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I made a slight change that only prints out the package name so that way, the results can easily be passed to pacman. For example, now you can do:
pacman -Rn `orphans`
Here it is at pastebin.archlinux
You mean there ain't no builtin way to do this? That's important!
I always roll 20s on my disbelieve checks.
You better believe it.
You mean there ain't no builtin way to do this? That's important!
What is "this"?
BTW, Pacman 3 does print only real orphans when using -Qe.
to live is to die
"This" is killing all packages that were installed at dependencies for packages that don't exist anymore.
And if pacman does that, why not just add an option to remove those packages in one fell swoop?
I always roll 20s on my disbelieve checks.
You better believe it.
Erm, maybe it is my browser, but backslashes seems to be missing from the script... I think this might be connected to the forum conversion?
[manuel@unix ~]$ orphans
syntax error at /usr/bin/orphans line 7, near "/,"
BEGIN not safe after errors--compilation aborted at /usr/bin/orphans line 21.
Erm, maybe it is my browser, but backslashes seems to be missing from the script... I think this might be connected to the forum conversion?
I entered the code again. Looks like it's fixed now.
pt-orphans doesn't handle "Provides:"
Example: amarok-base requires amarok-engine; package amarok-engine doesn't exist itself, but e.g. amarok-engine-xine "Provides:" amarok-engine (just check pacman -Qi amarok-engine-xine)
pt-orphans in this situation includes amarok-engine-xine as an orphan. I don't know perl enough to fix it...
Not much trouble, but I wouldn't recommend doing 'pacman -R `pt-orphans`'.
Last edited by bender02 (2007-02-07 00:31:48)
Yes, you have a point. I've made a new version that has this logic:
if pkg was installed as dependency and not required by any other pkg:
1. provides nothing => orphan
2. provides "someting" => test if any pkg depends on "something" => if not => orphan
And I translated it from perl to shell.
Please try it:
And I translated it from perl to shell.
Please try it:
Same fonction as yaourt -Qt:
Look at the code, it's a litte bit easier:
for pkg in `ls "$PACMANROOT/local/"`; do
if echo $(cat "$PACMANROOT/local/$pkg/desc" 2>/dev/null) | grep -q "%REASON% 1"; then reason=1; else reason=0; fi
if echo $(cat "$PACMANROOT/local/$pkg/depends" 2>/dev/null) | grep -q "%REQUIREDBY% %CONFLICTS%"; then requiredby=0; else requiredby=1; fi
if [ $reason -eq 1 -a $requiredby -eq 0 ]; then
version=$(echo $(cat "$PACMANROOT/local/$pkg/desc" 2>/dev/null) | awk '{print $4}')
echo -e "${COL_YELLOW}${pkg%-${version}} ${COL_NORMAL}seems to be safely removable"
note: yaourt shows automatically new orphans after "yaourt -Rcs" command
I don't understand your code.
grep "%REASON% 1" desc
grep "%REQUIREDBY% %CONFLICTS%" depends
will never match a line in those files.
But I will try yaourt later. I'm in a hurry now.
Well, I don't understand how it works, but it does work The echo and cat thing probably removes the newlines (\n).
But your code doesn't include the issue with "Provides" that bender02 pointed out.
Sorry for the delay - forum's notification doesn't work the way I expected. So I tried, the new works well, but yaourt (great utility, though) doesn't handle the issue I mentioned above (in my example it would remove amarok-engine-xine).
@Speek - thanks for the script!
Thanks Speek, script works great.
This script still working with the new pacman?
I can´t put this script working here...
pacman -Qdt does the same. And you're bumping a four years old thread.
Vanity of vanities, saith the Preacher, vanity of vanities; all is vanity.
What profit hath a man of all his labour which he taketh under the sun?
All the rivers run into the sea; yet the sea is not full; unto the place from whence the rivers come, thither they return again.
For in much wisdom is much grief: and he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow.
Closed. @semeion, its good that you search for threads, but if its 4 years old its pretty certain everything has already changed.
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