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Hey, all i have is a root account right now, and i can't find my .xinitrc file,
shouldnt it be
/home/.xinitrc ?
or is it somethign else? i've tried a lot of folders and used ls but cant seem to find it newhere, so i tried creating my own but i think its probably in the wrong spot because it doesnt work. can someone point me to where it is?
Thanks a lot
create it in your /home/username/
riht now the only folder in my /home is ftp.
And currently im only using root cuz i just installed, so should i create a
/home/root directory and put it there?
I see now...System wide xinitrc is in /etc/X11/xinit.
For root you would create one in /root.
Once you make yourself a user, then you would create one for that user in /home/username
Last edited by somairotevoli (2007-02-21 22:32:54)
oh ok thanks, one last questionets, kind of very stupid.
Whats the line for making a user properly, because im looking at all the options, and im using them, and i've tried like 100 times to make one and i cant seem to get it properly.
i want username to be drewch, groups: wheel, audio, and any others that would be good for the only user using the computer.
shell is bin/bash
home directory, the default
password 123
and i dunno what else, but its really confusing me making a user, its not working out
Thanks a lot and sorry for dumb question:(
mkdir /home/drewch
useradd -d /home/drewch -G wheel,audio,optical,video drewch
passwd drewch
make sure you give write permission to the /home/drewch directory for your user
Actually I just learned u can just type
for a walk through
Last edited by somairotevoli (2007-02-21 23:02:55)
thanks a lot!
Its generally a bad idea to start X while using root. You may run into some permission problems
Pages: 1