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#1 2004-04-05 04:51:55

Registered: 2004-02-04
Posts: 155

How do I backup a drive?

I have a 160GB /dev/hda with:
  /dev/hda1 = /boot (ext2)
  /dev/hda2 = swap
  /dev/hda3 = / (resiserfs)

I have a 200GB with unimportant data at /mnt/data1

I have a 200GB backup drive at /mnt/data2

Is there an easy way to backup the data from the 160Gb drive to the /mnt/data2 ?

My 160GB drive is a replacement for a 120GB drive that croaked, and next time I dont want to lose everything.  I'd like to make an "image" if possible, under Windows I used DriveImage to make an exact image of the NTFS partition (good for restoring without having to call Micrsoft for permission).

If I make an "image", it would be from a 160GB Maxtor (what I have now) to a Western Digital 160GB drive (which I bought a few of at CompUSA when they were $60).  Is it possible to restore the image from a Maxtor to a WD?

I'm trying to plan ahead this time!



#2 2004-04-05 19:26:51

Registered: 2004-02-04
Posts: 155

Re: How do I backup a drive?

I'm using ReiserFS, and I read that "dd" only works on ext2 and ext3 drives...

Should I switch to ext3 so I can make good backups?

I read that with tar and cpio you should mount the drives as read-only, but the drive I want to backup is the root "/". 

Any suggestions?



#3 2004-04-05 21:54:08

From: Aarau, Switzerland
Registered: 2003-05-27
Posts: 3,378

Re: How do I backup a drive?

have a look at … image.html

unfortunately the main page of partimage is down :-(

The impossible missions are the only ones which succeed.


#4 2004-04-06 08:15:45

From: Scotland
Registered: 2003-07-09
Posts: 188

Re: How do I backup a drive?

If you are prepared to do the backup from within Windows, Acronis True Image supports ReiserFS as well as ext2/ext3 and will also do incremental backups.  Takes about 5 minutes every morning to back up my Arch installation, then I can reboot into Arch for the rest of the day!  I have restored from it several times in order to clone my Arch installation to another partition or a new drive, and it has also saved my bacon on a couple of occasions in crisis situations.


#5 2004-04-16 14:43:16

From: Frequent Flyer Underworld
Registered: 2004-03-23
Posts: 612

Re: How do I backup a drive?

dp wrote:

have a look at … image.html

unfortunately the main page of partimage is down :-(

Take dp's advice.  I have been using "partimage" reliably for the past 2 years or so.  It's an "ncurses" based GUI, but does the job well.  Later versions may have went to GTK or some such.

That's a weird link you gave for "partimage" though.  Their main website is , if we're talking about the same one that is.

A Brief synopsis about Partimage:

Last time I checked, it supports ALL Linux filesystem types.  You have 2 different levels of compression when it makes an image of your partition.  You can burn an image to a CD-R.  They even have a rescue CD ISO that you can download, so there is no need to unmount partitions or have a second drive.  Nice.  Very Nice indeed.  It's got all kinds of sweet doo-dads, but those were the best.  It's very easy and intuitive to use.


#6 2004-04-16 21:54:08

Registered: 2004-03-25
Posts: 23

Re: How do I backup a drive?

Here is something else i have known people to use, it makes an image of our harddisk, or whatever directories u tell it too. I havent tried it myself, but from what i understand, it works pretty good.

Its called Mondo


#7 2004-04-18 17:13:18

From: Frequent Flyer Underworld
Registered: 2004-03-23
Posts: 612

Re: How do I backup a drive?

punkass wrote:

Here is something else i have known people to use, it makes an image of our harddisk, or whatever directories u tell it too. I havent tried it myself, but from what i understand, it works pretty good.

Its called Mondo

I've never used "Mondo" before, and I seem to have a problem getting it to compile for me.

I fetched the latest ".tgz" source from that link.  I believe it was called "mondo-1.75_cvs_20040418.tgz".  I even tried the "stable" branch (version 1.6x) and receive the following error:

"../common/my-stuff.h:185:18: newt.h: No such file or directory"

I fetched the latest "newt" package from the AL repository with "pacman -Sy newt", but it still errors out with the same.

I believe the "newt.h" header is from the development version of "newt".  The AL repository doesn't seem to supply that header, unless I'm doing something wrong.

That link doesn't seem to have an AL distribution binary anywhere to be found either.  Although, I did see an Ark package.  I'd like to try "Mondo" out.  Any suggestions?


#8 2004-04-19 01:02:10

Registered: 2004-03-25
Posts: 23

Re: How do I backup a drive?

Well i did notice on there download page that they have a list of

" The packages most often missing are:-" … nload.html

and one of them is newt.

so you could download and build that one.


#9 2004-04-20 10:01:45

From: Cyperspace?
Registered: 2004-04-11
Posts: 231

Re: How do I backup a drive?

Here's one way to backup a partition.

You have to boot to another GNU/Linux OS (Knoppix or any live cd will prolly do it).
Mount the partition you want to backup and the partition where you want
to backup it to. The other partition has to have atleast the same amount of
free space that the first takes.
After you've mounted them, do:
cp -Rav /partition/you/want/to/backup/* /partition/to/backup/to/

Change the paths of cource.
It will take a while, depending on the drives size.
When it's done, it's backuped!
You only need 'mount' and 'cp'. No other programs are really needed.

This will not make an image of the drive though.
But just by changing the boot parameters correct for the new partition you
can boot to it, and it'll be the same as the old partition!


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