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i've installed laptop-mode-tools to be able to automatically adjust hd parameters and turn off the lid when it's closed down. well i ran into some problems
1.when i closed the lid the screnn was black but the backlight was turned on. i fixed this by editing /etc/acpi/actions/ to:
# lid button pressed/released event handler
test -x /usr/sbin/laptop_mode && /usr/sbin/laptop_mode auto
if grep -q open /proc/acpi/button/lid/LID/state
/usr/bin/xset -display :0.0 dpms force on
/usr/bin/xset -display :0.0 dpms force off
This now turns of the backlight but there is another problem. if another user is logged in on a different display this doesn't work. i tried eraseing -display :0.0 argument but it didn't work. how can i repair this?
2. for using hdparm it says in the wiki … own_Kernel that you must enable some kernel settings. is this maybe included in the beyond kernel?
3. does hdparm permanently change hard-drive settings or you need to run it every time the computer boots?
Last edited by billy (2007-02-12 17:36:23)
1) use vbetool instead X
if [ ! "$(cat /proc/acpi/button/lid/LID/state | grep open)" = "" ];
then vbetool dpms on
# else hibernate
2) 3) use extra/laptop-mode-tools
vbetool works the same as laptop-mode-tools with same problems as before: backlight on and (forgot to mention it in previous post ) when i open the lid the screen is still black and must do ctrl+Fx then ctrl+F7 to see the desktop
. is this maybe because i use fglrx rivers?
well i combined both scripts into one and now it works :
if grep -q open /proc/acpi/button/lid/LID/state
/usr/bin/xset -display :0.0 dpms force on
vbetool dpms on
/usr/bin/xset -display :0.0 dpms force off
vbetool dpms off
the screen is still black (with backlight turned on) when i open the lid but when i move the mouse the desktop shows up. on the other display (not :0) the desktop shows up on itself thou .
Is it ok to turn off/on dpms twice?
thx for the help zeus!
try vbetool state save/restore (search in google... i don't remmember correct commands)
but i think vbetool dpms on/off must be enough
i restarted my laptop and your vbetool script was working. but after a fullscreen 3d game i had to do ctrl+alt+fx ctrl+alt+f7 again to se the desktop . it's like the system works different every time i boot.
seems like your acpid boot not at evry system boot
Have you add "apm=off acpi=on" at kernel param line in menu.conf?
ok, i restarted the laptop again and found out that a 3d game isn't causing the problems. i recrated the problems by:
- creating a new graphical login at a different display (System->new login in xfce menu ... i think this option became availabile when i installed gnome)
- then switching bact to first (:0) display
until then the vbetool dpms on/off was working great (even on second display).
i don't know if this is connected but when i go to init 3 (i boot into init 5) i get a black screen too. but here the virtual consoles don't appear even if i change between them.