven't added any yet.
Ok, after some quick testing on a different box (which needed updating first) I get the same error. I have no idea wtf this is yet. Even the build method doesn't work even though the OS are basically the same. Go figure.
So, hang tight as I am working with apeiro's mozilla 1.2 build system and booted into the default kernel (just to be safe) and we will se what happens. I hope it doesn't take too long.
What confused me was the build attempt failed with a perl error regarding the length of the command. I would think this should happen on both systems.
argh, a freakin segmentation error in the compiler. I hate that. I'll keep you up to date.
ok bud, it's nice to know i'm not smoking crack here..
I bought a dog the other day...I named him Stay. It's fun to call him... "Come here, Stay! Come here, Stay!" He went insane. Now he just ignores me and drools.
Sorry for the delay. Thursday I had a doctor appt and that whole day wound up being totally unproductive. Then after much head scratching and file comparing between systems plus throwing together a different box for testing, I think I found the problem.
It seems my little laptop has some older XFT libs in /usr/X11R6 (I don't recall what they came from though as this was a recent install) which aren't on the other boxes here and I think this may be where the trouble starts. So I'm currently (in process now!) building this on the clean box with only the 'current' AL version and Gnome stuff but no KDE. I am using apeiro's build method as I had already hacked the few changes it needed to make it work properly.
So, cross you fingers. We may have this bird flying yet. On a bad note though, I've noticed a few small glitches. It is beta though. I'm going through a list of urls via copy and paste and after about 5 or 6 it hangs the browser, the cpu jumps to 99% (I have preempt & low-latency kernel so I still had access) and I had to kill the mozilla-bin process.
Ok, let's try this again. I'll send the build files like last time but I really need someone to test the browser. I used the 'official' build method as designed by apeiro for 1.2 so we will also have access to a seperate library pkg and header pkg (these two are not needed for the browser itself.) BTW, I'm testing right now on a different system than the one which built it so we are already off to a good start.
Ok .. sorry for the huge delay.. been busy. i tried your build files and it gave me the error that it could not find libIDL => 0.60 or something.. which I confirmed is indeed installed.. therefore it's not looking in the right place? I can't proceed from there..
I tried your package and while it installs fine.. i type mozilla and it returns to the prompt without loading anything..
I bought a dog the other day...I named him Stay. It's fun to call him... "Come here, Stay! Come here, Stay!" He went insane. Now he just ignores me and drools.
Since the new 1.3 is released, my beta pkg is rather useless. I would suggest using the current ABS PKGBUILD and adding the appropriate options OR trying the package which lets GTK1 programs use XFT. I've forgotten who posted that info though.
Somehow I got an libIDL with an AL version number of 2, during an update I guess. That problem is now fixed.
I'll try another build sometime today. Gotta get new source...
Ok.. so i just wanted to update everyone, in case there are people still having problems with this. I have had no problems building a mozilla xft package or a phoenix package with xft now. In the /usr/abs/network/mozilla/PKGBUILD file i simply added the enable-xft option.. i also tried the phoenix package on and did the same thing.. and it also worked beautifully.
So i think (for me at least.. ) the problem is resolved.
I bought a dog the other day...I named him Stay. It's fun to call him... "Come here, Stay! Come here, Stay!" He went insane. Now he just ignores me and drools.
Hey sinister!
I'm glad that phoenix works fine for you with xft! But... there's a little problem with mine--phoenix refuses to build for already about a month, spitting out some stupid errors in toolkit/components/history/something source directory.
I thought that you might be able to upload phoenix-0.5-4 to /incoming. The only change you have to make is add `rm -rf opt/phoenix` to the post_remove part of the install.phoenix file.
Thanks :-D