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I've followed the directions located here:
and have successfully installed OSS/Commercial v4.
The only problem is it won't actually start.:(
Whether it's during boot, or when I try manually, it always returns:
[renolc@renolc-desktop ~]$ sudo /etc/rc.d/oss-linux start
:: Starting OSS/Commercial [BUSY] Detected Intel AC97 (ICH4)
USB support available in the system
Detected Generic USB audio/MIDI device (BETA)
Detected OSS Transparent Virtual Mixing Architecture
FATAL: Error inserting osscore (/lib/modules/2.6.19-ARCH/kernel/oss/osscore.ko): Cannot allocate memory
Loading the osscore module failed
[renolc@renolc-desktop ~]$
I haven't found anything like this in the forums or wiki, so I'm kinda at a loss.
Any ideas?
EDIT: Problem fixed by installing kernel26beyond. New problem found. See 3 posts down.
Last edited by Renolc (2007-02-09 21:27:54)
i dunno how to fix that, granted i didn't even try ... since it works on k-beyond which i need; and k-mm ...
i read somewhere that there was an issue with the installer inocrrecting detecting regparm / compiling with/out it..
The.Revolution.Is.Coming - - To fight, To hunger, To Resist!
Updated to kernel26beyond and it now works perfectly.
Sorry for the double post, but now that I got OSS/Commercial working, Skype and Flash no longer have sound.
The only way I can get them working again (as far as I can tell) is to disable oss-linux and re-enable soundcore from my rc.conf.
Anyone happen to know a way to get them to work without all this hassle?
I ultimately want to be able to use Skype while playing online games (mostly Tribes 2).
Flash isn't that important, but it gets annoying sometimes when I find something that I want to listen to as well as watch.
These are the only 2 programs I've found that don't seem to work perfectly with OSS/Commercial.
Why bother using OSS at all? Use Alsa and oss-compatibility and your problems should be gone.
That's actually what I've been playing with for the past hour or so.
It ended up working after I configured wine to use either alsa or oss.
Thanks much for the help guys.
wth, where'd my post go...
i originally posted::::
for flash's oss support you need libflashsupport
# $Id: PKGBUILD,v 1.3 2006/12/01 02:53:31 woody Exp $
# Maintainer: Woody Gilk <>
pkgdesc="Macromedia flash plugin support lib (OSS SSL)"
depends=('flashplugin' 'icu' 'openssl')
makedepends=('gcc' 'pkgconfig')
build() {
msg "Building libflashsupport"
cd $startdir/src
$CC $CFLAGS -shared -Wall -Werror -licuuc -lssl flashsupport.c -o || return 1
install -D -m755 $startdir/pkg/usr/lib/
as for skype, i think you should have soem options to change the sound out device ... mayeb change it to dsp1..
The.Revolution.Is.Coming - - To fight, To hunger, To Resist!